Meet The Author Caitlin D Burnside...Who am I? Two New Series!

She's the author of "Eternal Love Series" (4 Novels of Historical/Paranormal Fantasy), which were written during the Pandemic Lockdowns of 2020. The year 2021, saw her beginning a Trilogy titled "Heavenly Unions" which is her current WIP.

In 2022, she was planning to launch her Eternal series, but tragedy struck her family. Everything has been on hold since, out of respect for her loved ones. Soon, it'll be back on the writing board...

A child in the 60-70s. A hard worker, a happy bride, mother of two lovely munchkins in the 80-90s. A world traveller and a full-time carer since the 2000s. Nowadays, a widow, with a daughter and cat, lives in beautiful Scotland by The Clyde.


Synopses of the eBooks in the Series

The MazeBright Family, residing in the heart of Scotland since the 1990s, invites readers on an adventurous journey through their lives on Earth. Delve into their extensive collection of journals, diaries, and letters to uncover their centuries-long existence, marked by wars, survival challenges, and the quest to conceal their true nature, all in pursuit of a peaceful existence.

  1. BIRTHRIGHT eBook (1) of (4)

    BIRTHRIGHT eBook (1) of (4)

    SYNOPSIS: Ella Rose, the narrator's best friend, abruptly leaves school, promising that someone amazing and something terrible will come into the narrator's life. They will discover truths and lies, eventually seeing Ella again and learning the whole truth. Ella mentions a "Divine Decree" which will be her Birthright and says she will be watching. The narrator is puzzled but not overly concerned about her future. She wonders what lies ahead and expresses sadness over losing Ella's comforting presence.

  2. FORESIGHT eBook (2) of (4)

    FORESIGHT eBook (2) of (4)

    SYNOPSIS: After being summoned, the protagonist is visited by a mysterious woman who brings him breakfast and a note from the Queen. Confused about his location and the whereabouts of Skyler, he realises he is unable to get out of bed due to an invisible barrier and the presence of an IV. He deduces that he is under a stasis spell for protection during the journey, but is eager to be revived and learn the destination.

  3. CHARISMA eBook (3) of (4)

    CHARISMA eBook (3) of (4)

    SYNOPSIS: For those who haven't read the first two books in the Eternal Love Series, you've missed out on the most important part of the series. In this installment, the MazeBright's Journals continue, exploring characters that were previously mentioned but not fully explored. This book delves into the unique way of life of the Vampire/Witch Blended Humanoids from the Meridian Galaxy, a living race with romantic encounters and heavenly unions. Get ready for three full stories of love in its simplest form for this amazing race of Supernaturals.

  4. SEDUCTION eBook (4) of (4)

    SEDUCTION eBook (4) of (4)

    SYNOPSIS: In the final installment, love abounds. All the remaining couples listed their life's stories in the MazeBright’s Journals. First off, three royal guards discover that one of the Royals they protect is not who they appear to be and is under a spell. This revelation poses a threat to the Queen of Vampires, as her legacy is supposed to consist only of sons. The story follows a love story filled with rescue, new life, and hope. More seduction follows!


Cast of Characters

The MazeBright Family Plus One

ADRIAN -- Born as His Lordship Adrian of LynxByrd on Sangre. Father to his brood and husband to Autumn (née of HavenGlow). Founder of Hellebore Coven in 1600. Owner of Taygan Law Offices in Scotland.

AUTUMN -- Born as Her Ladyship Autumn of HavenGlow on Elymas. Mother to her brood and wife to Adrian. Owner of Pitstone’s Little Big Shoppe, an herbal mercantile.

SANTINO -- First born son in 1550 in France. Married/w/Children. Restaurateur and Hôtelier, owner of La Mouètte in Camaret-sur-Mer, France.

SOREN -- Second born son in 1570 in France. Married/w/Children. Oenologist in Viniculture. Owner of a Winery Estate in the North of France at Maison Chanterelle.

SIGMUND (known by the surname of LynxByrd) – Third born son in 1610 in Italy. Married/w/Children. Oenologist in Viniculture. Byrd/Bright Wines Estate owner at Cascades House in Chatham, Kent, England.

SALVATORE -- Fourth born son in 1710 in Portugal. Married/w/Children. Owner of Àrsaidh House, where a special Scotch whisky is made, also part owner of Blacken Lens.

SAXE – Fifth born son in 1790 in Germany. Married/w/Children. Co-Owner of Wild Horses Estate in West Calder, Doctor of Medicine et al.

STEN – Sixth born son in 1890 in Wales. Married/w/Children. Co-Owner of Wild Horses Estate in West Calder, Doctor of Medicine et al.

SKYLER -- Seventh born in 1990 in Scotland and only daughter of Adrian and Autumn. Part of 'Divine Decree' a wee Witch by birth but with a unique future and the heroine of this Eternal Love Series.

CALLEN (Lord of HawkStorm) -- Known to Skyler as 'Uncle Callen' born a Vampire on Sangre in the 1100s. He's instrumental in helping Skyler face her destiny!


Synopses of the eBooks in the Trilogy


After centuries existing as an Angel duty-bound to help lost souls find their way through birth and death, she fell in love with Malik while sharing their eternal duties.

Both Powers Angels, they decided to experience their love as Humans on Earth. Armed with their Angelic skills, they will help many.

However, their meeting as lovers will be delayed as Angeline, hopeless with directions, lands with the wrong family.

Eventually, Malik will rescue her!

As above, so below! Life is beautiful...

  1. BEHOLDEN eBook (1) of (3)

    BEHOLDEN eBook (1) of (3)

    THE MAIDEN YEARS / 1960-1980

    Well...you have to begin somewhere in any good storytelling! Without further ado, here is an introduction to how I went from my lofty cloud days as a Celestial Being, to finding my way down to Earth and getting lost in the process.

    It takes forever for the application (yes dear readers -- paperwork, ha!) to be received after you put in a request, of course! Then you have to fill it in (and they're quite a few pages), once completed it has to be made into a triplicate set as each Ward (aka department) requires a copy. Finally, before you hand it over for the process, you have to face THE SCALES!

  2. SUBLIME eBook (2) of (3)

    SUBLIME eBook (2) of (3)

    THE MOTHER YEARS / 1980-2000

    After meeting a Gypsy in the late 70s, the reading she gave me was prophetic. Independence years, where I travelled alone, to see if I could leave the home nest, get my own place... It was eye opening and I felt confident returning from a wonderful holiday.

    I was saved by the "Luck of The Irish"... St Patrick's Day was indeed lucky for myself. Meet my soulmate, we fell in love... Recognising each other from our existence beyond the veil... Well, I did...

    Wedded bliss for too few years... Sad... When a blessed event took place, my heart was overjoyed. My better half was overwhelmed. It was subtle to begin with and without any support, I had to make important decisions on my own. It wasn't easy.

    The moving, the medical troubles, the schooling, the rejections, the lies and the abuse. A time period where loneliness reined supreme...

  3. GOLDEN eBook (3) of (3)

    GOLDEN eBook (3) of (3)

    THE WISDOM YEARS / 2000-2020

    We went on living... separate lives... Thankfully, love was still with us. Nevertheless, loneliness was inevitable. Halfway through the first decade of the Naughties, living alone came to an end but the world was changing rapidly.

    Terrorism, diseases and it would end with Pandemic lockdowns that would turn our world literally upside down... We were nearing our Golden years, but a heartbreaking 4 years would plunge just two out of four into the lonely years again...


Cast of Characters

The Families of Heavenly Unions (from the Elysian Fields and on Earth)

Main Character, ANGELINE as she was known on the Elysian Fields. An angel duty-bound for many a century, she took care and gave help to souls at the moment of birth and death. Some souls have relatives collecting them, many are alone. Therefore, she's Guardian Angel for new souls. She's permanently in her mid-20s, the age she'd lost her life on Earth, originally. She finds forbidden love with her partner on the Elysian Fields. She decided to move to Earth.

Main Character MALIK on the Elysian Fields. He was ANGELINE'S counterpart. What you might call, a gentler angelic version of the Angel of Death. He accompanied the newly deceased that have no family or relatives in the Elysian Fields (Heaven). The Angel of Death is only for the ones who went to Tartarus... Both of them stayed away from him...

One of the cherubs (wee angels who died in infancy and therefore pure of heart). She's the daughter of Evangeline and Elvin on Earth. She's inherited many abilities which she cherishes.

Another gift from Elysian. He's the son of Evangeline and Elvin on Earth. His time is fleeting...

Evangeline's beloved Papa, totally by accident. He begins work in a vineyard. He eventually inherits a vineyard. He fell head-over-heels in love with JULIETTE, but it's no bed of roses, dark forces are afoot...

Mother to Evangeline and Delphine plus 4 more who didn't survive their births. She agrees to marry AARAN but hides too many secrets...

Marie-Anne (née Cotillard) and Luc A Bessons. Her maternal uncle, Louis-Albert Cotillard Lives with them in her childhood home. He'll give up the grapes for a different life which remains unfulfilled.

The only sibling of Evangeline. She never was happy to end up with a sister. She makes life difficult for Evangeline. There's an important factor as to why... Darkness reigns in her soul...

Brother-in-law to Evangeline and husband to DELPHINE. They'll only have one child, a son and nephew tainted by his mother's darkness.

More to come from the WIP.