Davalynn Fuiava

Stay-at-Home Mom & Entrepreneur

Hi my name is Davalynn Fuiava but everyone calls me Davy. I'm 27 years old and I'm a full-time Stay at home mom. I work from my phone in the comfort of my home, while being with my babies. It isn't easy but I'm thankful I get to be with them especially during a pandemic. What exactly do I do? Well I sell health and wellness products. I love it so much! I get to help mommas like me, feel great about themselves! Being a mom is hard. Sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves, I know I did! But that's why my goal is to make a difference in someone's life. My goal is help 5 mommas who either want to BOSS UPπŸ’° and earn an extra income or wanting to feel great and lose weight! Because like I said being a mom is hard...BUT MOMMA, you got to take care of yourself before you can take care of every one else. I want you to know that I'm here for you sis, no matter what it may be!

2021 is our year to shine! So adjust that crown and let's get started! βœ¨πŸ‘ΈπŸ½

Polynesian Queen TRIBAL Sweaters

Please fill out form if you want the PQ Tribal Sweaters. I will reach out to you once I've received your response.

PQ Tribal Order Form

Income Opportunity

Work from your smartphone

Health & Beauty Products

Want to lose weight and not change your daily routine? Well, I'm your go-to-girl!

Polynesian Queen Apparel

Check out my Polynesian Queen line! 😍✨

Polynesian Queen