Greetings & Welcome!!!

I am Authoress Rochelle S. Morrishaw a Trauma Warrior and Advocate who was born and raised on the beautiful island of Saint Thomas, Virgin Islands!


Again, I am Rochelle Sherise Morrishaw, RA-AS. I’m a mother of five, Inspirational Speaker, Registered Trauma Advocate, Holistic Wellness Coach, Dance Educator and Professional Dancer who decided to write a book narrating my traumatic experiences! A book———One, that turned into three!!! "Once I started writing, I realized; "OMG! I have survived various forms of trauma and I needed to take time to break down each type accordingly!"

My trilogy is nonfiction, and contains short stories about my personal life over the years from childhood to adulthood. They were released from the most healed version of myself and are birth for me to help others like I helped myself. Healing is not linear, it is an ongoing process." With that being said I have been very blessed to have my clients trust me to assist them in their dire circumstances when they could trust nobody else knowing that I was Helping While Healing!

The best way for me to help you help yourself is for me to be transparent about myself. But, I want you to know that I wrote this trilogy with you in mind. There are some private and personal details that you will read, and you may be moved to judge me and I am fine with that as long as it helps the person it is intended for. I want to help the reader who needs this to understand that you are not alone and it is not your fault, to help you understand that some of the things people like to say doesn’t exist or are myths actually do exist and are facts. You are not overreacting!!!!!

Your trauma is real and you are not alone. I understand if you are not or may never be ready for therapy, but I want you to be able to help yourself, heal yourself, empower yourself, and love yourself wholeheartedly. This trilogy is for the girl I used to be!!!!! This trilogy is for you!! I am no longer a victim. I am no longer caged. I am now better, not bitter. And I hope this Self-Help Workbook Journal helps you too!!

Helping While Healing -RSMorrishaw
The Dancing Advocate -VI SpiceyDiamond DHQ

Visit Chelle’s Authoress Page

Message from the Authoress!!!!!

Inspirational Speaker * Trauma Advocate * Holistic Wellness Coach * Dance Educator * Professional Dancer

Some Of My Favorite Personal/Sayings Are:
3. Dance Is Medicine, Dance To Heal!!!
4. Dance To Express, Not To Impress!

I love everything about music, dancing, entertainment, and performing arts. As a teenager I was raped the night before my 14th birthday, diving into education, and entertainment helped to empower me, so in turn I use dance, and education to help others regain their strength, and power. I have been residing in Toledo, Ohio since 2003, with my 5 amazing kids, however I was born and raised on the beautiful island of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands located in the Caribbean.

I am the owner of, and Dance Educator at Diamond Butterfly Entertainment, LLC a Caribbean styled mobile dance studio. I have various classes for everyone from ages 0-Adults. I am the Founder, and Executive Director of Women Helping Encouraging Women aka WHEW, Inc a 501(c)3 grassroots non-profit organization headquartered in Greater Northwest Ohio. I am a Certified Victims Advocate that focuses on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault/Rape, Child Victim’s Advocate and Human Sex Trafficking.

When I graduated with my degree in Criminal Justice. Originally, my heart was set on becoming an Officer of the Law to put the bad guys & gals away, but I had a change of heart along the way. With both my Muddah and I both being survivors with very little or no help my interest to become law enforcement began to decline. My passion grew to be there for victims of crime that has or is going through what my Muddah and I sadly experienced on more than one occassion. To advocate for their rights, help them with whatever needs they may have, and assist them in navigating the criminal justice system.

I often say, “It is more important for me to help others heal & regain their self-love, strength, confidence, and power - over spending my time & life chasing irresponsible, disrespectful fools. I’ll let God & other Law Enforcement agents handle them”! I am a down to earth, transparent, helpful, caring, people person that prays one-day crime will halt.

Sincerely, With Lots of Love,

Rochelle S. Morrishaw, RA

Full Article Here
  1. WHEW, Inc. Protesting Against Violence In The City!!!!

Inside Peek Of Healing Trauma Through Dance

Scroll down to get a look inside!

Foreword by Ms. Kimberly

This book depicts moments from my past where I was both an indirect and direct victim of domestic violence. There are some traumatic parts of my past life that I am nervously excited to share with the world in hopes that it will help whomever is in need.

Graffirmation Page

This is where gratitude and affirmation comes together!

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Dedication & Thank You Page!!!!

These Three Women Is & Were Instrumental In My Dance Career!!

My Love, My Muddah

Book 1 is dedicated to my Muddah. With her and God all things are possible. I have NEVER seen this woman cry, wait for things to be given to her, or give up. She is a hard worker who always made a way when there was none. We did not always have the greatest relationship, but I’m thankful that we are inseparable now. I do not know what I would have done these past few years without your unwavering love and support. Thank you for being there for me and my chirren. Thank you for encouraging us to be strong and most importantly to follow our dreams no matter what. Thank you for protecting me the best way you knew by keeping me active and involved. You granted me permission for and somehow paid for everything I showed interest in from Bamboula to Indians Carnival Troupe, VIIPA (Virgin Islands Institute of Performing Arts), Spring Queen which I won and was able to actually be in St. John’s Parade, Track and Field (traveling to the B.V.I. for me to track meets), and more. Plus, super huge thank you for supporting me when I competed in every DHQ competition and NOT judging me but rather babysitting when I even entered the world of exotic dancing! Thank you for it all. I love you mammy and I appreciate you greatly. This is for you, me, and us!!! Words is not enough to express my gratitude. 🤞🏾💯😘

My Second Love

Book 2 is dedicated to my lovely African Dance Instructor Ms. Christopher. During a time where my mother was struggling with her own traumas unknown to me, my dance instructor became so much more than a teacher to me. She became a second mother I did not know I needed and I miss her so much. Rest In eternal peace my love until we meet again. 🙌🏾✨

My Third Love

Book 3 is dedicated to my beautiful dance sister, friend, and mentor American DHQ Destiny. We met during a competition we both participated in in Toronto, Canada and built an immediate connection for Life. We talked, laughed, cried, hugged, and toured together. She's slept at my place in Toledo, I've slept at her place in Cleveland. She peek my interest and creativity to make my own clothes for performances. She introduced me to a taste of freedom and no fucks to give. We were 2/4 of C.A.T.S DHQ Team (a Dancehall Queen squad that consisted of four crowned DHQ's). I miss you so much sis.🤞🏾💯 Rest In eternal peace my love until we dance together again.

Thank You For Sharing Your Time With Me!!!

You could have been doing anything right now, but you shared a moment of your life with me. It doesn’t matter the reason you are here, thank you greatly!! And God Bless You!!

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I, Rochelle S. Morrishaw was born and raised in the Caribbean which many know to be a beautiful paradise, but there were times that for me it was a dark paradise!

That is the reason I became a change agent for trauma victims and holistic wellness coach. I know both personally and professionally the psychological effect trauma has on mind, the physical aspect of how trauma affects the body, how important building a community and social support is important and effective in recovering from trauma, I also know how important nutrition is when it comes to feeding your body, regain your strength. Once I realize how trauma affected me and those around me due to my behavior, I started recognizing the