Life Transformed

The life you want is there waiting for you, all you have to do is take the first step.

7 years ago my husband and I were working towards building our dream life.

One problem… we were both in successful careers, but we were still struggling to get out of debt each month and get ahead.

We had left the city to raise our daughter in the country and bought an acreage. It was our dream life, until it wasn’t. I think we so often think we have to have a life plan, but if anything, the last few years have taught us how to hedge our bets and make the next right move.

Our next right move, found us in Mexico. We first came down to take a break for a few months and re-evaluate, then quickly realized we were ready for a family adventure. We sold our hobby farm on Vancouver Island 🇨🇦 and drove anything we didn’t sell, give or throw away in an 8x5 trailer, down to Cabo San Lucas 🇲🇽

I now spend my days working from the beach or by the pool #digitalnomad - my husband just started selling luxury real estate here and our daughter is quickly learning to speak Spanish in school. We spend so much more time together as a family and have learned to create multiple streams of income through the online world, investments and real estate where we can use technology to our advantage.

Your dream may not be living on the beach, but if you’d like to learn how to create your own life beyond the balance most people seek.., don’t be shy. Make sure to connect and we are happy to help.

I just have one question… why not you?

My YouTube Channel

Do you want to transform your life and learn how to diversify your income? Just click the button below

How we cleared our credit card debt

Linear vs Residual Income

Creating Wealth & Freedom vs Making Money

Are you ready to level up and change the game?

Don’t spend years of your life doing THIS

What to remember when friends or family don’t celebrate your wins