this is my coloring/fonts a lot of people asked for it
Give credits!!
HI!, I hope your having an amazing day if you want my font/coloring etc. keep reading this has all the stuff you need from my account enjoy!
HI!, I hope your having an amazing day if you want my font/coloring etc. keep reading this has all the stuff you need from my account enjoy!
CF metro parisien regular
Hipster icons
Hill country
Nature Pro
Habede extra doodles
DJB doodled Bits
Pretty you (not on dafont just “search up pretty you font” )
Kg Flavor And Frames Three
Garlic Salt
Cutewritten Regular
Chicken Pie
Futura Hand Written
Lemon Milk medium
Byom Icons
type icons
The students teacher regular
Color codes:
Yellow: #FFF4B7
Pink: #D3A599
Light purple : #D3BFBF
𝐀𝐩𝐩 #1 - 24FPS
import the code!
𝐀𝐩𝐩 #2 - Prequal
go into prequal and import your video
Exposure +40%
Contrast -50%
Highlights -100%
Blur +50%
Add Dust 2
Dust +100%
Filter +50%
Add the Boston Filter
Filter +100%
Export your video!
𝐀𝐩𝐩 #3 - Colourtone
Add the Avalon Filter at +50%