Howdy, friends —
I’m Kaeli
I host a podcast that goes live every Sunday morning where I talk about deconstruction, decolonization, spirituality, creativity, the matriarchy, witchy things, cowgirl things, things that piss me off, and things that give me hope.
I grew up on a ranch in eastern Arizona, lived in Rome and Sicily as a mormon missionary, lived in SLC, Utah and earned a BA in strategic communications and journalism from the U of U. I currently live in Los Angeles working in an advertising agency as a digital strategist.
I like to say I’m a storyteller, although I know how cliche that sounds these days. Additionally, I’ve always gravitated towards the arts, even as a young Kaeli who took a sharpie and drew a giant stick figure alien looking human on the carpet in the living room. The medium changes frequently, but the stories seem to have a theme. What exactly that theme is, I imagine I’ll spend a lifetime trying to understand.
I’ve always felt like an alien human, in one way or another. And I think there’s a lot of us that have felt like that. I want to tell their stories. Our stories.
Thanks for joining me :)
xoxo kbanks
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