popUlAr gLass aRt
my recommendation
msge me yes yes 🤡🤡
hottie #1
bErY fAmOuS
[ u can also choose custom so jus dm me ]
hottie #2
also kind of popular
hottie #3
mini sized 🤩‼️
custom + prices
custom r finezz jus msge me
- what size u want
- portrait/landscape
-any colour changes
- adding on
pricing :)
[ small ] normal pricing -> $4.50
custom small : $6
more than 5 colours : $5
[ big] normal pricing -> $8
custom big : $10
more than 5 colours : $12.50
uHm FoR nOw iF iK u ILl CharGe hAlf The pRicE [ fOr biG OnEs ] sO jUs lMk If iK u HehE
only meet ups bcs mailing bery dangerous
dm me if u hub any questions 🤠❕