Hype house life or Charli Dixie Avani Madi Addi Noah and others
You have to know:this information is fake!
ChArli iS dEaD MaddIs0N iS pReGmAnT ✨ AddIsOn iS havIng tWo KidS
DixIe iS MarRieD wiTh AiN AnD u ArE s**HiT Hehe
ChArli iS dEaD MaddIs0N iS pReGmAnT ✨ AddIsOn iS havIng tWo KidS
DixIe iS MarRieD wiTh AiN AnD u ArE s**HiT Hehe
I finally hit 100 followers on the platform but i got shadow banned so please my uaer is "dixcocos" please spam ar one of my videos so i could get 1000 comments and I'll get unshadow banned please im asking you so hard!🥺