
Growing up in a very non-spiritual environment as a child, I couldn’t make sense of my psychic abilities, so I eventually shut them down. I remember seeing spirits at night, being able to feel other people’s energies and emotions, collecting crystals and reading astrology books but since everyone in my environment was vastly different, I concluded there must be something wrong with me. I grew up very withdrawn, trying to figure out how to fit in and suppressing my authentic self as a result. I deeply believed that in order to be accepted, I have to hide parts of my personality.

After graduating from high school, I had absolutely no idea what to do with my life, so I went on a 2 year journey traveling and working all over the world. I eventually decided to study cultures and business at university because I valued the sense of freedom so much that I decided to one day start my own business. Soon after starting university, I got chronically sick. I spent my days in doctor’s offices with absolutely no solution to my problems. After 4 years of chronic pain and inflammation, I feared and hated my own body. In 2019, I went to India to do a yoga teacher training, where I slowly started to reconnect to myself and who I really was. The same year, I followed my soul’s calling by canceling my semester abroad in Spain after two weeks and booking a one-way ticket to Nepal to spend time in a monastery and hike the Himalayas all by myself. I eventually ended up back in India for a second yoga teacher training. During this time, I finally realized how I had been fighting against my true self and my own body for a really long time. Within a few months, I started healing on all levels. As soon as I started to accept who I was at my core and my body started to heal, my psychic abilities started opening up. I was drawn to the Akashic Records and by opening them myself for the first time, I knew I had found what I had been looking for.

However, even though I felt I had found my purpose, I ran up against a wall of childhood conditioning, past life trauma, visibility and money blocks. Essentially, I was terrified to share what I was doing with the world. So I had to learn to heal, clear and shift my own blocks, trauma and limiting beliefs through energy work. By doing this, I was able to show up authentically, share my work and step into my purpose. Since then, I’m passionate about helping others discover their true essence, heal their blocks and step into their mission here on earth.

If you feel called to work with me or you have any questions about my sessions, just send me a message and I will get back to you!