An intro to the witchy life!
Hellooo, I'm Clover, I am a solitary eclectic witch!
As mentioned above, I'm Clover. A solitary eclectic witch! Which means- A little bit of this and a little bit of that! Eclectic witches tend to cherry-pick whatever practices, rituals, beliefs, or ideas feel natural and good to them in the moment. After all, witchcraft is a very personal and unique pursuit. If you don’t want to be tied down to any one practice or area, maybe you’re an eclectic witch. Many baby witches begin as eclectic witches, but many stay that way too! I am also a solitary witch, as I mentioned which just meansA witch who works alone and under their own steam rather than with a group of other witches. A solitary witch can follow one particular branch of witchcraft or a combination.