Fonts And Colourings
Hi! I’m Jemma but you can call me whatever you’d like, here on this website I have colouring tutorials for some who are interested in knowing my secret... I also will be putting fonts so stay tuned!
1st colouring tutorial: Aesthetic!
Here how to do an aesthetic colouring, first go and get the app prequel, open the app and add the filter teal on 100%! Next, put the effect diamond 100% filter and 0% sparkles. Next go into adjust and add exposure +50, highlights +50, shadows +100 glow +11 and aberration 50! (Blur is optional at 45%) Now go into colourtone and add the filter coogee at 100% shadows and 60% highlights :) have fun with this colouring!
2nd colouring is made by dunkinsvelve
a fellow fanpage!
First go into the app 24fps and add the filter “tak3 to m3” and then save video and open ultralight, now that your in ultralight put clarity -10, sharpen +10 and saturation pink +5! Next app is prequel, when in prequel put on filter Boston at 50%, effect palm 2, warmness 15% and opacity 0%. Next go into adjust and contrast +15, highlights +100, shadows -100 and haze 19% and 9% for glow. (Once again blur is optional) Nextttt save video and go into colourtone, go into jasmine hand and put filter marble on at 50% intensity! Then go back into 24fps and add tak3 to m3 or whatever filter it is and then put intensity 30%! Thanks for listening. Next up is fonts :)
Font pack!!!
• cheeky rabbit
• hug me tight
• marola
• MomsDiner
• lemon milk light
• kind heart
• Adelia
That’s all the fonts I use! Have fun editing and stay great! Bye!