JaePil World that I Make
Semua list AU, Short Fiction dan Short Series
Semua list AU, Short Fiction dan Short Series
Hi, I am Danni. 90L.
I write JaePil and sometimes SungBri.
Tweet on Eng and Indonesia.
Love watch Friend Series so gonna talk about it, like... A LOT.
I love talking with people about everything, but sometimes being weird and ignore all people around me.
I am Taurus, very sensitive, always bothered with some details that not supposedly to be.
Pro LGBTQ+, I am straight btw, She/Her.
A big pervert mind if it's about AU, and open for talk about Sex.
Make sure you are not Minor when follow me.
I am not a good person, just keep that on your mind and you'll be fine have some conversations with me 😊