My Top Picks

Recommendations for our products

The Lean Body System

This system is super simple to take and offers amazing results. You take Trim 1tbsp once a day in the morning with or without food. Trim burns fat and keeps fat cells from reforming. The burn capsules are 3x a day 1 capsule with each meal or snack to burn fat and boost metabolism. Lastly our Detox drink Activate is for 3 consecutive nights once a month to eliminate toxins and boost fat loss. Not a poop cleanse.

You can add Go which is our juice that provides natural energy and promotes focus.
You can also add Liquid Biocell for an added bonus dose of collagen.

Find under Lean Body System Tab

Liquid Biocell

This is our Award winning patented collagen.
It comes in 4 types/flavors.

Life- promotes healthy aging, active joints, and younger looking skin

Skin- reduces wrinkles, decreases dryness, improves skin hydration, and increases collagen in skin

Pure- sugar free version of Life

Sport- promotes healthy tendons, joints, muscles, and ligaments, as well as promotes muscle recovery and reduces joint discomfort.

Find under collagen sciences tab

Skin Care Line

Our skin care line has so many amazing benefits and includes our collagen for best results. Choose from

Eye creams
Skin firming foam
Lip complex
And so much more.

Personal Care Tab


We have a wide range of affordable supplements from Probiotics to Liver Health to Multi vitamins to Aloe

Health and Wellness Tab

Green Cleaning Products

We have a selection of Green all natural household cleaning products. Affordable and safe to use around pets and families

Household Care Tab


Your Whole Gut Health

How Yo Use Our Lean Body System

Hey there, I’m Debbie also called “Sunshine”

God made me the way that I am and it’s my business to be true to that !

I can’t make people value me. All I can do is show them who I am, what I feel, and what I believe in. It’s up to them to realize my worth! !

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