I'm Cheryl Kahla.
Or just Kahla. It rhymes with Guatemala. But even just K is fine.
Swipe for tech reviews, ADHD content, and links to my other internet hideouts.
Wanna get to know me first? Sure! I'm many things. Professionally, a journalist and Ambitchous Troublemaker passionate about the future of digital publishing and storytelling, remote work and being a digital nomad.
In my spare time: a digital artist, tech enthusiast, gamer/gadget lover/reviewer, cineaste. I wander (and am not opposed to getting lost anymore), I explore, I learn, I tinker, and I find weird shit on the internet. It's quite fun.
Also love the smell of rain and books (not together), and cats (as a species generally, not their smell, but don't Google 'cat scent toxoplasma gondii'....) And I overuse parentheses.