About Me!
Do what makes you happy!

Hi I’m Mikayla! I have a charli damelio fanpage called chvrsdmlo! I want to share some stuff about me. So lets get started!
I am 11 and was born on July 14 2009, I am from New Zealand and I love to go shopping, hang out with family and friends. I love my school and I have lot’s of friends. I have no siblings but I
have 3 cats and 1 dog. My favourite subjects in school: English. Math. Cooking. Science. Writing.
Some funny facts about me!
I almost tripped on stage and once I was waiting in the car when I was 3 and I ate my mums liploss. Like the whole thing.
My biggest fear is heights (not funny)
I almost got kidnapped twice in one day (Again not funny) I almost fell off a kaiak with my dads phone.
Thats me! If you want any more information just ask on my Q&A on TikTok