Kick start your Healthy Active Lifestyle [Online/Offline]

My little story

Your Wellness & Fitness Coach - Coach Ke Sin 👩🏻‍💼

I was just like many other girls, who used to have a cute belly with me because of my bad lifestyle and eating habits.
Even though I came from a science background, I did not apply whatever I have learnt in school to my daily life. 👩🏻‍🔬

I could eat maggie cup that costs only RM1.00 for my one whole week dinner just to save money, which eventually caused me to fall sick once every month, suffered from constipation problem (I only went to poo poo once in 2 week, imagine that!), as well as migraine. 💆🏻‍♀️Yes I had so many health issues even I was just 18 years old. I also tried to purchase a few 'detox drinks' online that claims to get rid of my belly fat healthily, and I did feel my belly got smaller after going to the toilet, but having one normal meal afterwards just gained my fat back???? (Only then I realized woahhhh I was not losing fat, I was just removing the poo poo._. how innocent I was). 🥲

Then I started to realize that my health was indeed affecting my studies, well-beings and my temper. I wanted to make a change. I consulted my brother, who had been a wellness coach a few years to seek for help. Even though I doubted how much a healthy breakfast can change my life, it eventually did. 😳

I kicked start the program similarly like 20 Days Online Weight Loss Program, and I lost 4% of body fat in 2 months with 80% Nutrition and 20% Workout! I changed my eating habit and lifestyle completely with his guidance. Other than losing fat, I gained confidence and most importantly I am getting healthier and feeling so energetic!✨

Ps//: You can still have cheat meals and our beloved staple food (rice, pasta etc) throughout the program, so don't worry okay! 🤤

Because of my transformation, I knew there are many people out there are searching for guidance & support throughout the journey just like I did 💯 This is why I became a wellness coach, to pursue the mission of helping people to become healthier & happier 🤜🏻🤛🏻

By helping people to get in shape healthily, me and my junior coaches have been earning some extra incomes 💰! and YES what we do is pretty simple, be the inspiration and guidance of others to get fit & healthy 🤟🏻YES, it is that SIMPLE!

No matter if you’re looking for a solution to change your eating habits & lifestyle for your health and body figure// or you would like to know more about our wellness Business Opportunity, you’re welcome to join us!

Click on the options below to know more 👇🏻💯

你的個人體型管理教練 — 可欣教練 👩🏻‍💼

我曾經也跟大多數的女生一樣 不算胖 但是就是有一個可愛小小的肚腩 全都是因為非常糟糕的生活跟飲食習慣而惹的禍。我的背景其实也是一位食物科学跟营养的大学生 但是却很少运用我学到的知识在我的生活上。👩🏻‍🔬

在上学院的时候 我真的可以为了省钱 晚餐几乎都是Maggie Cup(欸真的超级便宜,RM1.00 😆),正餐吃很少 乱吃 随便吃。 最后这样的饮食习惯导致我每一个月至少都会生病一次,两个星期只上一次厕所的便秘问题,偏头疼的问题真的困扰我好久好久。 Yes 不要怀疑 在18岁就有那么多健康上的问题。 我也在那个时候有了小肚腩,所以就上网买了很多排毒产品乱吃。阿虽然排毒产品真的让我去厕所了 但是感觉上吃了一餐我的肚子好像也没什么太大的差别?(我真的把吃饭生下来的钱来买排毒产品了) 😳。

我才发觉,嗯 我的身体真的好多状况 真的都对我的脾气跟生活有了很多负面的影响。
但是 讲真的 它真的可以。

我就这样开启我的健康+减脂计划 (类似现在的「20天線上減脂計畫」 | 我透过80%营养+20%运动 在2個月就減掉了4%的體脂肪 练成我的马甲线也😳
除了减脂 我的精神 体力 比以前好太多太多了 也不常生病了🥺

ps//: 參加計畫的時候我也不需要放棄我愛的飯 偶爾還是可以享受自己喜歡的美食 所以真的不會餓也不會太壓力☺️ (絕對是我超愛整個計畫的原因)

因為自己的蛻變 我也發覺好多身邊的人 陌生人 真的跟我一樣面對健康跟體態上的挑戰 也需要一個人來指導怎麼做來達到理想身材 💯 。 所以我决定成为像我教练一样的 个人体型管理教练来帮助需要改变的每一个人✨

我和我的小教練们 都有过幫助别人改变体态跟健康 啟發更多人跟我們做同樣的事 也在这个創業過程得到了自己想要的 收入跟生活 💰


不管在看着我这个故事的你 是想要了解線上/線下 的建置計畫來「改变体态」
還是想要以兼職/全職了解 「事業機會」
真的都非常歡迎你來私信我 來了解更多!



Click on the link below to know more!

Eng. Version 20 Days Online Weight Loss Program
Eng. Version | I would like to become a junior coach & earn some extra income! 💰
中文|想要成为小教练 + 赚取额外收入 💰