Vanessa | Health + Wellness Coach

with a Bachelors in Psychology

Hey Ya’ll, my name is Vanessa and I am a certified Health and Wellness Coach with a Bachelors in Psychology.

I have experience with clients who are overwhelmed, burnt out, and are quietly suffering in silence from lack of being able to take care of their basic needs behind the chair.

There are 3 foundational RED FLAGS I see that are affecting the quality of our work.

1. Lack of nutrition
2. Lack of hydration
3. Lack of hygiene

All these things seem like a no brainer, right?!


According to a survey, done by L’Oréal, they “found that 65% of hairstylists have experienced anxiety, burnout, or depression during their professional career”.

My jaw dropped the first time I read that statistic.

That’s more than HALF OF US!

Unfortunately, it’s so common for everyone to be talking about how tired they are all the time that it doesn’t seem like a problem right??

The truth is, that this is a PROBLEM!

See, in the middle of experiencing difficulty, we tend to forget about taking care of ourselves.

Like for example:
-Not eating a nutritional meal in fear of not having enough time to take care of clients.

-Not using the restroom to properly allow our bodies to excrete what needs to go down the toilet and can increase the likelihood of getting a UTI.

-Not drinking water to stay hydrated and ONLY running on caffeine for the day

-Scarfing our meal down at the end of the day just before we climb into bed.

-Then only getting in a few hours of sleep just to do it all over the next day?



Does this sound familiar? ?

See, living like this day in and day out is causing us more harm than good.

Perpetuating this cyclical way of being HAS to come to an END!

Cause what’s the point of all if this if we aren’t enjoying life with those we love?!

From a psychology perspective, when we do not take care of ourselves (aka our basic needs) by drinking water, eating meals, getting in 8 hours of sleep, or using the restroom.

We are ACTUALLY putting our MENTAL + PHYSICAL health at HIGH RISK of loosing the ability to continue in our career with our current clientele.

But the good news is, that for every problem, there are solutions.
We can either,
1. continue this way and make no changes.
2. Quit entirely.
3. Or we can ask for help.

If asking for help is where your at, with my degree and certification, I am equipped to help you know how to FUEL YOUR BODY with the right foods and ingredients by honoring YOUR bodies specific needs so that you are LIVING this LIFE less stressed, at peace with who you are, and doing the things that bring you more joy and happiness to create your personalized wholeness lifestyle.

If you’re interested in working with me.
I’d be happy to help!
Just simply shoot me a DM and I follow up with you within 24 hours.

I am really looking forward to meeting you!
Nessa <3