Hey Sister !!

I’m guessing you clicked the link because your ready for some change with Bold & Creative truth ?!?

Good News Sis, you are in the right place.
“He has not called you to comfortably sit in your faith, never speaking up. He has called you to boldness.” - Sydney Stephens

I’m a 32 yr old Mom of 5, Mawmaw of 4 and Fur Mom of 2. Its took me over 30 years to truly find confidence & worth in myself. In the past Iv altered my body, listen to lies from my past and conformed to the demands of others. But Girl I have found ...

🖤My Voice
🖤My Worth
🖤My Boldness
🖤My Health

Iv been empowered by Jesus, Family and an AMAZING tribe of Sisters from all over the country. I’m here to inspire you, pour into your life and pull out the very talents & mysterious Gods already placed within you. I’m here to share Life, Love, Worth, Health and Encouragement thru Creative Truth sister !!!
Are you ready ?!?! Come Follow me on my new 12 week journey of Ultimate Thriver and my journey thru life.. good, bad and ugly !!

“Be an Esther, bold and courageous enough to stand for the truth, to voice your opinion and fight for the good of others, even when it means to sacrifice yourself. If God has put you in a position, it is for a purpose. Never be afraid to heed that inner voice.”

DM me Sis