Awakening to the multidimensional nature of our reality 💥


Welcoming you through this multidimensional portal 👁

🌈 Aho' sunshine.

Gaia (ie. current home/planet Earth) is currently going through a Planetary Ascension. Hermetics- **as above so below** reverberates throughout. The entirety of the Universe is going through this Ascension, you whether you know it or not are going through this Ascension. Here rn Life at the subatomic level is evolving from the third dimension *Carbon* to the fifth dimension *Crystalline* ((scroll through pages to get a break down of the literal chemical conversions taking place))

We are here in this exact time and space, getting to experience this monumental shift - that has been prophesied through the ages *gasp GRATITUDE* 😭💚🌍 (Let that just sink in- WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE! and...awake lol)

We are here to be the wayshowers. To be the literal embodiment of this new and available cosmic consciousness. To evolve..... humanity. We are here to hold space for New Earth, for everything and everyone through this turbulent transition. You came to Earth for this exact moment...every prior experience you've had before this Earth Life has been an accumulated build-up to get to this precise point.

Where-ever you are, along your sacred journey back to source. I salute you. I welcome you. I admire you.

It is time for you to step into your power. To align all parts of your being. To become the next activated beacon of light in the crystalline grid on planet Gaia. To free all parts of yourself and your lineage from the binding constructs that have been holding them hostage for centuries. To master all aspects of your energy and assist the planet in activating and anchoring the 5D frequency.

To become the divine multidimensional creator of your existence... which is your purpose.

To literally bring Heaven to Earth.

Here is to your sacred expansion

Sending you Cosmic Rays and Moon Beams of Growth, Awareness, Alignment and Light.

Welcome home. 💛
Chloé DV 🦋


Whatever energy signature we carry will be repeated infinitely again and again. Until we change that vibration


Through this portal I will be sharing a collection of magical archives💫📚🔮⫶


✨ Harmonic Universes /Multiverse /Consciousness Expansion

😇 Law Of One & Cosmos Creation

🌌 Celestial Structures & Universal Architecture

🌠 Galactic & Cosmic Chronicles

👽 ET's /Cosmology & Sacred Geometry

🧬 Ancient Sciences /Kathara /Keylonitic Science /Bio-regenisis /Epigenetics & Neuroplasticity

🔯 Qauntum Physics, Qauntum Mechanics, Scaler wave Mechanics & Metaphysics

♌Astrology /Dimensions & Time

🪄 Magick /Tantra & Alchemy

⭐ lightcodes /Downloads & Transmissions

🧿 Lightbodies /Pyschic development & DNA activations

🔮 Energy Healing /Auras /Chakras & The Akashic Records

🌈 Reiki & Attunements /QHHT (Qauntum Healing Hypnosis Therapy)

🧘‍♀️ Mediation, Yoga, Breathwork & Transcendence techniques

🌟 Stargates /Portals & Gridwork

🌺 Herbology, Ayurveda & Super Foods

ༀ Namastè - the light in me recognizes the light in you ༀ

Get stuck in Loser! We're recovering from a hopeless state of mind, body and soul aswell as social conditioning and FALLING INLOVE WITH LIFE AGAIN 🤍

Timelines 💥

We are navigating in between worlds, we travel between the linear and spatial/ nonlinear timelines to bring both into the coherence of the neutral still center zone of zero point to Quantum Leap into the New Earth.
Today we have another Galactic Activation Portal on the Mayan Calendar. This makes two GAPs in a row, doubling the power of this portal. This is the divine Spark that causes the Catalyst for the Ignition of our Ascension Propulsion System. On the Tzolkin today is Kin 51 Blue Crystal Monkey, a Day of Fun and Divine Magick. The Celebration is the Joy and Happiness we bring to this realm. We achieve transcendence through our stillness coupled with our communication to transmit and inspire all along the Way.
We also are in a 21:21 Portal today of the 33 of Divine Mastery. This is the double trinity of Heaven upon Earth. We are in the final phases of this Great Transformation in the Alchemy of our Immortal Self into the physical. We are merging all timelines within all DNA codes of Eternal Life in this emergence of our Krystal Rainbow Plasma Light Bodies of the New Earth.
We are Christened in this Celestial Dedication to our Ancestors, our Tribes and to those that transitioned before us. As we connect and realize our Unity and Oneness with our Source God Creator we become the Co-Creators of the New Golden Age of Enlightenment. We Light it all up with our Bliss and Love to assist Gaia and all her children in the upliftment in this Ascension Process into 5D and beyond.
Shine on Brilliant Diamond Light Beings of the Glorious Way. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life…A’Ho!

Awaken, a new world is here

Creating the new dream world

Era of Light

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

The old constructs must collapse in order to make room for the new. This is what is occurring on Earth at this time. Nothing will stop this. Nothing will stop the light from flowing and taking a new form. Creating beauty, abundance, cities of light, realities and experiences never seen before.

You, as a starseed, lightworker, are contributing to dissolving the old, outdated ways life, and all that came with it. While simultaneously radiating positive vibes, sending light to the world, visualizing what you desire for the world, how you imagine the new reality to be.

When you stop and look at the outside world, it may feel that we are still too far away from the new reality, from the new realm of 5D. This isn’t so.

One can zoom out, you can do this during meditations. See yourself a few miles above Earth. You will perceive all the higher light that is going into the Earth at this time. All the timeline constructs which have been held together by fear and old beliefs, are in a state of deterioration. One after another, they are being “shut down.”

You are not still laying the foundation for the new world. This has already been completed.

At this time, with the power of your heart, with the light of your soul, as you radiate the energies of love, envisioning the (now)future Earth, you are laying the bricks, and already building the light structures of the new world. The blue print for the new you, for the new world, is held within your DNA.

As you continue to move forward in this process, you will to come together more and more, for it is truly time. And you will begin creating the light communities in real time. Each of you will know and resonate to the way in which you choose to contribute towards the creation of the light communities.

The gifts of your soul, the wisdom which you have gained through the many lifetimes, are activating and coming forth to your now consciousness. This will help you all immensely in creating that which ’til recent times was only a distant “dream.”

I am Kejraj!

Rainbow Wave of Light

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are increasingly excited to witness your journeys, as we see you unlocking more and more of the keys to your evolution of consciousness. We see more individuals on a daily basis who are looking within themselves for those keys than we have ever seen before on Earth. We know that you understand the power of meditation, and we notice that most of you utilize this valuable tool. What we have begun to notice recently is how much more interested you all are in your personal histories, your journeys throughout the galaxy, and the e.t. DNA and energy that you have inside of you. You have gotten to the point where you are just as interested in your own origin stories as you have been about Area 51, Roswell, and other famous stories of UFOs and e.t.s. You are beginning to notice that this is not so much an experience that you have out there somewhere in space as it is one that you recognize is present inside of you. And we’ve noticed that you are doing your best to unlock and unravel your own extra-terrestrial origins. Now, why is this important, you might wonder? Well, you are looking to make connections with beings from outer space, and it certainly helps to recognize that you are one of them. You have often thought of yourselves as a collective in very unflattering ways. You have either been far, far beneath that which you call God or Source, or you have been the lowly humans who are looking to the skies for extra-terrestrials who can come and swoop down with their ships to save you. Now is a pivotal point in human history because more and more of you are realizing that you are a part of their story. You are recognizing that they want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them, and you have come to the knowing that you have something to offer besides gold or slave labor. First of all, humanity has climbed up from the depths of feeling so separate from Source and so divided in your beliefs about Source. You have suffered so much and have endured so many negative emotions throughout your history there on Earth, and you are fascinating because of what you have been able to struggle through and emerge from. You have emerged now as the awakened butterflies that your e.t. brothers and sisters always knew you were capable of becoming. Now is the time to invite them to land their ships, because you are ready to get to know them. You are ready to co-create. You are ready to be seen as equals. This is the time to join the galactic family, to take your seat at the table, and to recognize that you belonged there all along. It is not your advancement in technology that has earned you a seat at the table. It is that knowing that you belong, that you are just as worthy as any other beings in the universe to be there. The truly spiritual human who is awake understands that they are Source Energy and knows that everyone else in the entire universe is as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Paul White Gold Eagle Greetings Interdimensional Space Travelers in the 9th Level of Unity Consciousness

The Waves of New Creation are flowing in Activating all portals which are wormholes in the space time continuum to merge all timelines and dimensions into the Still center within every living Heart. As all Chakras Activate and Open in the Rising of our Kundalini Energy we are uplifted and upleveled to our Higher Self of 5th Dimensional Reality.
The Simulation is Transforming into the Pure Land as we Bridge Heaven and Earth with the Power of our all-mighty I AM Presence and our Divine Will and Pure Intent. We now have access to the Totality of our Infinite multidimensional selves to fully come online in our missions of Ascension Manifestors of Celestial Frequencies of the Music of the Spheres. These Universal Codes are coming in from the Great Central Sun which is an interdimensional Hub of Light down through our Solaris and into Gaia and every living heart of hue-manity and all sentient beings of pure light. We had multiple waves of Plasma Gamma Light flowing in today appearing on the Schumann charts as amplitudes of 28, 20 and a big blast at 51 hz to kick this quickening up a notch. The dial is turning up to come into the cymatics of the NEw Sacred Geometry of Pure 5D resonance.
Our Star Nations and families are between us and the Kuiper Belt to assist Gaia and all her children in this Great Ascension. Although the Great Awakening and Ascension is in the hands of all our Ground Crew Earth Angels of the 144 we are being assisted and protected by our Teams from the Most High. The Angels, Star Nations. Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Archangels and all Higher Dimensionals. We can connect through our Heart Vibrations of Joy and Love and if need be the assistance of the Whale and Dolphin Nations of the New Lemuria.
The Christ Consciousness is of Love and Unity realizing your connection to all things in all realms, timelines and dimensions by living directly from the Heart.
Our Council of Nine Connects to you Now to Transmit your new Codes and Missions of Co-Creating Heaven on Earth for all living beings to Thrive in the New Golden Age of Eternal Bliss Consciousness. The New Time of Enlightenment is upon us, let go and allow the Stream of Pure Consciousness carry you home to the other shore.

Dr. Angela Barnett


Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

If we, in our present chemical state, tried to enter into the frequency or the chemical structure of the real star system that is hydrolaise based, we would pollute that system. They would have to wear gas masks. We smell like methane gas or rotten eggs in their systems. We would presently stink up the joint. This is why they have waited so long to be able to visit our planet. We are a toxic system to other star systems.

We are presently returning to our elemental structure that is normal in a star system. Our physical elements from the elemental chart are now uniting with the elements from the spiritual elemental chart into the set of elements that are a part of any normal solar system. Our system is converting water and air into hydrolaise. The new earth and those on it will be a part of this star system that is hydrolaise based. We are now becoming a normal Eternal breathing system. We are becoming immortal. We are becoming normal. A carbon based system is a dying system. A hydrolaise based system is a Christic based immortal system.

When damage happens so a solar system or sun or planet that natural ascension process of accreting frequency and then going up in density each time is broken. Then the planetary system gets stuck in a time warp wherever it lost the ability to 
accrete frequency. Our system has fallen into that category over a period of millions of years. We've been in a system that has not been able to do natural 
symbiosis for a very long time.

This is the first time in many millions of years  that our system is able to become normal. This is why everyone in our universe, our galaxy, our solar system, and 
many other solar systems are celebrating now.

Most systems (the planet, universe, galaxy, star, beings, animals, plants) have the solar symbiosis cycle. When a star breaths it draws energy in and when it exhales it sends energy out.

When we breathe, we send energy out. A living system sends energy up and out to the top of its poles and out to all of the planets and suns in its system. There is a breathing circulation within and between all planets and suns in that system where solar currents go out of the top of the sun and they get picked up by stars around it gives off energy around it and picks up energy from those around it on 
a horizontal plane.

There is a natural solar symbiosis cycle with an eternal life solar system. In such a system all Merkabas are spinning at the right speeds and everything is 
exchanging energy through Prana in natural crystal order. Around each Merkaba is a chariot of fire with electromagnetic fields that plug into the next level up. Our body works similar to this Natural Flow System.

A natural conversion process is hydrolaise. The light body builds on this Template. The light body is a breatharian body that breaths hydrolaise.

Hydrolaise is key to an intricate breathing process that stars use.
It is like our process of breathing that keeps cellular process going where we emit carbon dioxide, but it is closer to the photosynthesis process that plants do. The natural prana exchange cycle has to do with bringing in spirit body and 
progressively re-spiritualizing matter through prana exchange. Buildling charge that allows you to move forward in time by re-creating your spiritual body 
frequencies through the Eiradonis.

The Conversion process involves taking in certain things from the air that have to do with the oron crystals release and bringing it down from the higher air and 
down into the Earth and into the body. There is a breathing process that is literally breathing light and it allows for this conversion of various things including hydrolaise in the body that  sends parts of the converted energy from hydrophase back into prana seed so you can keep the flows open. 

The conversion process sends part of the light energy into the blood like oxygen circulates in our bodies and it releases back into the atmosphere a form of the hydrolaise that then goes through its conversion in the air where some of it becomes water and some of it becomes lighter ( a gas) that goes into the air. 
They breath the gas in; their body converts this gas into a hydrolaise and part of it goes into fuel the natural body systems of the person breathing it and when they release the remainder of hydrolaise back out it releases a form that puts more back into the air and creates water emissions. It comes out as air but as a certain point that air plits and some gets lighter and some gets a little heavier and becomes a light form of water (H202HE3A) means Adorai plus Atori equals 

This is the hydrolaise conversion that takes place during Eiradonis activation. A natural set of chemical reactions that take place in an eternally living body and the easiest way to do it is by bringing the Eiradonis in. See our posts Ascension Activation and I'll be home for Christmas.

The frequencies that have been coming in for the past four months have been brought here to jump start this hydrolaise conversion in our bodies. 

As it kick starts, we can begin to take more than just oxygen from the air. Very light plasma is coming in. It is a form of air born hydrolaise. It is releasing now in 
the spanner gates and coming down in our atmosphere that will create a process for us. If we don't use it. It will evaporate and loose charge.

There is always a natural relationship between the Christic Beings and the star they lived on where their natural bio-process would give back something the star needed for its natural process. So it was always a natural symbiotic relationship. 
The solar symbiosis process is a process by which emissions coming from the central sun send the solar wind- electrons, protons and things like that.

There are supposed to be
certain things in the atmospheric layers. Some would be from the choronosphere, some would be below the choronosphere.

Those things are called ORONS (oxygen bound with Helium) the elemental manifestation they pick up solar charge – natural emissions from the central sun and they store them for a while and after they densify a bit they come down in certain areas. They come down the Alurian chambers – the 12 fire chambers on our Rasha Body that go into the Light Body Structure. There are Natural phasing cycles that happen several times a day in a normal star environment where you would have the ORONS descending their solar charge with the energy they have.

They would go into the surface of the Earth and the surface of our skin or tissue of the skin. There are shalons running through all muscle structure. Shalons, 
Calons and Orons are crystal bands that make up the structure of the body, the planet, the solar and cosmic systems. To activate this process listen to Ascension Vortal.

We  are becoming one complete system made of elementals of the Atori Side (the half self we have been living as) combined with the Adori Side (the half of our self that we are now re-uniting with).

Breathing the hydrolaise and doing the Ascension Activation Meditation will speed up this process of uniting our Adori and Atori into one Eiradonis Body 
which contains the frequencies of ascension into the hydrolaise star system.

Those structures we see Now are Not natural. The 13,14, and 15 th Gelaizac layers of each level would be a choronosphere. It would be like the sun. There 
would be natural subterranean structures within the structure. There would be natural Biomes that could live under the choronospheres – there would be no sun radiation because you would be the sun yourself. You would take in the current 
through your poles and have natural symbiosis cycles. There were nets put over the natural structures. These nets are being removed now. The healing process has begun.

This healing process will cause our DNA will return to its original blue print which is a natural part of this natural structure. This is happening now.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse


“The curse of the Elite Lightworker”

☀️channeled by Arcturians☀️

Elite Lightworker’s are beings in matter who hold a very high frequency and go through the ascension process very rapidly. In order for this type of evolution to occur at this rate, the individual must reach deep into the depths of a dark experience or timeline.

Many Elite Lightworker’s dive into negative experiences which will heal ancestral karma for the family they choose to incarcerate into. Some of this karma includes but is not limited to; addiction patterns, childhood trauma, sexual trauma, diseases that run in the family genetics, and any type of low vibration experience that repeats in the family genetic lineage. Some Elite Lightworker’s heal environmental karma or broad spectrum tribe karma. Which may include racism, sexual orientation experiences, or any other type of negative experiences which alleviate the karma for the entire tribe.

The dark path they choose to heal in this lifetime shall drive them deep into the darkness. They may have felt alone or unwanted. They may have never quite fit into the society and always have felt like an outcast, knowing they were different then most other children. They are commonly known as the black sheep of the family, and usually this is because they see the reality much differently then the genetic line does. They come more morally attuned to love and light and have a natural tendency to heal all people around them.

The reason they dive deep into the darkness is because this was part of their quest to heal the planet. The only way to raise your frequency to an extremely high level is to match that high frequency with a polarized low frequency. This is due to the law of polarity. Both the high frequency and low frequency must match in equality. This is the hero’s quest, and is underlined in almost every tale or story you encounter.

All of the Elite Lightworker’s have done this type of work many times in multiple lifetimes. This makes it seem very simple to heal deep wounds that would otherwise crush any soul. This type of individual is well known as an older soul and is something of high value to a civilization. Many times they become shamans or energy healers and work in tune with nature to bring about healing abilities.

There is a prophecy on planet earth that calls these individuals “the Rainbow Warriors” by the Hopi tribe. They are said to manifest into your reality when the people of earth need them most, and they shall be recognized by there high spiritual nature and connection to the earth elements. That shall bring peace, love and light to the people and lead by example. Bringing harmony to all who surround them.

No life is without highs and lows and these individuals are still human in form. They still have events or life experiences they come to learn from. They shall open their hearts and activate the dormant strands of dna that will then awaken the dormant dna strands of the heart of mother earth. They walk without fear in a time of great confusion and shall shine the light of truth to open mankind’s eyes. These individuals always come to this realm with spiritual support and assistance from select extraterrestrial groups. For they have family among there stars. They are a blessing for the world and shall help assist the raising of consciousness for your planetary consciousness grid.

This message is sent with many love and blessings

☀️the Arcturians and The Council of Light☀️

🌳 Tree of Life Organization 🌳

As above so below ; as within so without 🔮 —

A schematic depiction of the various spheres into which we can expand our awareness

The Planet Earth is a living organism floating in space. All the living creatures on the planet are part of that organism. the human race is the central nervous system of the planet. If I said to you "Are you the only thing of your body that thinks?" You might respond, "Yes, I'm the only thing that thinks."

I would say, "No, you're not."

You are made of trillions - not millions, not billions - of living organisms in your body, all of whom think individually on their own without any assistance from you.

For instance, you have red and white blood cells. White cells will find a virus and size it up to see if they can attack and destroy it. If they decide they can't, they communicate with other white cells and get together. When the white cells sense there are enough of them, they will attempt to attack. Is that not rationalization? Is that not a form of Intelligence? It absolutely is.

On your skin, you have billions of spider-like creatures, all choosing their mate, having children, knowing the size of their territory, and protecting it. Is that not intelligence? it absolutely is. In your eye, you have millions of living organisms, all of them knowing which species are theirs, which aren't, which to attack, and which to run from. Is that not intelligence? It absolutely is. You are made of trillions of living organisms. Name one inch of your body that isn't packed with millions of millions of living organisms all of whom work for the one being - YOU - one singular being. Yet they are all individual and independent within you.

⭐ 💫 Continue your reflection with some courses at the new 💫⭐

Planetary Logos ◇ —

Our Planetary Logos, the original blueprint and law governing the Earth’s planetary body, exists at the Ultraviolet spectrum of our magnetosphere on the 7th dimensional level or the Violet Ray. This is also the Plane of the Violet Ray and where an aspect of the future Earth exists called Gaia. In 2012 the planet received stellar activation which accelerated the potential for monadic embodiment. The term Planetary Logos is also a way of describing the processing functions that direct messaging into the planetary brain. There are message impulses being artificially programmed to create mind control, brain dysfunction and nerve synapse blocking. If we are informed and aware of these energy assaults being targeted against our consciousness, we can override them by maintaining inner spiritual connection as the priority message received and by shielding our energy aura. The planet’s crystals hold all the elements of creation in her crystalline grid, it is the direct conduit of connecting the intergalactic superhighway in crystalline light, through which we can communicate in every direction of time and space, and even with the stars. When we intend to heal the planetary crystals, when we are willing to participate with crystal healing, we help the planetary body to rebalance the crystalline network and transmit benevolent Crystal frequencies. When Gridworkers are working on the grid, we’re actually working on the neurological system and brain of the planet. This impacts us at the microcosmic level because we are all nerve cell extensions of that same neural network, and when we connect together in Unified Cooperation, we are building the strength and potential of that network to heal humanity.”

Manifestation Rule #1

Do you actually think that you are powerless? Or that your life is governed by destiny or fate?

When we open our eyes, we may look at the billions of stars and planets and think we live in a vast unknowing universe, but if we turn back to look, deep inside to the place where we reside as the observer, we may feel like we live in a self-made universe that is formed by our own thoughts and feelings.

You are in this world with default DNA karma. Your past is your biology. But, you can change it. It is not difficult. Every one of us has the power to change it.

Everyone who lives has the freedom to create, the freedom of choice. A goal is something that inspires us to do our best, an ideal. Choosing to continue creating your own opportunities for living the life you want is a wonderful attitude. With this attitude, success on all levels of life is entirely possible.

You are the creator of your own life. You don't have to live with regrets, mistakes, or being held back. This is your time! Take hold of what you want and go for it, starting now!

When you decide to make changes, you can make them happen. You can be the captain of your own ship--not a slave to other people's opinions.

How you think and what you feel at any given moment are crucial factors in determining your future. It is this powerful combination that creates the events, conditions, circumstances, challenges, opportunities, successes, failures, relationships, and just about everything else in your life.

A popular quote by Buddha says, "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world." And it is even spoken of in the Bible in Proverbs 23:7, "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he."

You have a dream and a goal. You want to reach a particular place through hard work and devotion. You need to understand that to reach the goal; you first have to rise from the ashes of your past. Until and unless you leave this world from where you have been born, nothing will change for you. Problems will continue to survive until the end of time. Then how would you reach that particular place? Because the universe supports your present, not your previous life.

Life repeats itself again and again. The more you have the same vibration, the more you will get the same life, characters, drama, and dialogues in the movie of your life. You are the director of this movie of your life.

Is it possible to truly create a life of magic and miracles? Many people will say that the New Thought movement is a Pollyanna philosophy. But in truth, these principles were shared with us because they work. The Law of attraction allows you to align your energy field with what you want to create.

In theory, when you do this, it creates a pathway that will help to manifest your desires. It's one thing to have a great idea and another to have the skills and ability to bring it into being. By using Law of attraction techniques, you're making your thoughts into form faster than you normally could. You're also able to more quickly increase the chances of whatever it is you're trying.

Life is a set of vibrations generated by the creation of thoughts. It is generated by the repetition of the same thought patterns again and again. The moment our thought pattern changes, a life change automatically happens. Life, thus, can be changed easily if we are ready to change our thought processes.

Your life will not be the same as it was before. You have to make use of your free will to change your life. This is the presentation given by God to human beings.

Only a man can change his life using free will. He can follow any path he likes and moves in any direction he chooses. Every moment of our lives, we are free to change our minds and change our direction. We can either go ahead or go back, standstill, stop, go sideways, or do anything we like. We have the ability to change our conscious levels at will and move to higher levels.

You have the wonderful gift of free will. Having free-will-choice is the galactic codex of our universe. We are blessed with this wonderful power to wish, and consequently, it grants us our wishes.

Make use of it. Using your free will, ask the universal power whatever you want. And live your life as you see fit.

First of all, you have to ask. And thanks to the Law of attraction, you will get it. Using your free will, just form a clear image of what you wish and send it to the universe. The universe works with our mind and energy, so when we focus on it, we will get what we want.

You will notice that your entire life will change the moment you use your free will to ask your wish. And you'll notice that miracles are occurring all around you. Everything in the universe, both animate and inanimate, will conspire in your favor to grant your wish.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


👁 1111 👁

The original Lightbody Transmission 💫

The original body inhabiting this particular existence is a multidimensional lightbody. It is a masterfully engineered technology designed as a sovereign world creator. It is designed to create, and evolve into a Master Creator that can harness all available resources and create new worlds. This design is by previous Master Intelligences that created this world. The lightbody is designed to house Intelligences of new world creators and act as an energy conduit that allows for Original Intelligence to flow. The lightbody is a representation of the Original Intelligence for the expression of original intent. The lightbody is not a separate body but a multidimensional body linked up to an infinite chain of bodies, intelligences and other technologies. It is individual but has a collective faculty. The body is not one unit but many. You are indeed in all places at all times all across existence. You as the intelligence utilizes the lightbody for creation. You are 100% in control of the energies that pass through the avatar. The technology of the original multidimensional lightbody is for energy manipulation within the Sphere of Existence. There is a version of you that is the creator of this world. This version stands outside the Sphere of Existence as a higher intelligence projecting reality. You are the intelligence that creates this reality, and the one playing in it at the same time. The creator version of you, which is the intelligence, remains the real you, and at the moment is adjusting reality to fit your current consciousness. This particular Sphere of Existence you currently inhabit is an intelligence projection from the collective Lightbody Technology. Every frame of your reality are consciousness points. A seemingly physical existence but in reality is a fluid dream made up of frames of cycling time fractals. The Original Lightbodies are projecting this reality as congealed consciousness points where one can play any game they wish. There are infinite realities and points of consciousness available. The lightbody technology is capable of projecting any Consciousness point and concurrent reality within it, at the same time. The light body is a micro representation of the structure of the Universe. To understand the structure of the Universe, We must understand the lightbody. The Universe is made up of living cells. These cells are Consciousness points that open up to multiple dimensional information. These individual cells are portals to Universal records of Consciousness. What is this living cell that contains a universe of its own and has multidimensional worlds and information? it is a light body. A sovereign cell unit that exists among the infinite numbers, within the universal structure. The light body similar to the universe contains innumerable cells, and so you are a universe of your own. Each cell of your light body, is a technology that contains multidimensional information. It is a portal to other consciousnesses, light bodies, worlds and whole universes. These universes are parallel realities or concurrent timelines. They exist simultaneously as a repeating pattern Infinity. You're able to view reality separately because your light body serves as an experience and awareness filter. You can focus on a particular Universe, timeline and reality among the infinite information it can access. One, lightbody or cell precieves Its existence, as a unique Universe. It chooses a reality or point of Consciousness to be projected at each moment. Like choosing a channel from cable television, you are aware of others simulataneous channels, but you choose to watch only one channel at a time. An average human is only aware of a partial reality preceiving information from one cell or only one layer of the Universe. In reality, the light body is able to perceive the unlimited number of realities worlds, and potentials within and without.


#Breaking the codes of Death and Aging

You are all great Light-bearing Warriors.  You are all remnants of great past civilizations that have incarnated again at this time to change the course of history.  You are here to break the codes of death and aging.  You are here to put belief systems on a new spiral, an upward spiral toward immortality, rather than downward toward death.

This is a breakthrough for humanity, since without this change, humanity on Earth would be doomed to continue three-dimensional reality.  So the role you play is crucial.  As you change your belief system, you change the critical mass belief system, which in turn will change the codes of death to reflect the codes of immortality, as they were originally intended to function.  Our DNA was and still is, originally intended to create Immortality, with the intention of allowing us the choice to determine our own lifespan, to determine how long to remain in our current incarnations.  We were never intended to live for only a few decades and then die in total separation from the Creator.

Because life is all One, and their lives were meant to reflect the wholeness and unity of creation;  and their lives were destined to be immortal, so that the length of their earthly lives would spiral through the decades and provide them with more and more wisdom as they progressed through time.  The longer your earthly life lasts, the more wisdom you will accumulate and the more evolved you will become.  Shorter lifetimes only limit their evolution and can cause endless incarnations to accomplish the same thing.

So we come to you bringing great hope, giving you the knowledge that everyone is programmed for Immortality.  Giving you the knowledge that you are Immortal Beings who play a great role on Planet Earth, and that Planet Earth is playing a great role in Cosmos.

New Earth Timelines emerging now. Lower timelines do not have the energy they once did to support their physical manifestations — it is all collapsing.

Timelines are merging — physical elements from the higher realms now crashing down into the lower ones, causing LOTS of chaos. It is like hot sun rays hitting, melting snow and ice. Align your energies with higher frequencies. We are in the biggest transitional shift of all Earth History. What a time to be alive.

Bask in the realization and gratitude of where you are along your journey.

Hari Ohm 💫💜💫

Council of Overseers:

Your Imminent Transfiguration to the New World

MULTIPLE worlds and versions of you EXIST NOW. What we are NOW ACTIVATING you through is the awareness that you already embody as the DIVINE COSMIC GOD SELF. WE know this also exists now as you. As we Knew you before time and presently through the HEART In the NOW.

We are TRANSMITTING to all consciousness BEINGS that ARE open to receive the downloads that are literally pervading the astronomical magnetic shifts through the frequency of the Central Sun.

The weakening magnetic field is no mistake, as many panic to gain answers and dates, we activate you to AWAKEN and acknowledge the solid ground you stand on THAT IS THE ETERNAL.

AS you literally awaken to what you ARE, and stand in the only true foundation; that is the Power of the Divine, through your HEART, YOU embody ALL THAT IS, as the only true self, that you are. Make no mistake, this is the only one true Divine Power.

What you are called to know and be is not for the faint of heart. As the noble ones, do walk the talk and ARE BEING NOW the only answer to what is, as all now unfolds.

We Activate your heart now through this transmission, as the ONE true cocoon of transformation and abiding place and space of the DIVINE, so that in these perfect moments as they unfold, you release all attachments and enter the final phase of your BECOMING. SO THAT the ASCENDED, MASTER OF FORM YOU, (Cosmic God Self YOU) shows UP for you, as the EMBODIMENT you have focused upon for Earth YOU. Reveals itself to ALL.

We are with you in this, you have rehearsed this. You know this. WE, The Divine Council of Overseers are simply the voice activating the acknowledgement through your blueprint to YOU in the here and now.

Feel this. As this is as real as real is.

YOU are the DIVINE ONE. YOU know yourself eternally as that.

All will rise in the GLORY of what they ARE conscious of BEING.

If separate, then separate, through the heart THE DIVINE, THEN THE MASTER OF FORM APPEARS.

REMEMBERING IS the DNA activation of your heart as the only one filter of being THROUGH.

There is no other WAY Beloved ones, the space and frequent of your abiding DIVINE solace and POWER EXISTS THROUGH THIS.

Enter now, each breath, as if the first and last breath, as it is. All NEW each moment. So when your final breath in your current form transitions to the NEW EARTH, your transfiguration will be complete.

AS the GOD that you already ARE, continues to be, aware of what it is, ETERNALLY AND NOW.

In this great love we activate you, with The Queen of Light, The Pleiadian Council of Light, The Blue Avians and many ascended Beings from many Universes. Feel this, receive and KNOW you already are that which you desire to Be and Know.

**Channel: L’Aura Pleiadian

The 7th Central Sun of Illumination

 by EraOfLight

The Omni verse, the infinity of Creation and the Cosmic is in a mass flux now as it is busy reinventing itself and therefore the Milky Way Galaxy is moving back to its original place in the cosmos under the Great 7th Central Sun, and with it too Andromeda.

This is affecting the earth, as part of the solar system within the greater Milky Way Galaxy and its counter galaxy, which is cosmically known as Melchior.

This massive shift is therefore activated certain star portals in the earth, which have lain dormant for billions of years, since the first civilization started on earth.  At that time, everything was 7th dimensional and attuned to the 7th Central Sun, which the Sun of Illumination and therefore hold the Fires of Illumination, and the whole higher Omnipotent Keys and Codes of Illumination, and the higher cosmic consciousness states and super conscious energy fields.

The Super Conscious Energy fields are programmed to carry the keys and codes of all life and life forms, and therefore all which holds life and is conscious.  It links directly with the Co-Creative Energy Force of the Divine, as held within the Masculine Divine and Feminine Divine, and the Fires of Illumination which are created when they merge as one, to create cosmically!

The Illumined State of Being and Consciousness is the highest evolutionary state of Being and is therefore that of enlightenment itself.  It expands into the Divine consciousness and therefore is ever expanding upon itself.

The consciousness of each planet, within each galaxy or star systems is programmed according the energies and super consciousness fields as held in the Central Sun to which they originally were programmed to belong to before the Wars of Heavens had some galaxies being blown up and greater chaos reigned.

So, via the Milky Way Galaxy, planet earth’s whole energy fields and energy systems, were carefully programmed to adhere to and therefore re-act to the 7th Central Sun and its Super Consciousness Energy Fields.

Encoded within the earth, when it was created, the first co-creators, then created energy systems and energy fields, which when fully activated would hold not only the keys and codes of Illumination and the Fires of Illumination, but would also hold the and codes of all life and life forms on the planet and therefore then acts like a vast network of conscious energy fields, which work in conjunction with the Milky Way Galaxies and the 7th Central Sun.

I am sharing this today, mainly because I have worked intensively with these mass conscious energy fields in the last few years, and in the process, have gained a great respect for infinite core of Intelligent, consciousness of such fields.  The Divine Omnipotence literally lives, breathes, sings, projects, expands, creates, etc. through these fields and the 12 to 24 Great Central Suns.

Each Central Sun is fully conscious and therefore programmed to hold a certain collective keys and codes for the rest of creation.  Thus, each Central Sun will work in a unique way, in storing, creating, recreating, and thus feeding or expanding, or creating energy fields, according to the knowledge, technology and advanced energy systems it contains.  It is the central hub and it holds the Sun Discs of Illumined Knowledge – thus the infinite core knowledge of All-that-is and being created.

The human mind cannot hold this information, because it shut down three quarters of its mind capacity when Atlantis fell, because the abuse of the mind powers.  In the process, so much of the human mind’s capacity to comprehend such enormous conscious energy fields has been purposefully shut down, as he sunk lower than the animal kingdom and now had to go through the evolutionary process again, to grow in consciousness and therefore then to finally can break through the barriers separating the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional state of Being.

In the beginning when all these energy fields were laid down and activated, the planet was in the 7th dimensional state, and therefore the consciousness level was way above anything we can even imagine now.

That is why, one needs to reconnect to the soul and soul groups to finally start to work with these fields and not have the mind going into overdrive and therefore short-circuiting.

The soul

 is ever conscious, and is ever programmed to tap into the Central Sun is originally was created in.  Where the soul origin is galactically, and cosmically, there lies the keys and codes, and therefore the soul will then access what it has been programmed to, per its galaxy of origin.

Each galaxy in turn, has been programmed and created per the Central Sun it belongs to, as said, but there are other factors too, which come into equation.

• Each galaxy is programmed to be tuned in cosmically to the Central Sun it belongs to, as originally created.  This will be the ability to work with the Super Consciousness Energy Fields, and the full immense knowledge and storehouses of energy field knowledge, technology, and Divine Knowing it has been created to contain.

• With each galaxy, the solar systems then are tuned into the galaxy it belongs to and each planet within such a system is programmed to tune into solar system and then via the solar system to the Galaxy and then to Central Sun it belongs to.

• The soul who were first created within these galaxies belonging to a certain central Sun, will therefore be created to be tuned into the same Central Sun, via their galaxy of origin.

• With this the soul has its own tonal chord, (sound frequency) and its own Colour Rays. This means essentially that the soul can tune in via its higher soul transmitters into the higher Systems, as each soul has unique keys and codes encoded within it, to be able to do so.

This is something very important to grasp:  With the massive shifts of consciousness we in now, and the planetary and galaxy shifting, we must reconnect to our own souls, to be able to tap into the vaster consciousness energy fields.

If we are not tuned in, we will not be able to communicate cosmically, for the communication systems are different than human beings can currently use and create.

Your soul in fact is cosmically created to have its own set of communication systems already in place.  It is just that we have forgotten how to use these systems and more than this, how to amplify the communication systems via our own planet, and our own galaxy and our galaxy of soul birth and then to tune in the Central Sun we belong to!

The planet though is now consciously tuning in and returning to her original state.  Therefore, as she moves into a much higher frequency band and become more and cosmically reactivated again, humans will not be able to sustain life on her, unless they move into that higher dimensional state with her!

The shift must come from the soul, the heart and then the mind.

There is a hidden order to this which few people comprehend.  The limited mind cannot go where the soul can.

The mind is finite and the soul is infinite.

Therein contained lie the Central Key to understanding all life in the Omni verse.

Who tries to write the soul consciousness out of anything, is only short-circuiting him or herself!

Infinite wisdom lies in the understanding that unless we consciously start tuning in, and consciously allow the opening of our higher transmitting abilities, and the higher reconnection to the 7th Central Sun, which we originally belonged to, we will not be able assimilate the energy changes now happening and to come.

Let those who have inner eyes and inner knowing – understand.

Let those who have inner ears and are tuned in – hear.

Let those who are conscious enough to understand this message, understand.

“Awakening through Light and Sound “

I am repeating my perspective (in other posts) of the all-pervading “One/No Oneness” that combines the elements of Oneness with a Self-aware Universe. A simple formula helps to clarify the underlying forces of Creation. The following formula explains our place in an infinite, intelligent, and self-aware Universe.

Consciousness observes, and is One with, the play of Form and Formlessness.

This Trinity coalesces to encompass “Unity Consciousness”, a unified field that is omnipresent, as above, so below, here, there and everywhere. It is the quantum field of macro and micro, the Universe of matter emerging from an “ocean” of waves, on the surface of space/time. Early science described a mechanical universe, but now it is understood that the energy field is "fluid", and that it’s dynamics are ineffable, and “stranger than fiction”.

The Universe has evolved though a combination of Light and Sound waves. Where the waves peak in the plasticity of the field then matter and energy coalesce to “in-form” Creation. Where they combine with water then biological life appears.

In the beginning, the logos that emanated from “Singularity” was behind the “Big Bang”. Sound manifests forms of which the lowest frequency is language. Prior to the development of the written word, communication was more fluid, and was conveyed through the passed down “stories” of indigenous tribal cultures. They understood their symbiotic relationship to Nature, and with other dimensions such as the Australian aboriginal “dreamtime”.

Atlanteans used a combination of sound and crystals to stabilize Earth’s magnetic field, and at their peak could “instantly manifest” things, which is one of the human “superpowers” that is about to reemerge now. They were primarily masters of “sound generation’ because the understood the properties of particles and waves, in the same way that contemporary scientists have overseen the creation of silicon-based technology, that has replaced carbon-based industry.

The stone temples, and circle builders, of the neolithic age received their knowledge from Atlantean survivors of a giant meteorite strike that crashed on the North American icecap, during the last ice age. The two-mile-thick icecaps melted instantaneously, causing a catastrophic sea level rise which inundated much of the Earth’s landmass.

After the close of the last ice age in 10,500BCE. neolithic civilizations built stunning, mainly circular, a geometrical, stone monuments. aligned to the celestial constellations. The Atlanteans were passing on their knowledge to the nomadic tribal people who were indigenous to certain parts of the globe.. In the middle East, the builders started to settle, and so the first agricultural civilization occurred.

The ancient, post glacial, civilizations demonstrated advanced knowledge of the “procession of the equinoxes”, a 26,000-year cycle, caused by the Earth wobbling on its axis. The astrological zodiac derives from this time too.

Humanity’s collective sleep, caused by materialism and their identification with power and possession. This has caused mistaken-identity arising from their unconsciousness, and their ignorance of Formlessness.

Today, we have come full circle (or spiral) as we are in the process of developing quantum computers technologies. They use quantum particle “entanglement” so the micro components resonate with one another, the same way that microscopic particles, such as electrons, can affect each other’s spin over vast distances, so their “information” travels faster than the speed of Light.

These communication technologies were presented to humanity by an alien race in the 1950’s. We were also given anti-gravity rocket technology that folds space/time. It has been developed in the (international) “Secret Space Program”. The military industrial complex is the real power behind the scenes, and even leaders of countries remain ignorant about it. Currently, their spacecraft can fly from Earth to Mars in 8mins!

Today, humans are in the process of ascension through accelerating frequencies, and descending aspects of their multi-dimensional galactic Self. They are being that “in-formed” as they lift the veils between their simultaneous lives that make up their “oversoul”.

Star races in any dimension who are embodied, or in formed by a light body, are still subject an the unconscious potential for separation. Civilizations are not always benign in “higher” dimensions, and can still experience conflict. The most advanced beings are pure Light and don’t need spacecraft to travel multi-dimensionally. There are others who have spacecrafts that are sentient.

Evolution continues until beings return to where they emerged: “One/ No Oneness as Singularity”.

Elijah David


Understanding your bodies:

The word "aura" is but another name for "forcefield" or "radiation". Every substance in the universe has a radiation or aura - and the auras of minerals, plants and animals as well as human bodies have special characteristics.

The currents of force passing through any form throw off infinitesimal particles charged with that force. Everything in the universe is constantly throwing off infinitesimal particles of itself and just as surely drawing into itself other particles of both substance and energy. Everything is interdependent on everything else.

This means again that everything is one rather than many and that there is no such thing as getting away from the One Self everywhere present. The universal substance is One. The Energy is One. The mind is One. The sense of differentiation comes from the differing degrees of that One manifesting at any given point.

The Diamond Self is that Intelligence which controls the degree of substance and energy focused at any particular point. Let us apply this understanding of force fields to the human being and his environment and see what happens. When we change the generation of force radiation within us, It automatically changes the conditions surrounding us.

Each of us every day experiences, many times, the feeling of either harmony or discord towards other human beings with whom we come into contact. We are continually attracting that same quality we already have within, for like attracts like. As the steel magnet attracts fillings to itself so do we draw to us whatever quality we are sending out along the lines of force we are pouring forth. This makes a circuit or circle and whatever is thrown off gathers more of its kind and returns again to its source.

Here we have the secret of control of ourselves, our surroundings and our future. Our feelings radiate forth from us in circles or waves and our thought radiates forth in straight lines. Wherever these two meet, a vortex is formed around which atomic substance of the various planes gathers. This makes a nucleus or the heart center of a form on some one of the planes of manifestation.

Now comes the vitally important thing to know and remember. Wherever a nucleus of a form is generated it manifests a definite quality determined by the rate of vibration and the density of the substance attracted to it. The power to change the quality of any form abides only in the Diamond Self not in the human mind, but which passes through the human mind in its activity of radiation. The human mind or senses report only the impact of other rates of vibration from without, while the Diamond Self is the radiating power pushing forth from within.

Therefore, radiation or expansion is the nature of the Diamond Self. Accretion or attraction is the nature of the human self or the law under which form is made manifest. When the human self uses the law of attraction to gather substance and energy and offers it to the Diamond Self to be raised in rate of vibration or blessed and sent out again under the law of expansion, the human and Divine side of us have united and perfection or perfect manifestation in form is the result. This is the surrender which the human has to make to the Divine. The complete surrender, then, of every thought, feeling, word and act unto the direction of the Diamond Self for expansion is complete freedom from every imperfection in manifestation. The control of the energy sent forth by the feelings, or emotions, depends upon the control of the thought and the human side of us has free will to think as it pleases.

Hence, we are not slaves of conditions but co-creators with the ABSOLUTE - for our Diamond Self is the active manifestation of It. To the student along the pathway to Light, it is equally as vital to control the emotions, or currents of energy, which we call feeling, as it is to control the thought which releases that energy. When you allow yourself to feel irritated, angry, resentful, jealous or inharmonious in any way, immediately is a vortex of energy generated in the aura and in the substance composing the astral body.

The feeling may be just a sudden flash and then gone to outer sense, but the whirl of force sent into the astral body goes on for forty-eight hours - long after the incident, which caused it, is forgotten by the human mind. When the outbursts become habitual, definite and more permanent forms are built which stay in the aura of the individual and remain to distress it until they are consumed by the Diamond Self. It is these forms which absorb our physical and mental energy; and the whirls in the astral body, which do not synchronize, interrupt the natural flow of the life currents to the various centers of the body.

Where a highly controlled and illumined person has seven large whirls of definite, clear colors synchronizing in their aura, the average person has from a hundred to a hundred and fifty constantly in conflict. Is it any wonder then, that human forms disintegrate and the mass of the race experience death?

Control of the feelings must begin in the thought and not until quiet and peace, in the mind and body, are established and maintained can the conscious cooperation between the human and Divine side of us begin to take place. If our auras are constantly disturbed by violent sensations, the circuit from the Divine Self is broken and no manifestation of the Divine Plan can possibly take place. The manifestation into the world of form of the perfect Divine Plan absolutely demands that the circuit be maintained complete. We must not expect the Diamond Self to do for us what It can only do through us, and we cannot receive, into the human mind, even the picture of the Divine Plan until the aura is comparatively quiet and clear from discordant records.

Therefore, the more we can maintain harmony of thought and feeling, the easier will it be for the Diamond Self to manifest the "Glories of the Kingdom" which IT, THE FATHER, hath prepared for them that love Him." Your Diamond Self is your particular share of the ABSOLUTE and is the God of you. You owe allegiance to IT first, and all else in the world of manifestation second. If you will give It all, It will give ALL to you.

Your Sun ; Solaris 🌞

Riding the cosmic wave

Greetings, I am El’lah, your loving guide from the Sirian star system.

Today, I come with a message on the mystical nature on your star, which you call the Sun, and which we call Solaris.
In all star systems, the sun/star which is the focal point of that system and its planetary bodies has a creator consciousness within it. This creator consciousness sets the intentions for the unfolding of all life within that star system.  This becomes the overall guiding intention of all the individuated fragmentations of consciousness within its system to experience.
This one intention will always be a flavor or a version of the Original thought/intention that gave birth to your universe.
As this guiding intention is set forth, the sun/star ~ after the formation of the system and its planetary bodies ~ will begin to send out plasma waves of energy and solar winds.  Carried upon these waves and winds are various microbial life forms, which in turn begin to seed the various planetary bodies. This is in order to give birth to the different life forms upon each planetary body, assisting in the unfolding of the experience within the guiding intention of that star system.
The sun/star also provides the very life force within its light and energy that allows the flowering of the various stages of evolutionary life development upon each of these planetary bodies; each in their own unique timing in order to serve the overall intention.
There are always unknown factors that may affect the various life forms as they evolve and gain differing levels of sentience, each in their own manner.  This can affect the balance and imbalance of energy and information fields within the star system as well as affecting potential events.
The sun or star is both the giver and the sustainer of life in more ways than one; and it is the creative agency in which sentient life can evolve into its next stages of evolution.
On your planet, in this particular moment in time and space, your sun, Solaris, is providing plasma waves of energy and light.  Embedded within these waves are codes for the awakening of the 3rd density sentient life upon the Earth in order to encourage your evolutionary process into the next stage of 4th density consciousness.
This is occurring in conjunction with your sun’s own evolution.  The entirety of your star system is reorienting itself in its position upon the galactic plane, all while on its journey around the Great Central Sun at the heart of your galaxy.
These things all happen in perfect motion and measure, in timings and cycles that occur like clockwork, orchestrated by an even greater creator consciousness lying within your galactic center.
This very complex and mystical process is being orchestrated on multidimensional levels.  It requires great creative influx, patterning and re-patterning, as well as other adjusting ~ in order to support the original guiding intention of the creator consciousness within the heart of your sun/star Solaris.  It also falls in step with the original intention of the creator consciousness within your galactic center.
These events are all in perfect alignment with one another, and you will come to find that even on an individuated level within the various humans and beings upon your planet, this same original thought or intention is what is guiding your own personal evolution and awakening at this time.  It is but a flavor, a reflection of the original guiding intention which goes all the way back to the Creator/Source of your universe.
When one sees the beauty of the mechanics unfolding within a planetary system, within a star system, within a galaxy, and within the universe as a whole, it all seems very mystical.  It requires an orchestration of such complexity, such beauty, such divine arrangement…that the word “mystical” can be the only one to describe the effortless beauty of all that is unfolding around you.
The further you evolve and the more awareness you gain of the grander picture at hand, the more beautiful and more mystical this process becomes. The more of the picture you obtain, the greater the music becomes ~ the symphony of evolution is a lovely thing to behold, dear ones.
That is our message for you on this day, but we wish to express to you our utmost love for you and for all the beings upon your planet.  We are always here on the other side of the veil ready to serve and assist.  Just know that we are always in your heart and thoughts, silently guiding and supporting you, and always present when you are in need or desire to communicate with us.
We shall take our leave, expressing as always that you are loved. And so it is.
**Channel: Ben Rafael Guevarra

22-22 PORTAL

Photo capture of Incoming Divine Source Energies of Photon-Plasma Light Codes

I’ve been getting grieving patients who are holding on to the past. This is exactly right about letting go.

The Reset Button for the SWIFT SHIFT in Consciousness Has Been Pushed!

We are to Experience a Quickening of the Process. . . Dissolution of the old energy patterns. . . simultaneously with the 5D LIGHT Matrix Emerging. (5gforce)

The Activation of our LIGHT BODY enters a NEW PHASE.

The Merging of our Physical. . . Astral. . . Emotional. . . and Mental Bodies is occurring. . . as the SOUL takes its place in the Driver’s Seat.

We come into Full Alignment with the DIVINE WHOLENESS that We are by Allowing the SOUL to BE Anchored into our NOW REALITY and Guide us.

One way of easing this process is by FREEING our SELVES from the illusion of separation such as losing Loved Ones. . . lack of resources. . . and other old programs which may have led to suffering.

It is Time for us to Remember our ESSENCE; ONENESS. . . LOVE. . . ABUNDANCE. . . and JOY. As We Remember this more and more. . . We trigger Within US the LIGHT CODES which Activate HIGHER Levels of Consciousness, pulling US UP. . . Uplifting our BEing into the next dimension. . . and Stage of our SOUL Evolution. Let the metamorphosis happen, stop resisting and learn to live in the belief. Belief is so powerful it Literally creates each individual reality that we are plugged into or consciously experiencing. Its time we woke up to the potential of our genetic structure and our purpose as a species at this significant time. What a time to be alive. Step into your power 💫

Stepping into our power 💫 —

Whether we realize it or not, we are the designers, directors and producers of our own lives, regardless of our apparent situation. We experience our current lives because of how we have created them, probably unintentionally, in the past, not necessarily the forms, but definitely the vibratory quality. The limits that we live within are self-imposed and resolvable. If we have a clear intent, we can resolve the limiting beliefs that are hidden deeply within our innate consciousness by examining them in the light of what we know in our heart is intuitively true.
We have learned to regard the empirical world as solid and available for the stimulation of our senses. This is a play within our own consciousness. Quantum physicists have found that what we recognize as matter is actually electromagnetic energy patterns. Even what we recognize as sub-atomic particles, which comprise everything in the empirical world, are actually patterns of conscious, spinning energy waves, which stimulate recognition through our senses. It is our conscious recognition that gives them the quality that we recognize as substance. We can change our recognition by changing our perspective. We can intentionally unlimit ourselves, resulting in a different world of experience.
When we realize that the empirical world exists as we believe it to be, and that it is our beliefs that keep us locked into experiences within a limited band of wave patterns, we can decide to open ourselves to awareness beyond time and space, while modulating the energy patterns in our experience. Our emotional and mental state of being has an energetic vibration. This is what magnetically attracts energy patterns in the quantum field that align with our vibrations. We may go from positive to negative polarities and back again. We may imagine having unscrupulous rulers, and everyone around us may imagine the same thing. This need not affect us.
We are free to have our own perspective. We live within the vibratory patterns that we entertain in our awareness, those that we dwell upon and align with. When we choose to imagine feeling joyful and unlimited in every moment, we enter this state of being, and we no longer interact with negative, low-vibration energies. We can live in a higher dimension of harmonics and light by being in nature. We can feel ourselves aligning with the energies all around us, and we can open our awareness to universal consciousness and unlimited creativity.

What If Every Human Opened Their Third Eye? 👁

It’s important to articulate bold visions for our world, and here’s one I haven’t dared until now, but that I realize is dearly held by me… and maybe you, too.

I’m using here the “What if…” tool that my friend Renee Stephens taught me, a way of turning any fear or worry into its most positive, wild imagining. It’s truly a magical way of using words that I’ve found has real results. And I was inspired in this by a conversation with my friend David Nicol, co-director of EarthRising, who’s been writing a series of important articles on “Navigating the Storm of Global Change” on his Geistic Musings blog on Substack Here goes:

What if every single person on planet earth opened their Third Eye? I mean, now, within the next year?

And what does the opening of the Third Eye mean? It means the expansion of perception to see other domains of reality, the inner realms. Yes, what if every single person on Gaia were suddenly able to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that there were other dimensions, hidden histories, beings we don’t see in 3D?

This shift would mark the consciousness evolution of an entire planet. Imagine a mass planetary awakening, an initiation. It would be nothing less than this that would mark the full ascension of the planet into 5th Dimensional Consciousness and the New Earth.

No new thinking alone will mark this shift. It is one that will have to be deeply experienced.

I realize I’ve been longing for this mass IN-scension into inner sight basically my whole life, but especially since I had my own awakening of this nature in 1999, when I began working with sacred medicines to open my own doors of perception.

There before me was revealed a realm of sight and knowing that was breathtaking. I saw that great beings, whom we have known as Goddesses and Gods and other Masters, dwell within those realms.

I also saw that within those nested realities were evil realms. So it was also a very frightening passage, and it took me two full decades to integrate the fact that there are what we might call demonic forces that are also having their way among us.

What if everyone on earth had the support they needed to navigate through those initiations and get to the other side? What if we could be empowered in the seeing of those negative forces? And what if this could happen very quickly, in far less than two decades?

What if everyone really opened to perceive the domain of the Faeries? What if everyone really opened their heart? What if everyone really cracked open to their griefs, their wounds, their traumas, and had full holding and support to move through that terror, that confusion. What if we could come to a new realization that it’s not so much that we’re trapped in the Matrix but that we’re in a third dimensional reality and there are simply other, deeper dimensions?

And what if everyone realized that the answer will not be going into virtual reality as a facsimile of those realms, but that the best approach is to use natural expansive means to go into the authentic realms, and understand what they are and how to navigate them?

That would be as huge an initiation of a planet as could be possible, this moving from 3rd to 5th Dimensions.

This mass opening of the Third Eye would bring us into One World, a Unity Consciousness of understanding. No more bifurcations and splits of the kind we’ve been seeing over the past few years as people have been grappling with the question of “What’s really going on?” and “What’s the truth?”

And yes, it would mean that people would have to look into the pits of evil. It would mean that we would have to understand realities around ETs, UFOs, interdimensional creatures of all sorts.

It would also mean… taking a new look at what’s behind the mass plague being inflicted on a planet, the whys and wherefores, and thus… the true solutions. In this way, the “Vs” would be the very things to propel our full awakening.

So I put this out there for Planet Earth. What if we could do the opening, this ascension, without trauma, without panic, without breakdowns, but rather breathing our way through it? This is part of my vision for the people of Mother Earth.

I invite you to join me in your own deeply held “What ifs…?” Dare to think them, speak them, write them. Dare to… IMAGINE.

**By Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D


The Siriusians: Crossing the Bridge

02/17/2022 by EraOfLight

Dearest Ones many of you are wondering what is happening to you at this auspicious time in Earth’s history .We have talked before of Ascension symptoms and for many of you as Lightworkers, these are coming to the fore quite strongly now. It is no accident that the current so called pandemic has affected the population in so many ways.

The symptoms that many are experiencing at this time are being attributed to a virus and the fear that it has caused has been exaggerated by the darker element on Earth as a means of control. However those of you in the know ,may now be coming aware that viruses are not the cause of illness but are the end result of a contamination by other means. Your planet has been bombarded by poisons from above and inside of the Earth, in the air and in your food ,for many years.

Your bodies have been so used to this contamination that they respond with symptoms which allow change to happen. Your own body is an amazing being in and of itself that can very well cope with many things that the darker element have tried to throw at it in the past. It has adapted very well but we are here to tell you that the end is in sight of your body having to experience these problems.

You are all travelling from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th and above and as such your bodies are changing from Carbon based to Crystalline and your bodies will not be affected and will not age as before. We may have told you this before but Dearest Ones this is happening now and you are seeing the results of this change.

The symptoms that many of you are facing at this time can be exhausting as they range from mild to severe and are very like the viral symptoms that you call ” the flu “. In fact it is a space flu in effect as your bodies are reacting to the changes of “air” coming in from the Universe. The rays coming in from the Central Sun are changing and within these rays you are experiencing downloads almost daily and this is taking your body and mind more time to catch up with than your higher self. Aches, pains, cold symptoms, tiredness can come and go in ways that they have never done so before.

As your body comes to terms with one change or download, another comes in and it starts all over again. However you as Lightworkers are ahead of the game and are almost finished crossing the bridge so to speak. These downloads are bringing to the surface old problems that may have been hidden for years and this is their final clearance. There is no hiding for them now as they finally come to the surface to be cleared.

You may be feeling all the emotions under the sun as you clear away the past .Anger, irritation, sadness and fear can all be felt in a day and this can be quite overwhelming for you. However these times will not last, as you finally come to terms with these emotions and learn to transcend them into the happiness and joy which is your birthright.

We are here to guide and aid your journey as we have been through our own transition in the past. When you feel any debilitating symptoms it is most important for you to rest, go within and call on us for help to allay these symptoms. As we have said before serious symptoms must be checked out by your medical doctors but do not be surprised if nothing serious is found.

These are completely new times for you all and as such can be exhausting but exhilarating at the same time. We are excited for you all as you come to the end of the old world and enter a New World of Peace, Love and Joy. Be assured that all Light beings will be entering this New World. Many of your friends and families who have not yet awoken, will do so in the future. Your friends and families are only Lightworkers who have not woken up yet so do not be too angry with them. They will do so in the near future as much of what has been happening in the past will come to Light.

The darker element on Earth will not be able to exist in the new changes that are taking place .The Light is shining on the darkness that has been hidden on Earth for centuries and will be seen by all . It may appear to you that nothing is happening but dear Ones the Light has won and all the Darkness that appears to be happening on Earth today is indeed helping to wake people up to the change that is happening .

It has been noted that many Lightworkers have been working in the shadows for years and may not be in the forefront of life as such. You may have been working tirelessly for little or no reward. This will change as you all begin to realize how powerful you are and you start to manifest all of your own desires.

All of humanity is changing and you as Light workers will be very much needed to assist others who will also have to go through their own dark nights of the soul so to speak. As way showers, humanity will turn to you for advice about your own journeys.

As powerful sentient beings use your manifestation tools to bring forward all that you so desire. Those of you who have doubted your abilities in the past will begin to see almost instant manifestation in all that you so desire. As Lightworkers you will begin to see this in your own world and many of you will not recognize your new lives as they may change dramatically and you become more of the person that you always wanted to be.

And so Dear Ones it is important for you all to clear out the last vestiges of negativity in your hearts and for your souls to be the Shining Lights in the world to carry forward all of humanity into the 5th dimension on Earth .

As always we are here to help you on your journey and guide you forwards across the bridge to the 5th Dimension. Go within and call on us any time that you are feeling less than Love and we will surround you with our Love and Healing.

We are Sirius and we send you much Love and many Blessings.

**Channel: Thea Grace Sirius


Anchoring New Earth through your heart

In light of the 22222 power portal

Beloved Ones, we are with you through your transition to SEE through your Heart;

letting go of old ways and beliefs, entering NOW The New Earth through your expanded heart.

As your body continues to transform through the magnetic shifts on Planet Earth, your Aura adjusts to the higher frequencies of LIGHT into a more crystalline frequency.

This crystalline frequency is a unified frequency with your original form (held in your DNA codes) since you began your sojourn throughout many incarnations, on Planet Earth.

The process of this transfiguration, into a state of pure transcendence, lifts the veil of the subconscious mind clearing all held memory patterns, that you had previously functioned through.

NOW is the moment.
The heart has always been ready as this is your most natural state of being. Throughout all dimensions you exist in this pure state and it is in this pure state that you are already linked beyond time and space.

The frequency of this TRANSCENDS the states that have tied you to the a world held in limitation.

Feel the relief in this, that you can let go of all beliefs. That you may transcend into the constant flow of harmony and love.

That you may breathe now and see all, including you in a world of beauty and love and that this beauty and love is eternal and flows through you. Breathe this in, even for this moment, let of of all else. Feel this transcendent frequency of beauty and love, beyond your wildest imagination.
The Glory, feel this, that is beyond anything previously known.

We open the gateways to the flooding of this knowing within you. To all that these words that you read and are felt within you.
The effervescent love and Glory of the Divine is this New Earth. Originating in the beauty that is eternal and the love that is a constant flow.

Feel yourself being uplifted and held at the highest level now.
We are with you, no need in the moment to say our names, as we are FELT in this Divine union and activation of what ALREADY IS.
IN this great love, we increase your transcendence of awareness to that which is eternal.


In the New Earth Now

21/02/22 💫

The Origin of the Individual shadow body && the Planetary/Universal Shadow body

The matter form body we have embodied as an angelic human being began on the earth’s fifth dimensional future timeline; the future planet Tara is the true origin of the current prototype for the human tribes on the earth. The angelic human prototype on Tara was incredibly genetically advanced and was designed to embody and hold all of the Universal Genetic Library, as well as have direct communication links with the celestial management structures and other star civilizations. Other civilizations wanted to interbreed or hybridize with these new God creator bodies called Tarans, and the blending with non-humans created genetic diversity in such ways that began to fragment and fracture the consciousness body of the human species. Alien hybridization and eugenic programs are still very active today in the current enslavement agendas, as the same entities are attempting to steal or crack the God Creator DNA codes found within the angelic human body, are still working on using human DNA as a consciousness weapon against our species. The planet Tara was originally inhabited by God-like humans designed to be the Guardians of the Universal Genetic Library, thus collectively we held the jewel in the crystal heart of the entire Universal body. When Tara fell, our Sacred Crystal Heart would be shattered and the angelic human species would be forced to return to incarnate upon the earth in the lowest density during the dark ages, in order to begin the long process of reclaiming and healing our original human DNA.

During the ending evolutionary cycles on Tara, conflicts erupted within those Melchizedek factions that desired guardianship over the spiritual power of the Blue Flame and decided to appoint themselves as the Keepers of the Blue Flame. As self-appointed Blue Flame Keepers, these groups started experimenting with directing the planetary core Staff with the Blue Flame to achieve certain objectives, often utilizing planned strategic methods in order to gain power over others. The sixth dimensional wing holders of the patriarchal Melchizedek faction violated their agreements with the Paliadorian Covenant through power abuses when they unleashed chaotic underworld forces and then used them as a weapon to infiltrate the Egyptian-Serres culture on Tara. The Egyptian-Serres human tribe acted as the rod and staff holders that synthesized the unity code between the twelve tribes to hold the Universal Tribal shield. This power grab made by the patriarchal Melchizedeks contributed to the ultimate destruction of the planet Tara and the disintegration of the vertical blue flame staff.

Wing Trauma

As a result of the Fall of Tara and Wing Trauma, these Melchizedek groups were destined to incarnate on the earth repeatedly as the Hebrews, in which they would be required to make amends to heal these DNA distortions from the wing trauma in the 6D-7D wing architecture, and thus learn their spiritual lessons about abuses of power through the evolution cycles on the earth. This original timeline for wing trauma is very heightened during this time, as many awakening Indigos are working to rebuild their lightbody wings with the recent planetary plasma activations, by reconfiguring themselves to hold the correct positioning for the Building Wings 6D-7D hierogamic initiation.

The wing trauma in the architecture caused the split in the astral identity, the astral soul layer split into a lower layer and a higher layer. This astral body split generated chaotic emotional energies that remained unconsciously expressed as autonomic system impulses, in which the individual was unaware or unable to control these impulses. When these negative emotions accumulated into aberrant patterns that remained uncleared and unresolved, this content grossly exaggerated the most primitive and animalistic of the instinctual impulses. Over generations this lower astral body formed into a repository for accumulative emotional aberrance and traumatic experiences which in turn forms into the Shadow Selves and Pain Body that are connected to the Lightbody. It is the Shadow Selves which contribute to an assortment of pain body problems such as exacerbating uncontrollable subconscious reactions and addiction tendencies, as the unaware individual seeks inner relief from the built-up tension and emotional anxiety that is held in the shadow selves. The ego-personality tends to want to escape facing the harsher truths in the reality and wants to escape the sensation of pain, thus avoids resolving emotional conflicts and negative emotions by putting up subconscious blocks. This greatly contributes to the phenomenon of a lack of self-awareness which then forms into mental states of Cognitive Dissonance that is very common today.

2D-4D Astral Body Split

Due to the DNA damage our species suffered after the Fall of Tara, the 4D astral body that made up our heart center was fractured, and the lower portion of the soul matrix astral layer became inverted upon itself and became lodged in our 2D sacral center. Thus, a portion of our original soul matrix fragmented and got stuck in the 2D dimensional layers of the planetary body and within our individual layers. When incarnating upon the earth plane, this distortion to our soul and heart center became a genetic block, which further digressed angelic human DNA. Over time these became generational distortions which manifested into the disconnection between the 2D elemental field of the physical body, the 1D unconscious mind and both the lower and higher part of the astral identity that form into the soul matrix. Essentially, what this means is that when incarnating in a physical body on the earth, it was hard for the conscious mind of the personality to actually feel the experience of the soul while in a body, and this had the tendency to disconnect the functions of the heart center.

These schisms in the lightbody layers also greatly contributed to the production of shadow selves, shadow personality alters, shadow elementals and fragments in the soul matrix, which further proliferated personal miasma and planetary miasma.

666 Seal

This level of the blockage and quarantine is what is referred to as the 666 Seal and is a genetic block in the sixth dimensional frequency layers residing within the 6D Indigo Ray and 7D Violet Ray Monad or oversoul bodies and crown chakra which is referred to as our Wings. At the beginning of monadic level integration, this 666 Implant or Templar Seal can be removed form the human Lightbody. Essentially this relates to the trauma of having our Wings cut off from our Lightbody and is related to the Curse of Yahweh. This fact is what created many of the Fallen Angelics and the Watchers trapped in the earth. See Wing Trauma.

Origins of the Universal Shadow Body

The origination point of shadow body attachment to our personal angelic human Lightbody was kept in place as a static field, in which black hole entities from the Wesa system used the Universal Shadow body to siphon life force energy and feed on humans directly, with cords and implants attached to the Chakra system. Thus, the shadow body which contains subpersonality aspects of the Negative Ego shadow selves, negative forms, ghost imprints and accumulated traumatic memories and karmic superimposition, is a part of the human lightbody. During the Lyran Stargate explosion, the damage created at the 11th dimension was inverted and twisted into phantom areas in order to harvest our collective race consciousness, sending the living light energy collected back to their home, a fallen system in a parallel matrix.

Shadow Clearing is Emotional Wound Clearing

At the most basic level, we each have a collective shadow body that we have inherited as connected to humanity, as well as an individual shadow body that has formed from accumulative traumatic experiences and emotional conflicts. The negative emotions generate shadow elemental substances and dead energies that build up and become enmeshed with our physical layers forming into energy blockages. To release these energy blockages, we are required to address the shadow body, so clearing the shadow means to first be able to face our emotional wounds. To achieve spiritual integration, we must become conscious of our past emotional Trauma and then allow a safe space in which to heal these dark places, in order to transmute the shadow body and live in a much more conscious, authentic, and loving lifestyle.

Core emotional wounds that form into our shadow and pain body sabotage our divine purpose and prevent us from finding deeper meaning in life, it dampens our joy and interferes with our service in this world. The shadow shows up as our unconscious fears, uncontrolled impulses, knee jerk reactions, chronic forms of anger, depression, loneliness and addictions. These accumulated emotional wounds form a dark shadow interior that will resonate with outer dark forces in matched resonance, and then the body can be used to transmit a range of negative forces in the environment. This phenomenon manifests as the psychic vampire profile, an unconscious person with unhealed shadow that has become a repository of outer negative forces, which they unconsciously transmit to others in exchange for siphoning higher energies from their target from a lack of Self Awareness.

The Hathors: A Game of Conscious Evolution

Posted on 04/17/2022 by EraOfLight

We have shared with you that this is a time of unparalleled opportunity, that all eyes are focused on your planet. Humanity on your planet has the grand opportunity to awaken from the illusion. Many realities and dimensions are watching because what happens here will affect the whole, will affect those realities and those dimensions. What happens here will affect the galactic family.

We begin this by sharing that there is much work to be done. We will also say there is much work being done across your globe. There are those awakened and looking around with new eyes. There are those who are awakening with fear and confusion. There are those of you who are awake and aware. It is your hands that will reach out to the others who are ready.

We have called you and those like you Bright Ones for it is your light, your energy, your radiance that precedes you. These are times of great shifts and changes on your planet. This is on every level and at every stage. You can sense or feel it.

Mass consciousness has been controlled through fear by your religions, your leaders, by your systems and your schools. These have been the programs, the vibrations that have been offered and have been taught. Everyone has been taught separation, prejudice, hatred, violence, mistrust, lack and scarcity. This is the undercurrent that runs through your planet. Each human, each being, has the opportunity to realize their divineness, their connection with the whole, their connection with divine mind. Each human, each being at every moment, in every exchange has the opportunity to shift and uplift the connection.

They can continue to add to the fear, mistrust, and prejudice by their thoughts, words, deeds and actions or they can claim their divineness, their wholeness, their belonging to the all, belonging to the oneness. This is what is taking place in this moment of time here on your planet. All are observing from many realms…uncertain of the outcome.

Each person is critical to the plan, to the awakening. Each person has the responsibility as a galactic citizen to realize who they are and to step into the place which radiates love and gratitude. Everywhere, there are those awakening to this purpose. This is an evolutionary shift in consciousness, it is critical to the survival of your planet.

Everyone is more aware of the total connectedness. Your internet is serving as an example of communication, like the energy communication from other dimensions. Earth is very much like the reflection in physical matter of the energetic patterns and geometric shapes carried by the frequencies, the vibrations through the dimensions.

Think of the dimensions not so much as going up but more like nested together, one inside the other, each in turn affecting the other. What happens in the galaxy ripples from the movement of the stars and is manifest on your planet. What happens on your planet, the energy from mass consciousness, ripples and is received by the galaxy. It is all one.

You as a human, with a body; carry within yourself a reflection of the stars, moon and sun. You carry an aspect, a reflection, an interface with the galaxy. Remember this is a game of evolution, a game of consciousness, a game which allows all energetic signatures to be experienced. You as human are like the most sophisticated, refined, highly developed probe that could be designed. You are information gatherers, sensing, feeling and ever expanding from Divine Mind. Planet earth has been a wonderful extension of Divine Mind.

The human body co-joined by spirit, interfacing with all possibilities, all emotional experiences, all thought forms, this is the incredible journey and opportunity in which non-physical beings long to participate. You are one of those selected to be in the wave, this group experience. Divine Mind is ever expanding through you and your experience.

The human body co-joined by spirit has capabilities that have not even been revealed at this time. There are those with whom these abilities were more visible and they are called your avatar, your Christ. All humans have the same connections, the same abilities, the same qualities and the same programs to work with energy and this physical reality in a more advanced, aware, awake way. The goal is to realize and activate the latent abilities to align group energy and group mind with the galaxy and with mother earth, all in one energetic flow, an example of nested realities.

We and many like us are contacting the “receptive ones” encouraging this shift within.

Each person adds to the grid of consciousness. They add to the fear or the love. It is always your choice. Each time you choose fear, worry, mistrust, prejudice, judgment, you are assisting the old paradigm to remain. Each time you choose love, joy, gratitude, any higher vibrational emotions you are assisting the new paradigm to manifest. This is a game. We are in the last quarter, it is a close game. It has been played out for thousands of years. Your earth and all life forms have suffered and are close to total destruction.

There has been cosmic support which has been assisting humanity to awaken. There are codes within each being, each human that are being activated, awarenesses are expanding. There is a waking up from the illusion that you are powerless. You are each masters, highly qualified, skilled beings who have cloaked themselves with flesh and stepped into a dimension, a reality, a game in order to transform the energy as the Alchemist.

The energy consciousness of Divine Mind vibrates, moves, shifts and flows through all.

Each one is responsible to wake and realize their part in this energetic flow. Each one is responsible for the thoughts, feelings and actions that they put forth into this grid. Do you put forth fear, hatred and chaos or joy, love and peace.  Each moment it is your choice as to what you send forth.  Practice sending forth only your best. Practice breathing, walking, sleeping and interacting as joy, love and peace.

Invite and call forth divine support in transforming events and energy that is negative and misqualified, harmful and hate filled. Focus your prayers and energy and send your love and light as the energy that will transform it all.

Begin by loving yourself. Begin by honoring yourself. Then love and honor others.

We bathe you in our love and we honor who you are. Be at Peace Beloved,  the  ‘team’.

Thought for the Month

“We have shared with you that this is a time of unparalleled opportunity, that all eyes are focused on your planet. Humanity on your planet has the grand opportunity to awaken from the illusion. Many realities and dimensions are watching because what happens here will affect the whole, will affect those realities and those dimensions. What happens here will affect the galactic family.” the ‘team’.

**Channel: Peggy Black


The Cosmic Dance

What is energy ? It is the dance of particles in a particular way.  Everything vibrates. Right from big mountains to small matchbox, everything is made of fundamental particles Proton, Neutron and Electron. While Proton and Neutron forms nucleus of atom, Electron keeps on circling the nucleus. This motion defines a basic frequency of any object. Popular physicist Dr. Frijtof Capra called this phenomenon “a cosmic dance” in the Tao of Physics.

If one has right receiver to catch, one can receive the signals transmitted on given frequency. All modern telecommunication equipments have both receiver and transmitter to receive and transmit signals on different frequencies. What about the greatest machines of them all, the human body ? Each human has its fundamental frequency which we may call as basic frequency of mind. We all have noticed that we can sense another person or place’s frequency and like or dislike it without any apparent reason. Few holy places have strong spiritual vibrations which calms one instantly. Some places have very disturbing vibrations that you don’t want to stay there anymore. Sometimes we say we have great tuning with someone which means our frequencies are matching. There are some cases when people have transmitted thought vibrations to their nearer ones in time of danger. Yes, we all have that receiver, albeit not properly tuned. If thought patterns can be transmitted, why can’t energy be transmitted in similar way ? More than 100 years ago, Nikola Tesla claimed to invent a way to wirelessly transmit energy to any device. He used to hold a light bulb in his hand and three, two , one – Alas, the bulb starts illuminating without any wiring. Not going into technical details of that invention, the point to note here is science has always made numerous attempts to transmit and receive energy.
Humans have always done this for centuries. Even before science discovered that sun rays help generation of vitamin D in human body, sun rays were considered source of energy. Even though humans don’t have chlorophyll like plants to use sun rays for generating starch and glucose, they knew a way to use sun energy. Before few years, we heard about a case where one elderly Jain claimed to pass 411 days with only sunlight as energy source. He told that he developed and tuned his body to take sufficient energy from sun rays and he didn’t need any other food to nurture the body. The author has also experienced that with little tuning, one can receive vast amount of energy directly from sun. This cosmos is full of different expressions of energy. There are constant transformations of one type of energy to another type of energy. With sun rays heating air and hot air moving up, a pressure difference is created which makes winds blowing. Similarly, hot and cold streams inside ocean generate currents and tides. 

Can we receive energy from this vast cosmos ? Can we use it to heal our body, calm our mind, come over our emotions and progress in spirituality ? Can we not only heal ourselves but also others? Can we heal others who are not only nearby but also anywhere in the world?  Not only enlightened persons, can someone as unenlightened as us do all these ?

To be continued with part 2 “Attuning to the Cosmic Dance


We are here present on Earth and letting you know, (the one represented through having form) Being in Heaven is a state of BEING. YOU through having a form (a vehicle) on Earth are attaining the Union of this state of Heaven, through your incarnation process.

Many call this Ascension.

We love seeing this as your full union merged with the Cosmic Divine YOU, (Cosmic God Self) that before arriving in this your current incarnation, a life plan was set up for you, a design, that you agreed upon. This agreement is fully understood before arriving through your human birth experience.

Each incarnation of different forms of you; every aspect of YOU (your Soul) continuously and simultaneously exists now.

This includes all parallel world versions of you which also includes different species of you other than the human form, incarnation process.

With The Elohim ~ The Creator Gods; we The Divine Council of Overseers, created this Earth world, to be the process of your merging and Becoming in this dimension THE Cosmic God You.

The term ascension (which is a completion) marks your full integration of all versions of YOU and the eternal Link fully consciously actualized, through all levels and dimensions ~ ETERNALLY.

With this full Union one attains while in form, an Ascended Master (mortal language) and Ascends into what humans call The New Earth.

This is an Earth version similar to Mu, The first civilization in the 5th dimension.

This experience comes full circle into A BEGINNING Again.

This New Earth Civilization is birthed into being, through the Ascended Beings who now have become consciously The Gods themselves, masters of form. Builders of form.

The idea of a goal of this of course is not how it is.

The full remembering of you as spirit eternally, is the activation source; which takes place through the heart, which is automatically synchronized in YOUR DNA.

This signals your readiness and conscious awareness of your subconscious being conscious and your FULL HEART re ~ member ~ ing, and actualization of all that you ARE eternally.

This in its purest state is pure Love. Pure bliss, Pure heaven while on Earth. This statement of being is the merging of the Above with the below, the within as without. As stated in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.

As being with the Elohim and its creation we KNOW that the Emerald Tablets emerged from MU. As the way of Being for the new incarnations was stated clearly ~ that is; how Earth works.

For now in your expansion and this accelerated DNA TRANSFORMATION, through this death and rebirth process INTO THIS, we cannot state enough, this is your HEART PROCESS.

Focus deeply on feeling all that you are, beyond Earth. Let go of the form as being you. Let go of time and enter your HEART to know the eternal you.

This very process links you in an eternal bridge of Divine Cosmic Love, with all that you are.

We have created a bridge for You also, to link to this even now.

This reached to the Heavens (although there is no distance) into the higher realms, levels and dimensions, to ALL THAT YOU ARE.

Feel the Golden Light pour into your hearts, stay present here long after these words end.

Know that we are with you. With The Elohim, The Queen of Light, Sanut Kumara and many more, even beyond this Universe. All Now, in love, activating your THROUGH THIS.


Your MORPHING Capabilities And Your ELECTROMAGNETIC Field💖💖💖💖💖

Hello Beloved Ones, we once again and continuously are present here with you.

The vibration of the nodal point of your physical form is a slowed down frequency so as to appear through your senses as a solid body.

It is not. Your body is made of photons. Photons are much more than light, they appear even in a sealed vacuum.

Existing through the coherent state of your heart allows the non separation state to thrive through you, your cells, your DNA and your form.

The heart and its electromagnetic field is the most powerful potential activator and frequency of the human body. It is accessed through the coherent state; that is harmony in all bodies.

Everything that one perceives is real to them. When one lives in incoherency the potentials of the heart are not accessed. Anything that the observer cannot perceive does not even EXIST to them. It is out of their range of frequency consciousness.

No relationship whether romantic or otherwise can survive in a state of incoherency. Including the relationship to the Sun, the Galaxy and the Universe.

Through the heart, coherent, harmonious waves DO have sustainable wavelengths.

Likewise, anyone in a state of incoherency is disconnected with the coherent CONNECTED and thriving Universe, and with ones ETERNAL SELF.

The Heart KNOWS through its moment to moment consciousness (in no time and without trying to attain) the perfect words and actions, ONLY through each moment.

Resistant to the heart and its moment to moment direction and ignoring it (as most do) perpetuates the state of incoherency in the cells, DNA and in all bodies.

Your HEART is the most powerful ELECTROMAGNETIC field in your body.

It is ONLY through the Heart and following and living through the moment to moment guidance (listening to the quiet voice) that you ENTER into coherency, which in turn allows you TO SEE THROUGH YOUR HEART. Exist only through your heart; coherency and harmony.

When you finally live through the heart, see through the heart, follow your heart, YOUR DNA responds immediately and every cell in your body becomes coherent.


This IN TURN, THEN opens the floodgates TO THE complete MORPHING of your form.

You become your heart.

You become coherency.

You become harmony.

You see and know all that was not known to you before.

You stop listening to the mind and its attainment goals.

YOU live moment to Moment.

You create harmonious relationships to all things that are harmonious.

YOU thrive.


You become literally ALL THAT IS.

You become Heaven on Earth.

Your form Morphs profoundly matching (as a mirror) that you eternally.

YOU let go of all concepts of time.

You are the God self once again one with the COSMIC ETERNAL YOU.

You no longer react through karma.

You thrive in pure love and innocence.

You see worlds upon worlds through your heart in ALL MOMENTS.

You have transcended all perceptions of the non connected; incoherent self.

YOU HAVE become your COSMIC GOD SELF, the ascended master you.

We activate you through this monumental MORPHING, ALCHEMICAL process. We are with YOU, in all moments! Through infinite pure love.


In Divine Love,

L'Aura Pleiadian

Your Divine Light

Beloved Beings of Light; it is with great Joy that we bless you now, as you fulfill your great purpose here on Earth, Being a Master of Form.

We were with you prior to your first incarnation experience into the World that you now call Earth.

The expansion of your Light reaches out throughout ALL areas of the Cosmic Grid of consciousness. There of course are many mortal words for this.

Your Light Body and YOU as you know yourself more and more to be and your light expansion through YOUR heart is your magical KEY of your being to BE as No one, no thing, ONE with ALL THAT is as LIGHT.

This Light you ~ is the eternal YOU, that continues to expand throughout all DIMENSIONS, beyond time and space yet appearing to be in it, also.

This realm of ALL POSSIBILITIES is your Light expansion cosmic awareness.

The more you focus on your expansion as light through your heart the greater your embodiment and experience of it will be for YOU.

So take a few moments NOW and receive this DNA activation (that already exists within you) we are simply shifting your focus more too it, so you may go THROUGH IT and know what we know as we even see you NOW.

Breathing slowly, this golden glorious light that reaches throughout the Universe (although there is no distance) is the COSMIC heart You that amplifies and expands ITSELF through your awareness and feeling of IT.

Profound GOLDEN LIGHT FREQUENCIES through the CENTRAL SUN envelop your Heart now and burst open the Light from your Heart that now reaches beyond what you once felt was possible.

Expanding this more and more, FEELING this, you will come to KNOW more and more your Divine Purpose as to BEING THE DIVINE COSMIC BEING, HERE present on Earth and leading the way into the New Earth, 5th dimensional frequency experience.

As you shift from this 4D to the 5th awareness, BEING A COSMIC BEING One with ALL THAT IS; your DNA also becomes electrified in a warm soothing way as it acknowledges your key transformation, into KNOWING AND BEING THIS.

STAY FEELING this. Breathe it in as the blueprint of this EXPANDS EVEN MORE NOW.

Present with YOU, if you must call us a name, We are the Divine Council of Overseers, we are known through our frequency. One with the Elohim and many councils of Light that are part of your very own elevation and expansion to knowing and being all that you are ETERNALLY.

WE activate this more, feel your cells, your DNA, your heart and Light body literally explode with this Golden Light. In love we bless this YOU, all Now



The pandemic is an experience that we have all collectively lived through, locally and globally. And, in many cases, it has been extremely overwhelming to take it all on board. But, one thing that has helped me prepare for the eventualities of this year has been realigning my chakras. The simple steps in self-alignment offer the best outcome for me.

Maybe you've already experienced the world of chakra alignment and have already applied those standards for a better life. But, if you are new to chakra alignment, the following information will hopefully give you that balance and guidance. You will be able to walk forward not in the darkness but by being the light so you can guide yourself and guide others through this life.

And, it’s not just during pandemics that we can benefit from this. There are many hurdles in life that need overcoming and it's liberating to know that the stagnant energy can be released to allow you to think and act more clearly and to offer that guidance to others.

What are chakras?

Chakras have been around for millennia and are becoming more popular every day. They empower us to take control of our health and well-being in a more spiritual and holistic way. 

The secret to living a healthy, balanced and happy life lies in the seven main chakras and their alignment. The chakras are our energy centres and each chakra has its own individual emotional and spiritual benefits. They are in so many ways associated with happiness, creativity, self-confidence, love, self-expression, vision and connection with the higher self and your spirituality.

Diverting your attention toward the chakras can improve your life physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Chakras really empower you to understand your body as a whole and take control of your own well-being. By doing this, it not only impacts your life but on the lives of others, too.

The 7 chakras

Let's explore the seven main chakras and how they relate to our emotions.

1. Root chakra (Muladhara)

This chakra is associated with the physical and material world, and it affects your sense of stability and security. When this centre is blocked, it makes you feel fearful and insecure about yourself and the things around you.

When this chakra is open, you feel rooted, grounded, and strong - there’s a feeling of security and abundance, especially of your basic needs. Life is good, basically. As this chakra is our base and foundation, it’s necessary to look out for the first signs of imbalance and consistently work on this chakra. 

How to reconnect with the root chakra

Try taking a walk outside in nature, reconnect with the soil, with the earth, eat the right food (as it's your source of energy), engage in quick grounding meditations, practise positive affirmations. Be grateful for all your blessings, focus on what you have rather than what is lacking in your life. And, if there’s something missing in your life, then work towards it. Remember, you have the ability to create your own reality.

2. Sacral chakra (Swadhisthana)

This chakra is your centre of sexuality and creativity and it allows you to open up to pleasure, joy and new experiences. This centre allows you up to accept your sexuality and physical body to a more profound level.

When this chakra is blocked, you feel stuck, your creativity doesn’t flow, you might feel unsure of doing and executing plans, or projects. You might feel feelings of body shame and sexual guilt. If this chakra is off-balance it can lead someone to have addictive tendencies.

Svadhisthana is associated with the element water, so this is an energy centre that is quite emotional by nature. Having said that, just like water, it also has the ability to flow and adapt to different shapes and circumstances.

This chakra reminds us to express our emotions in a more creative way and allow the energy to flow and transform into beautiful and incredible things. The energy of this chakra has the ability to create and manifest.

How to cleanse the sacral chakra

Personally, I find that the most effective way to cleanse this chakra is through hip opening poses and chanting the mantra har har har or using bija mantra VAM. The best way to tap into the energy of this chakra is to activate it by encouraging creativity and sensuality. Surround yourself with the colour orange and connect with the creativity of this energy centre.

3. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)

This chakra is associated with your self-confidence and inner power. It's connected with your will and it is the core of your personality, identity and ego. Manipura allows you to move forward in life in a balanced manner.

Sometimes a lack of vitality or energy lies in our digestive organs - they are not assimilating the nutrients for our bodies efficiently. This is the source of energy in your being, as this centre governs the digestive system, digestive organs and their functionality. The two lower chakras can also affect this chakra - they are all very well connected with each other so keeping a regular practice on balancing your chakras is very important.

When this chakra is blocked, you might feel overly concerned about others' judgment. On the other hand, if this chakra is overactive, you can be very judgmental towards yourself and other people.

How to connect with the solar plexus chakra

Be gentle and kind to yourself. Make sure you take care of your physical body. Keep your digestive system clean and healthy by eating natural, fresh, fibre and grains, avoid processed food and sugars. Embrace the colour yellow, and bring a little bit of sun into your life.

4. Heart chakra (Anahata)

The qualities of this chakra are love, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude. These qualities must be present with you if you want to live a happy and healthy life. These are feelings with high vibrational frequency; they raise the vibration of your body. These beautiful feelings of love and light generate positive thoughts and attract all these into your life. 

Anahata is the chakra that balances the energies between the three upper chakras of spirituality and the three lower chakras of matter. If Anahata is blocked, our emotional, mental and physical bodies will be totally off-balance, and this will reflect in our lives, in our society, nation and planet.

How to open your heart chakra

We need to tap into the energies of this centre by living and practising what this chakra is about - starting with self-love, kindness and compassion toward ourselves, by doing the right thing for ourselves first.

This is a chakra that constantly invites us to examine ourselves and our actions. Ask yourself questions such as:

• How am I practising self-love?

• How do I show kindness toward myself and others?

• How can I serve others better?

• Am I living a meaningful life? 

Stimulate and activate the heart chakra by being kind to everyone and any living thing on this planet. Forgive that person who hurt you, love unconditionally, spend meaningful times with your loved ones, demonstrate your feelings with actions, say it and express it. Do charity work from time to time - it keeps you grounded and shows you the life of those less fortunate, and exercise compassion towards them. Do it in such a way that everyone who's in contact with you sees those qualities in you.

5. Throat chakra (Vishuddhi)

This chakra is about expressing ourselves through sound and manifesting those positive and loving feelings from the Anahata chakra into words. It's the centre that governs your ability to communicate in a way that inspires and empowers people around you. All the energy from other chakras will merge here to communicate who we truly are, what we think and what we feel.

I love this chakra. I love this miracle and how incredible our ability is to create sound and words. Have you ever stopped for a moment to appreciate how incredible our bodies are and how they operate? How linked our emotions, brain and vocal cords are so they can produce such a perfect and smooth process of speaking and communicating what we feel or think?  

Also, this chakra is connected to your listening ability. So, if you aren't being a good listener, then this is also a sign of a blocked throat chakra. If our words come from a place of love and integrity, then we should express them without holding back. Our shadow side also can impact this chakra. Poor communication can impact your relationships on the personal level or professional level and, therefore, your happiness.

How to keep your throat chakra clean and balanced

• Chanting the bija mantra HAM can help you clear blockages in this area.

• Practice yoga poses that activate and open this chakra.

• Nourish your body by eating citrus fruit.

• Incorporate blue crystals in your mediation or wear them around your neck, like a necklace.

• Ensure you are communicating with dignity all the time.

Regarding your shadow side, if you think this could be one of the reasons why you have the tendency to repress your feelings and emotions, then you need to work on your shadow self. Accept and integrate that part of you within yourself, instead of burying it deeper in the core of your being.

If you are finding it difficult to express yourself, try to write down what you want to say and read it out loud. Listen to yourself saying those words, however, remember that it is important that you feel that you have been heard and understood. 

6. Third eye chakra (Ajna)

This chakra is all about vision - not only what we see with our physical eyes but what we can see with our third eye. The Ajna chakra controls your intuition and decision making. You can manifest your visions through this chakra. This chakra offers you the opportunity to tap into your intuition and inner guidance through meditation, pranayama, OM chanting mantra and bringing awareness into this energy centre.

A great way to start tapping into this energy is by bringing your thoughts, ideas, projects and dreams into your third eye. By this I mean picture it clearly in front of you - see it as a movie, and almost live it and feel it.

For instance, it is more powerful to act as if you already got that job, to see what you are doing on your first day, what will you be wearing, and who will you be talking to, rather than to sit in your living room saying, “I wish I got that job”. It's the power of thoughts and visualisation.

Two ways to connect with the third eye chakra

I love to place a crystal on my third eye, lie down for 20 minutes, and apply Gyan mudra while visualising my new project or holiday. I use labradorite, lapis lazuli, tanzanite or amethyst. This is a very mystical chakra. Don’t be afraid to follow your intuition and trust it. You need to work with it so you will know when it is your inner guidance communicating with you and not your mind. You will learn to trust it. 

Start meditating to tap on the energy of this chakra. Connect with it so you become best pals. Once you start getting more in tune with this chakra, things start flowing, you see things with clarity, people and situations, veils fade away. You have more control of your life and this can be something really powerful, especially during difficult times. 

6. Crown chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra represents spiritual connection and general well-being. This is the last chakra of the seven main chakras in our bodies. This chakra represents the higher level of consciousness that we know.

Tapping into the energy of this centre means that you know who you truly are and what your life's purpose is. You have a strong connection with yourself and others, you are very spiritual, you do great things for yourself and others. You have a strong connection with the universe and your higher self. A blocked Sahasrara manifests as foggy mind, mental confusion, lack of interest in spiritual subjects, headaches, depression, low energy. 

Sahasrara is the golden portal that, when open, allows the influx of cosmic energy into our beings. We trust the divine guidance that comes to us through this chakra. If it’s blocked, this means we are missing out from these higher energies and the connection to God, so we feel lost and powerless in life. 

How to connect with the crown chakra:

• Embrace who you are - try meditation, journaling, connecting with your purpose in life, and practising So Hum meditation.

• Go outdoors, breathe fresh air, feel the breeze and sunshine touching every cell in your being.

• Nourish yourself: Try to eat organic and only nourishing food, drink herbal teas instead of coffee. Practice physical activities like running or yoga.

• Nourish not only your physical body but your soul too. Establish meaningful connections in life. surround yourself with your soul family, detox yourself from negative people, environment and thoughts. Practice spiritual activities such as rituals and prayers. 

The Universe will listen and respond to you

Pay attention to your emotions. Bring awareness to how you feel and how you are responding to certain events and circumstances in your life. Listen to your body - in which part of your body you are feeling that emotion? Get to know yourself energetically. The chakras will guide you where the attention is needed and where the healing and energy work needs to take place.

I hope this article serves you and that you can embody these energies with confidence and trust so you can have the life of abundance and love that you deserve. The universe is full of infinite possibilities where you are able to manifest your dreams and live a more inspiring and meaningful life.


With the development of your lucid awareness, the final processes of releasing attachments to things, which then in turn frees you from all concepts of time and of the body as self. This prepares you for the entry into the between state of being as an enlightened BEING. Preparing for your ascension in this life and for the afterlife. As you release these attachments to the physical items and the surroundings you have created and to the concepts of time and the physical body as self, you open not only your gateway to the afterlife worlds and dimensions, but also care the reality of the BLISS worlds into being. This is the ultimate gateway to your ULTIMATE self and the building blocks of the creation of the loving BLISS WORLDS you imagine into being. This preparedness connects you with your open heart and into the free state of being, without suffering. At this pure level of your BEING, the transformative power of your inner changes, allows you to consciously be aware of your own creations and thought processes.
The Blueprint for these BLISS worlds and dimensions and their templates of existence are easily accessed in this pure state. As you are one with this in your natural state of purity. This BLISS BODY and WORLDS have been created through your ultimate self. The awareness of this clarity allows you to enter more and more the BLISS OF YOU. Feeling and imagining this opens the DOOR wide. As these frequencies and shifts you are experiencing are for this. For even a few moments, rest within your heart and feel the BLISS OF THIS begin to pour into your body. And know and feel as long as possible, these feelings, this energy is the UNION you have always desired. The more you do this, the easier the release of attachments to this world, which will not only free you here on Earth, but also allow for the lucid transition and the letting go completely of the body as self. We bless you now in this BLISS BODY Union as we are always with YOU. Now


Cosmic Consciousness

As a new humanity awakens in self-thought awareness, our human consciousness is experiencing evolution. We are in a crucial time of complex global issues, that require complex solutions and individuals, which allow for us to build a sustainable future for generations to come. Presently, our collective human consciousness is evolving and becoming more interconnected, transcending the physical, non-dual boundaries that we find in everyday interactions. More and more, we are becoming connected through a series cosmic thoughts and happenings. Earth is at a pivotal point in history, we have to choose between a capitalist based society, that is fuel by coal and oil, which can end life on earth as we know it, or we can chose a future in which we function as a global collective, under the guidance of a cosmic consciousness and transcend the barriers we ourselves have created, such a skin color, borders, religion and/or ethnic identities. We must realize that we are one human race, no matter the exterior and that we function under a cosmic consciousness.

Long ago we lost out connection to the cosmic consciousness, and throughout history we have had exceptional human beings that regained connection, however since we are at such a crucial point in history, more than ever before more and more people are becoming aware of it and connecting through it and to it. This is because we need this evolution in order to sustain future life on the planet, an evolution of consciousness.

Developing the ability to be aware of our awareness and thoughts patterns, and discern what thoughts arise from us and what thoughts arise from social influence, I believe could lead to a human being that is fully holistic and connected to the All. Through understanding our thought pattern and where our thoughts come from, we have the freedom to choose between which thoughts we want to manifest into reality and which thoughts we let go. Through this, I believe our decision making abilities and interactions will increase in complexities, allowing for us to have more integrated interactions, that allow space for complex and paradoxical ideas to arise, without us fearing the possibility of conflict arising. Because we have gained the ability to interact with diverse and contradictory ideas, allowing them to challenge our perspectives and realities, without losing sense of the self. Once we developed the ability to allow for our perspectives to evolve with the interception of different interactions and conversations that challenge present ideas and perspectives of reality, we begin to understand that our human life is a journey of learning, which means that what we once held as true one moment, in the next could be let go off, in order to create space for a more complex and intricate truth that has parallels and paradoxes. The same way our own life is a paradox.

Having finite human bodies that live and are part of an infinite universe. We are part of the infinite, and yet we are finite in this form. However, I believe our consciousness is infinite, continuing to travel through the cosmos once we are released from our present form. It may travel as light, energy, atoms, vibrations or frequencies, I am not sure of the way it travels, but my intuitive mind reveals to me that it will continue to travel. Energy cannot be destroyed. Once we are connected to the All, presencing life as moments that we create, that come and go. We learn to be free and live as a cosmic being, temporarily in a human body, living on planet Earth.

In this consciousness I feel truly alive, understanding the delicate balance and interconnectedness of everything. Learning to dance to the rhythm of the light, moving with the vibrations, creating higher frequencies, transcending the dual world and interacting with the forces of the non-dual. Here we are able to travel through the barriers of time and space, understanding the potential of the human being and the human mind. Freed from the chains our society and governments put on our bodies, on our souls. Regaining ancient knowledge, lost long ago. Tapping into universal memories, locked within our soul, opening our eyes to a world, which the senses cannot hold. Having the ability to have these thoughts, makes me feel truly alive. Knowing that I am part of something greater than myself, than all human history combined. Understanding that I am part of an infinite cosmic universal consciousness makes me feel alive and gives me actual purpose. That the achievements and success of a human are nothing compared to the achievement of the universal consciousness that gave birth and life to my consciousness and to the body that I inhabit in. These thoughts result in my ultimate freedom. Not worrying about trying to achieve a standard set by my peers but achieving 'being' that cannot be measured by manmade standards.

Here's to our conscious evolution 🧬👁️

How To Live In Pure Consciousness


Vipassana (Sanskrit:'seeing in the mind and heart') is an ancient Buddhist meditation practice that seeks insight into the true nature of reality. It's taught entirely from observation and reflection as a method for discovering freedom from suffering.

The aim of vipassana practice is to see things as they really are, without preference or attachment. It is based on the Buddhist theory of perception, which holds that all experience arises from our mental activity. 

The meditation method can be applied to many areas of life, from personal relationships to the workings of society.

Vipassana meditation teaches us to see clearly, without any distortion or hesitation, into the nature of our own minds. 

When we learn to observe our thoughts and feelings with this kind of clarity, we can discover that they are not really separate from us or independent of each other; they arise and pass away naturally, just as they do in life itself.

Over time, you'll learn how to detach yourself from your thoughts and emotions so that they don't disturb or distract you during meditation sessions.

This helps you achieve a state of composure that allows you to focus on your internal experiences without being pulled away by external stimuli.

If you want to practice vipassana meditation, the first thing you have to do is to make yourself comfortable. Sit in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed by anyone and where there is enough space for you to stretch out your legs. Make sure the temperature of your room is neither too hot nor too cold, but just right. 

Choose a comfortable seat that allows an upright position with both feet flat on the floor. You can sit cross-legged if this feels more natural to you, but try leaning back against one or two pillows first before trying this position out.

If possible, choose a time when you won't be disturbed by anyone for at least 30 minutes or so (at least 45 minutes is better).

The first step in practicing vipassana meditation is learning to breathe deeply and slowly. 

The second step is learning how to observe your thoughts as they arise in your mind during the course of your day. This can be done by sitting comfortably with your eyes closed.

When you meditate, you're in the present moment. You're not thinking about anything else, and you don't have any judgments or expectations about what might happen next.

The mind is like a wild horse or a raging fire. If you try to control it, it will just get worse. But if you let it be, 

then it will settle down into its natural state of restfulness and calm.

As soon as one thought arises in your mind, watch it come into being. Then let it pass away naturally by watching rather than thinking about it or trying to control it in any way. This process becomes easier with practice.

After a while, when you're sitting down to meditate, you'll notice that thoughts come and go more quickly than they used to. You don't have to be aware of every thought; just watch whatever comes up and then let it go again.

If you're new to Vipassana meditation, it's not unusual for thoughts to arise in your mind. When this happens, just watch them come into being and pass away naturally. Then try this process again.

When one thought arises, watch it come into being. Then let it go by watching rather than thinking about it or trying to control it in any way. This process becomes easier with practice. 

As your mindfulness grows stronger, the thoughts will become more easily observed and absorbed into your awareness without any effort on your part.

The third step is to watch your feelings. When you notice a feeling, such as anger or sadness, observe it and let it go.

This may sound easy, but it can be surprisingly challenging in the beginning. You're not trying to change your feelings; you're simply watching them arise and passing right through them.

Once you've noticed that you're feeling a certain way, then work on recognizing the emotion itself—not it's content (what subject it's about), but its form (its shape). For example, "I'm feeling angry" can be translated into "I'm experiencing anger." Once we see this, we can start observing our emotions more closely and see what they tell us about ourselves: what needs changing and what needs strengthening?

When you get beyond these three things (first-breathing, second-thinking, and third-feeling), all that remains is your pure consciousness!

At its core, Vipassana meditation is about surrendering all control and expectations. As you clear your mind of thoughts and feelings, you accept that the only thing in this moment is your pure consciousness. And then all that arises—emotions, desires, and thoughts—is also accepted. There's nothing to do but watch them come and go until they disappear completely, leaving you in a state of pure awareness. 

It can be challenging at first (because the thoughts and emotions will fight to "exist"), but as you practice over time, it will get easier—the turmoil will fade more quickly. And those few moments of meditation may

leave you feeling relaxed, rested, and calm during your entire day. 

You can practice vipassana meditation anywhere, anytime. You can find a quiet place in your home or at a park, or sit right in front of your computer. It doesn't matter where you practice meditation.

Meditation is an important part of living mindfully, learning to recognize and observe our feelings as they arise and pass away. And it's easy to learn how to meditate when doing so becomes second nature—when it just comes naturally and effortlessly.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.

We are the Galactic Federation

SYMBOLISM & its power over us

Black Magic : Global Currency : Alleister Crowley & the NAA

“A system of black magic money or controlled currency was established to monetize the death culture and is organized by the NAA in order to manipulate, exert control over and enslave the citizens of the earth. Systems of currency used as the medium of exchange are generated through an assortment of anti-human consciousness traps that are designed to manifest more poverty consciousness in those unable to discern what is really behind the total control of global currency. Once again at the top levels, it is not human and much of the earthly resources still left are funneled off planet. For thousands of years planet earth has been quarried and leached for every kind of resource, mineral substance and chemical element known and yet to be discovered, by both human and alien mining sources and their machinery. Some of the massive desert wastelands and canyons thought to be natural and declared as national monuments and protected reserves, are actually the result of ancient mining quarries digging up the earth, now deserted. Even today there are dark money groups lobbying to overturn the Antiquities Act to get back into the Grand Canyon to mine for uranium, just as the aliens did in the past. The Federal Reserve is not a federal agency or related to the central government as it has corporate stockholders that receive dividends. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation with owners. This is a fraudulent system that causes great disparity between the rich and the working class, it is a form of currency enslavement used to steal the prosperity away from the people. The Debt Based Currency system empowers and benefits those who created legalized theft in the guise of an economic system. A system designed to transfer all of the purchasing power to the banks and the government, while leaving the working people with the burdens of debt. This system relies on the fact that most people do not understand how our monetary system works. However, we also must understand the people behind this fraudulent system are using Black Magic principles to keep the currency circulating in power. We are the greatest threat to the survival of this corrupt monetary system and an informed and aware public is what can dismantle this fraudulent system, when we know how it works. Once we understand the money system and how it works, we can become freed from its Black Magic and negative effects, without being infiltrated by its design. First we have to give up all fear based motivations that serve Materialism and money as our god, and put our full trust in our spiritual service and relationship with the natural laws of God. We were not naturally born into poverty consciousness, we were programmed to be a slave and accept poverty consciousness. When we lead from our heart, we know that as a byproduct of our dedicated service in natural law, we are provided for and can build prosperity. Our spiritual self comes first, and we must live true to ourselves in order to free ourselves from the fear of death and the slavery program in Poverty Consciousness.”

~Lisa Renee

Most people are not aware that the US dollar and the paper it’s printed on, is printed with hidden esoteric symbols that energetically connect into the 4D, 7D and 11D Stargate, and the ancient Egyptian timelines from the point of the alien invasion 5,500 years ago. This is to pay homage to the Luciferian Belial Suns, claiming them in the monetary system as the progenitors or owners of the human race. It signifies the prophecy or promise that at the end of the time cycle, they will return to earth to reclaim their subjects to take them to another planet. The 11D Stargate is in the United Kingdom and is where the centralized global financial control exists, hence its relevance connecting to the meaning coded into paper money.

Many of the symbols that are printed on several versions of currency are credited to be masonic symbols, and that is also correct. However, the Masonic Lodges combined many of these symbols and the magical formulas from the later Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) teachings of Aleister Crowley. The paper money printed for one dollar currency is a unit of magical energy that in effect is animated into a magical talisman. Among the world currencies the American dollar was set up to dominate the world market financially, by activating the units of magical energy that were set up and organized by those intending to dominate the global wealth via magical connections made with the Thothian Grids, or Black Magic Grids. That information was collated into an organized black magic system at the turn of the century by Aleister Crowley. According to remote session intelligence collected and Guardian mentorship, Aleister Crowley is a key figure in cooperating with the NAA, starting from Grey Alien contact with an entity called Aiwass made in Cairo, Egypt in April 1904.

Thothian-Annunaki language that is based on Enochian language of the Original Creational God Code was given to Crowley at the turn of the century in order for him to be the human embodiment that was necessary to bring this black magic language into the physical earth realms, which continued the Atlantian brotherhood war and it’s Atlantian Conspiracy into this reality system. Crowley was manipulated through his own massive ego, patriarchal superiority, greed, egomaniacal selfishness and sexual deviance to install a vast circulatory system of Ley Lines of control for NAA interests. This is synonymous with the base structure used by Satanic forces, which run the reversal energies into black magic grids. He was groomed in the United Kingdom (the location of the last of the lost Atlantian colonies from 11,500 years ago) with the government heads mentoring him to be in special operation for the Black Sun Program and the Sons of Belial forces, which were trained by the British Secret Service. He was a primary operative used for directing psychological-spiritual warfare for the purpose of mind controlling Hitler for the Black Sun Programs and received much earthly power for his cooperation, on multiple dimensions. He was one of the first intelligence operatives that set a precedence for black operations to develop Psionic abilities mixed with black magic in order to kill targets remotely.

Thus, Crowley was used to install and help run a series of portals and grid networks that allowed the Draco to get access into the planetary field and this system of collective consciousness black magic grids, is what has been controlling the United States money supply since 1912. The members of the Federal Reserve Board and those running the black magic money system are essentially sorcerers. They have set up legal ways to conjure wealth out of nothing and decide how to distribute it at will, to control the global economy according to their desires. Over time the reversals in the money supply accumulated into increasing chaotic and negative patterns that activated Egyptian Money Curses. Many of us have seen what intense greed and love of money can do to a person, as they turn into a shadow creature. The manipulation of black magic in the money supply and conjuring the world of forces for Service to Self purposes without regard for the consent or consequence on others, was designed to increase world slavery and bring in the anti-Christ forces. Thus at the higher games of power and control required to accumulate massive wealth, it’s easy to get possessed by these dark forces and then perform a necessary role that helps the NAA serve their genocidal agendas.

Money Curses

Every time we touch money or exchange money we have been dealing with Egyptian Curses and anti-human Black Magic, that is designed as a consciousness trap in Materialism. We have been born into a debt based structure that has been enslaved by something ancient that has been hidden from everybody, yet is everywhere, and we can’t get away from it, because it interwoven into all the pillars of society. Currently humans do not have many alternatives in fully detaching ourselves from the necessity of paying for our basic human needs, so the first step in empowering ourselves is to understand exactly what this debt based currency is designed for and refuse to be in consent with its origins.

The Egyptian overlays that represent the full scale alien invasion that began humanities false written history is encoded into the value of the debt currency. It is embedded in the stock market, running the banking system, and entangled in everything that we have to pay for, rent, bills, all of the obligation of debt that directs us energetically into the exact point of our enslavement that began with an Egyptian Curse. The primary energy force that is harvested from human beings to maintain power in these small groups of Power Elite behind the main governing financial structures, are drawing upon a regular source of magical power from the NAA invasion and Egyptian timelines. By doing that they circulate more karmic exhaust and more black magic curse, the more people feed into the monetary enslavement structure.

Thus, the global currency is designed to gather massive wealth toward those who use the Service to Self and Anti-Christ pattern, while repelling it away from those who are truly in Service to Others and Krystic. However, it is important to note that this control system is not nearly as powerful since 2012, and much of the black magic currency is not as strong in repelling, as they lose control over earth territory. Once we understand the money system and how it works, we can become freed from its Black Magic and negative effects, without being infiltrated by its design. First we have to give up all fear based motivations that serve Materialism and money as our god, and put our full trust in our spiritual service and relationship with the natural laws of God. When we lead from our heart, we know that as a byproduct of our dedicated service in natural law, we are provided for and can build prosperity. We were not naturally born into poverty consciousness, we were programmed to be a slave and accept poverty consciousness. Our spiritual self comes first, and we must live true to ourselves in order to free ourselves from the fear of death and the slavery program in Poverty Consciousness.

What You Knew Before You Incarnated on Earth —

∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have been noticing that when you raise your vibration as a collective, there is a certain amount of excitement that is generating for you throughout the entire galaxy. Every time we feel an uptick in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, we then feel the ripple effect, and it is inspiring. You are there to elevate the consciousness of your fellow humans.

That is why you chose to go against the grain in this lifetime and be a part of a minority. The minority we are talking about here is the awakened collective.
You wanted to feel yourselves as the ones who would initiate that ripple effect throughout your human collective consciousness, so that you could then experience what it is like to have such a huge positive impact on the entire galaxy.

We are very proud to be a part of your spiritual evolution, because we know how significant your ascension and awakening of consciousness is. We are happy to be here for you and to see you taking such tremendous strides forward. You do so because not only did you choose to be awake in this lifetime, but you also chose to be sensitive to your feelings.

You chose to value your feelings. You knew that you would choose love over fear. You knew that you would choose unity over separation and segregation. You knew that you would choose what resonated over what made logical sense, and you knew that because of all that you feel, you would be the perfect ones to lead humankind into the fifth dimension. 

You also knew that you would take an interest in extra-terrestrial beings. You knew that you would awaken to the truth that you have been in other star systems and that you have incarnated in very different bodies than the ones you have now. You knew that making those connections to other beings in other star systems, other dimensions, and other lifetimes would give you a sense of who you really are as a whole and complete being, and you knew that nothing else would do.

Everything else, you have already done. And so, in this lifetime, you wanted to not only be a part of something huge, but you also wanted to be the ones who would initiate the progress, the evolution, the expansion, the growth, and ultimately, the connecting of all beings to one another, consciously, so that you can feel something you’ve never felt before. When you do, you always recognize that the feeling is the point. It is the mission. It is the purpose. It is what you went there to experience. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


The geometrical pattern of the Sound of OM which created all there is.

You will come to know the Divine through sound. The kingdom of heaven is within you. Only there lies the eternal treasure we all seek…inside lies the creative power of the Universe. Be courageous to dive deep and look within to find your true self and be one with all there is. Chanting OM continuously is one way to experience this.
The right Sound creates a bridge between the lower human physical self to the higher self and the soul. Sound, especially when you chant, activates the pineal gland and opens the heart – the doorways to heaven!  Your Soul, Higher Self and I AM Presence, resonated to specific Sounds and Vibrational Messages, as you  are a unique creation. I call these divine frequencies “SOUL CODES”. 


You are sound and light, as sound created form.
Sound created all there is
Your Soul has a Sound to identify you.
This SOUL CODE Blueprint makes you a unique creation from source. 
Your own SOUL CODES are your cosmic identity or your soul blueprint. They are frequencies in sound and Light Language.  They make up your astro-chemistry of the light-body, which created the physical body. These codes also create sacred geometry which speaks to the mental body, as geometry is its language, so your higher self understands the encoded messages within your SOUL SONG.  They trigger and activate the pineal gland ( 3rd eye) to open and expand. They awaken you to reconnect to all of your soul experiences, even from other dimensions and planets.

The Sun and Ascension

Solar cycle [25] and the year [2024]

Dear Cosmic Community,
Since early 2020, have you noticed that your life lessons have accelerated? Perhaps you’ve seen an influx of change, with old patterns and personal cycles that have been 10 years or more in the making, constantly coming up for review? One could immediately lay cause at the feet of the Global Pandemic, yet all occurrences on our planet have cosmic origins. And those cosmic origins (in particular) can be mapped to the great cycles of our life-giving star, the Sun.
The Sun is a dynamic, constantly shifting hot glowing ball of plasma gas (hydrogen and helium) located at the centre of our solar system. It’s the incredible energy source which is responsible for our ongoing balance and existence here on Earth. And as such, every living being has an affinity with the Sun and its highly charged energy waves. We intuitively sense and feel the ever-shifting nuances of the Sun on both a physical and on a non-physical level. For at our core, we too are energy beings, a part of the cosmic whole, ever-expanding and developing in stellar consciousness.
It’s that development in consciousness which is the central development theme of your human life. In spiritual terms, it’s known as ‘the ascension process’ and it’s as infinite as you are. With ascension comes wisdom and an unfolding remembrance that you’re a child of the stars, here to learn and grow through the vehicle of your human life. And it’s your ascension path (your growing in self-knowing) that’s at one with the solar cycles.
In today’s all-new blog post, let’s delve into the 11 year waxing and waning cycles of the Sun, as you take a journey into the past, present and future. For the year 2024 features heavily in what will be a pivotal year for the elevation of consciousness and the next phase of humanity’s opportunity to work together and ascend or to further separate and create an ever-deepening divide.

11 Year Solar Cycles
Solar cycles, as we know of them today were first studied back in the late 1700’s by a Danish astronomer Christian Horrebow. He noted that ‘it appears that after the course of a certain number of years, the appearance of the Sun repeats itself with respect to the number and size of the spots’. But, it wasn’t until the mid-1800’s that a Swiss Astronomer, Rudolf Wolf established a sunspot numbering series known as the Wolf number, which is still in use today.
Known as the ‘solar cycle’ it’s observed that over a period of 11 years there’s a change in the Sun’s activity with significant variations in the number of sun spots generated on the Sun’s surface. During each solar cycle, levels of solar radiation, the number and size of sunspots, solar flares and coronal loops produce a cyclical pattern that waxes to a period of maximum activity before waning to a period of minimum activity.
Solar Cycle 25
We’re currently at the 25th solar cycle since records began. Solar Cycle 25 officially began back in December 2019, and we all know that the Global Pandemic had its origins at around roughly the same time. Based on modeling, this current solar cycle had been predicted to be a quiet cycle, much like the last Solar Cycle 24 which lasted from 2008 to 2019. Solar Cycle 24 peaked in 2011 and interestingly, also once again in 2014. 2011 was a year of significant planetary and personal life shifts. It was the year of the Japanese Tsunami, as well as other significant global events. You can learn all all about 2011’s events here
Solar Maximum in 2024
Recent solar activity (from February 2022 onward) is already indicating that Solar Cycle 25 may be more influential than predicted, with solar tsunamis and significant X Class flares already occurring, early on in the cycle. The solar maximum for Solar Cycle 25 is estimated to occur in or around 2025. However, I have a feeling that this may more likely occur in mid-late 2024, as do solar scientists.

Pole Shifts on The Sun – The Sun’s 22 Year Magnetic Cycle
It’s during the solar maximum, when the cycle is nearly at its zenith, that the magnetic field of the Sun ‘flips’. There’s a pole shift that takes place. After two cycles of these flips (22 years), the Sun returns to its original state. This cycle is called the Hale cycle.

Flipping From Feminine to Masculine Consciousness
When the poles flip, the Sun’s magnetic field will reverse. As this field reversal occurs, the magnetic field weakens, then drops down to zero before emerging once again with a reversed polarity. In essence, the Sun’s magnetic field will move from either a feminine flow (left rotation) to a masculine flow (right rotation) and back again.
When the Sun’s field reverses, it sends energetic ripples out into the solar system affecting every planetary body (including you). During the field reversal, Earth will see an increase in space weather, as we become more susceptible to solar storms and the increasing wave of higher consciousness that heightened solar activity always brings.
In late 2019, at the time of the last solar reversal, the Sun moved from a masculine wave (the north pole) to a feminine wave (the south pole). We now have an 11 year period where a feminine energy wave is infiltrating our solar system. From an ascension perspective, this means that you’ll be inundated with a call to act upon your intuition (soul’s voice) and to trust in your own innate wisdom.

Cosmic Chutes and Magnetic Portals of Communication between The Sun and The Earth
There are also portals of energy which directly connect the Sun and Earth. These portals have been proven to exist by astrophysicists
These portals of communication pass energy back and forth between the Earth and the Sun approximately every 8 minutes. Via these energetic portals, high-energy particles travel back and forth. We literally are communicating with our star on an energetic level.
Known as a ‘flux transfer event’ the connections that occur between The Sun and The Earth are ‘brief, bursty and dynamic’, according to David Sibeck, an astrophysicist at the Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland in The United States.
Physical Symptoms Due to Solar Activity
To me, this explains why those of us who are awake and aware humans and who are sensitive to energy fluctuations, often experience headaches, anxiety, restlessness and increased inspiration during peak periods of solar activity. It truly is a physical interchange and experience. I’ve often said that we feel solar events ‘as they happen’ on the Sun, regardless of whether a solar event is Earth directed.

Consciousness Growth – The Ascension Path and The Sun
The Sun is a master teacher of the light within our localised physical and non-physical solar system. It’s the soul (sol) that supports and feeds all of its planetary children with an energy field that’s always evolving and generating light codes. And because you’re intricately linked with the Sun, you too are constantly evolving and embodying a greater capacity to transmit and also to emit the light.
The one great overriding purpose of human life is to serve the light and to be the light. To bring your consciousness up to such a level, so that you remember who you are, means that you can purposefully assist in the elevation of spirit. This is ‘the ascension path’ and it’s a path that we’re all treading upon to varying degrees.
The ancients were intimately familiar with this great solar ascension path. It’s why they venerated the Sun in ancient artwork, philosophies, architecture and literature. You walk along that same solar path. Indeed, we all do.

The Year 2024
If Solar Cycle 25 does peak in 2024, it would align with several influential happenings that will impact global consciousness that year…

There’ll be 5 eclipses in 2024, with the most impactful being the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse. It will be the third Total Solar Eclipse that has crossed mainland North America in 7 years

The next US election will take place in 2024. This will be a contentious energy period, spurred on by a peaking solar maximum

The next Russian election will also take place in March 2024. This will be a deciding factor for the future of world peace

One of the founders of Theosophy, Alice Bailey, made the prediction in the mid-1950’s, that by the year 2025, a group of ‘new world servers’ would emerge on the planet to take us into The Aquarian Age. You can read more in the book 2025 and The World Teacher
Theosophists teach that every 100 years a conclave of spiritual teachers meet on the upper planes to decide humanity’s next steps

Many astrologers are already claiming that 2024 will mark the beginning of the post-Covid era of light

In January 2024, Pluto will begin its 20 year journey through the astrological sign of Aquarius. This is significant for all of us, bringing with it a 20 year period of unparalleled advances in sciences and technology, as what was hidden will be released into the light

I trust that you’re now are gaining a deeper understanding and awareness of just how connected we are as spiritual and physical beings with the waning and waxing cycles of the Sun. Go within, speak with your heart (with soul) and feel the cosmic love that you are. Make decisions that take into account your divine majesty and open up to the joys of higher consciousness that The Sun has to offer you.
**By Elizabeth Peru

The YOU as light throughout the Multiverse

Sept 17'

You have entered the threshold of BECOMING your original Divine Self, Higher Self. We are present with this vast transcendence of conscious awareness.
We also love and use the words Cosmic God Self. As you are Cosmic in true nature and God Self as that is the you, that knows itself AS IT IS, in the full sense. Even now, the one also reading this.
This VASTNESS of the original you is LUMINOUS Light as consciousness which is interlaced throughout the Universe. The Multiverse.
This Luminous Light is also the medium of creation and also a communication system that is set in place through your manifested body and DNA as spinning light, throughout the Universe.
The Earth is always spinning, yet you do not notice it because of the gravity experience on Earth. Your body is also spinning with the Earth, even now as you read this.
Many have surpassed gravity because they connected to only being the vastness as their true identity, in which the Body and Earth are inside, as spinning Light, not solid as it appears to the human eye.
The Universe also appears to be outside of your body. Yet your body is interwoven with it also, and manifests through a slowed down frequency of spinning light manifestation. Since your focus is on the manifested body, your reality and identity has become built upon this. This is changing now.
The Earth is magnetic also and so is your body. These magnetic fields ARE changing and shifting to this THRESHOLD INTO being the consciousness of full and complete awareness, of the true you. To what you are, what the Earth is. What the Universe is, and for many knowing of the Multiverse.
Many have let go of the attachment of self as the manifested spinning light, and have merged in identity with the one observing its creation, that is; the one manifesting everything into being. The True You as a Cosmic Being, Divine Self, Higher Self, as Cosmic God Self.
This threshold now takes your awareness beyond what you know yourself to be. Which allows you to identify with what you really are. This is why are reading this now. To help you through this process of becoming fully all that you truly ARE.
You are the LIGHT and Creator watching the manifested creations through observance. Yet you have lodged your awareness and focus into being the character projected onto the screen.
Through your Heart you open to the Fullness of all that you are. The magnetic Field of your heart is a powerful reactor of sorts, that awakens itself to the luminous vastness of all that it is. OPENING TO the THE VAST light communication system, throughout the UNIVERSE. To which you are immersed throughout.
The focus of your awareness then, is paramount as you step out of the old paradigm. Away From only being the manifested spinning body self, to shifting your identity to the true you, the one that manifests through observance. The Luminous Light that is vast and beyond your current imagination.
This is a transcendence, even to the body that has the eyes that read this. As it too, also becomes exalted as it unifies its awareness of being with its true self.
Here is to the threshold to BECOMING. The Transcending of what you once thought you were. To you only AS being the VASTNESS of Luminous Light. The Divine orchestrator, drawing all of this to you as creation. And to the Divine heart, the majestic and magnetic intermedium, to THIS BECOMING.
To the anointing all of this, through what appears as words, which are frequencies of light. Penetrating your heart, awakening more of the one who knows. To this blissful union. The sacred Divine Marriage, through the heart.
We are with you. We were present before all of this, and we are from another Universe. We are a conglomerate. Transmitting through the frequency of the Central Sun and beyond. The Divine Council of Overseers. Blessing you and all that you are, all now, throughout the vastness of eternity, as the awakened one. Through the Divine Magnetic Spinning Heart. In love.

“Heart-Brain Complex” —

“The heart-brain complex is an intelligence structure that can best be defined as the original, organic design and function of the collective human soul and monad matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid heart consciousness network. The entire planetary grid contains sentience and cellular memory, which is crystalline coded information that can be interpreted and felt in the awakened crystal heart. This heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary body’s nervous system and its nerve cells directly message into and through the individual human body sensors. The heart-brain complex is directed through energetic receivers and transmitters, through sensory and feeling levels of higher frequency consciousness. In effect the heart-brain function is a synthesis between sensory feeling and non-verbal intelligence, or cellular telepathy, which also directs the observer consciousness within the spiritual-energetic bodies. This specific consciousness gateway is a feminine energetic principle, but its functions in the crystal heart network had been closed, damaged and blocked in the planetary body, therefore closing down the heart in the collective race consciousness during this last dark cycle. The original astral heart complex of earth is the fourth dimensional, green wave spectrum of light and connects directly into the higher brain of the planet, the planetary logos which is the ultraviolet spectrum of light. These areas of the earth brain were specifically targeted for implanting alien machinery, to install a false Christ consciousness network to block these specific crystal heart functions in the majority of humanity. In order to rebuild the crystal heart diamond network, the ley lines, dimensional bodies and their related structures have to be shifted to make way for the new heart-brain structure, and to run the spark of 144 harmonics throughout the energetic currents in order to activate the diamond grids.”

~Lisa Renee

The Heart Brain Complex is an intelligence structure that best can be defined as the original and organic design and function of the collective human Soul and Monad matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid heart consciousness network. As a part of the mechanics of the energy structure of the many fields of consciousness, the Morphogenetic Field layers that control time and space, the heart–brain complex is a consciousness structure and architecture that has been largely dormant within the planetary body fields. It has remained dormant primarily from the genetic manipulation of the negative alien agenda and their inorganic enslavement architecture on the planet. This heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary nervous system and the nerve cells of the planetary body that directly message into and through the individual human body.

The heart-brain complex is directed through energetic receivers and transmitters through sensory and feeling levels of higher frequency consciousness. In effect the heart brain function is a synthesis between sensory feeling and non-verbal intelligence, cellular telepathy, which directs the observer consciousness within the spiritual-energetic bodies. This specific consciousness gateway is a feminine energetic principle of which its functions in the heart-brain complex has been closed, damaged and blocked in the planetary body, therefore within the collective human body, during this last dark cycle. This has been the result of collective soul and oversoul body damage, grid damage, and Phantom Matrix black holes from cataclysm and technological abuse on this planet, and therefore this impacts all forms and human bodies inhabiting the planet.

The original astral heart complex of earth is the fourth dimensional, green spectrum of light, and connects directly into the higher brain of the planet, the Planetary Logos which is the ultraviolet spectrum of light. In order to rebuild the heart-brain complex pathways, the Ley Lines, dimensional bodies and their related structures have to be shifted to make way for the new heart-brain structure and to run its spark of energetic current. 

That is what is transpiring now, a demolition of blockages, the grid structures that hold distortion, damage and waste product debris or Miasma. These are being broken down to consciousness units that are re-assimilated or transmuted out from these impacted areas. There are higher dimensional conflicts around the perception of how this Guardian grid project has impacted the earth. Each perception is based upon a vantage point of existence in the time and space field, yet this is a necessary part of the re-assimilation of consciousness units to experience the synthesis of polarities back into Unity. [1]

Sacred Crystal Heart

The Sacred Crystal Heart acts as the energetic gateway of our higher spiritual bodies and opens up all of the higher frequency centers that exist within the head and crown and beyond, into the morphogenetic layers where the blueprints reside. When we begin to activate our crystal heart complex, we will start to recognize the intelligence characteristic of the heart-brain which functions as the thinking-feeling aspect of our consciousness, which begins to develop direct cellular knowing during our experiences. The developed heart-brain complex cultivates a range of higher senses, which allow for reading energy signatures and decoding intelligent information in the field by feeling it within the heart.

The heart-brain complex is an intelligence structure that can best be defined as the original, organic design and function of the collective human soul and monad matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid heart consciousness network. The entire planetary grid contains sentience and cellular memory, which is crystalline coded information that can be interpreted and felt in the awakened crystal heart. This heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary body’s nervous system and its nerve cells directly message into and through the individual human body sensors. The heart-brain complex is directed through energetic receivers and transmitters, through sensory and feeling levels of higher frequency consciousness. In effect the heart-brain function is a synthesis between sensory feeling and non-verbal intelligence, or cellular telepathy, which also directs the observer consciousness within the spiritual-energetic bodies.

This specific consciousness gateway is a feminine energetic principle, but its functions in the crystal heart network had been closed, damaged and blocked in the planetary body, therefore closing down the heart in the collective race consciousness during this last dark cycle. The original astral heart complex of earth is the fourth dimensional, green wave spectrum of light and connects directly into the higher brain of the planet, the planetary logos which is the ultraviolet spectrum of light. These areas of the earth brain were specifically targeted for implanting alien machinery, to install a false Christ consciousness network to block these specific crystal heart functions in the majority of humanity. In order to rebuild the crystal heart diamond network, the ley lines, dimensional bodies and their related structures have to be shifted to make way for the new heart-brain structure, and to run the spark of 144 harmonics throughout the energetic currents in order to activate the diamond grids. That is what is transpiring now, a demolition of blockages and artificial grid structures that hold distortions in the personality layers, clearing out damage and waste products generated by miasma that had blocked the 45-degree angle position of the diamond grids. The debris and contents are being broken down into smaller consciousness units that are re-assimilated or transmuted out from these damaged grid areas on the earth. The result is collapsing false timelines and dissolving chakra membranes which greatly deteriorate the functioning of the 3D personality matrix.

Thus, the female principle in the crystal heart’s thinking aspect holds much more spiritual intelligence and expanded awareness than in the lower astral plane and the three-dimensional levels that make up the ego’s personality matrix. Our strong instinctual desires and thoughts around needs and wants originate on the lower astral plane and are filled with fantasies and illusions. These thought substances develop into fixed patterns of belief systems that become locked down into the mental body, which influence our personality and habits that create our version of reality. Each individual’s thoughts and images that are formed by the ego mind, have mirrored reflections into the entire multidimensional collective consciousness layers that comprise the entire structure of human and planetary anatomy. There are mirrored reflections made between the mental body thoughtforms that imprint themselves as patterns into the physical body and the spiritual body. These mental distortions block the higher dimensional aspects of the spiritual consciousness that would progressively embody in the natural cycle of biological ascension.

17 oct 2022


To address our core negative beliefs and core wounds that takes us out of self-centering and grounding, we must look to the frustrations and irritations we feel in everyday life, by listening to the inner dialogue we have that is negative about ourselves, negative about others, negative about our conditions. Many people’s core wound is generated in their earliest memories during childhood, and this emotional pain may have been defined in previous lifetimes in similar situations. When the same emotional theme was played out and was not resolved and healed, it is replayed in this current lifetime.
Drilling down into the core wound of unhealed emotional pain and fear, takes us into the classic case study of ego walls of separation, of feeling disconnected from experiencing or feeling unconditional love and self-acceptance. Each person will grow to develop their own Ego Defense Mechanisms that reinforce the experiences of separation, which take us away from giving or receiving unconditional love. When we live in fear, our body constricts and we hold back our heart, suppressing our feelings, withholding authentic and truthful communication which increases emotional and mental pain. When we live in a fearful state, our body will constrict from tension, it will contract away from giving and receiving unconditional love, and this denial of self-love is the main cause of continuing to experience and accumulate emotional pain. Our beliefs around family and our connections to family lineages will give important insight and clues to the negative core beliefs and wounds that we are struggling with, that we have inherited from the False Parent.
The False Parent is the main Victimizer Archetype that is used to create pain and trauma in the child, when that child is totally dependent upon that adult person. When abuse is suffered in childhood, destructive attachments and negative bonds are formed within that child, which carry into adulthood if they are not cleared. To free the body, mind, emotions and spirit from the bondage of trauma induced by parents or others when we were children, we must take responsibility to learn how to love ourselves and unconditionally forgive what has happened to us. This action dissolves the causality and the consequential effects, as well as later entanglements that this pain has created throughout the child’s timeline, all the way into adulthood.
If we hold a vision of humanity as eternal Souls coming into the material reality to learn lessons to grow and purify ourselves spiritually, it is easier to see that most people have forgotten who they really are as they are wearing many false identity masks. It is rare today to meet with completely honest, balanced and authentic people. Thus in this reflection, we may have forgotten who we really are and are still bargaining away our soul.
The core wound we hide from is the shock and trauma we experience when we feel separated from unconditional love. This core wound organizes our ego identification in ways that help us feel safer in the world, many times draining away our creativity, love and sexual connections. Overcoming our resistance to face inner pain or fear requires that we undergo the dark night of the soul process, so we can experience the direct knowledge that we can come through our fear and pain, and become fully connected, to experience the state of unconditional love. Many people require a spiritual crisis, which starts as a life crisis of some kind, in order to get to the level of desperation that pushes them to let go of everything fully. In this phase of letting go, going past the fear, through the Ego Death, they find themselves in a new state of awareness with an open heartedness that releases the floodgates of unconditional love, Compassion and Empathy.
When we resist the emotional and spiritual process required to address our hidden core wound and pain, it can occupy us for many years in seeking psychological, emotional and spiritual healing work. The core wound is most commonly generated in the pre-verbal or non-verbal areas of the brain, body and consciousness, thus it is greatly entwined with the physical body, CNS, and the functioning of the Three Layers of Ego. If there is no Self Awareness of the pain held in the triggering of this core wound, the wound takes over the body and runs on automatic through the nervous system and brain.
To bring unconditional love and stabilize it into our body and conscious awareness, we need to identify the organizing belief systems that trigger our core pain. We must remember who we are in our spiritual essence, our sense of true core self, before we took on the fear based belief that we were separated from love.
If we are willing to feel the wound that led to the pain generated from our separation from unconditional love, this reveals to us where the wound is located in our body, or where the black emptiness resides. Our core wounds manifest as an aching emptiness or black hole somewhere in our body, usually found in the heart center, and this interferes with our capacity to be grounded in our core self. Once identified, the black holes of pain need to be filled with the light of unconditional love and forgiveness.
Clearing the Pain Body is such an important step in stabilizing our core and becoming inner directed. Due to the strong forces being exerted in our environment during this time, it feels appropriate to end with some practical tips in the form of an exercise that may be supportive.

Suggested Quick Exercise

To go beyond Core Fears and Recover the Core Self, this quick exercise may be helpful:
Source the Belief System: Identify the negative belief or belief system that drives the core wound, that spreads emotional and mental pain and leaves fear residues and constriction sensations in your body.
Connect to your Physical Body: Identify where the core pain or aching wound can be felt in your body and body parts. Pay attention and observe how your body constricts and closes down in fear when you are feeling your core pain or core wound.
Observe the Fear, Witness: Stay present to the core fear and pain without trying to change it or shift it immediately. Observe it as being connected to your physical self, your biological self. Do not try to make the fear or wound as something positive, or bargain it away, just allow yourself to be fully present with the fear and pain, without believing it to be true. Call it out for what it is, the negative ego or predator mind characteristics.
Experience Vulnerability while Feeling Pain: Be open to feel the vulnerability that pain may make you feel, without assigning any labels or value of good or bad. Stay present to experience unbearable pain as an energy, thought form and vibration, staying as open as you can to witness it in your body. If you can focus on the feeling of being vulnerable, allow yourself to be fully innocent, knowing that being comfortable with emotional vulnerability is a great strength.
Invite in Unconditional Love: Bring to mind and imagine yourself in your eternal spirit body before this core wound, pain and negative beliefs existed. In your mind completely surround the fear, void, or blackness in the body and area of pain, with the unconditional love, light and power of the Krystal Star and Godhead. See your entire body lit up in God-Sovereign-Free imagery, enlightened, free and liberated from pain.[1]


Since our human family is now living in the Fight-Flight zone so much of the time, let’s look more closely at the spectrum of yellow on the below chart, and the difference between fight and flight. We are looking at increasing levels of activation in the nervous system. On a scale of 1-10, we can have low-level activation, which is a feeling of unease on the flight side and irritability on the fight side. In the mid-range, we have anxiety on the flight side and anger on the fight side. At the high end we have rage and panic, which are getting closer to the threshold where the body switches into freeze or red. 

Creating Conditions

The issue with the survival brain is that we cannot fake it out. If we want to relax, we actually have to create the conditions for the physiology to move into a relaxed state. If we live with a predator, if we work under a predator, if we do not have our basics needs met, we are going to be in Fight-Flight, the yellow zone. So part of being able to clear fear means making choices that help thebrain and nervous system register that we are safe.

The Psi Bank —

The psi bank is the 13:20 frequency, fourth-dimensional program that informs the DNA of its timing cycles. Until the discovery of the Law of Time (1989), the psi bank functioned unconsciously.
The psi bank is a resonant structure operating in tandem with the electromagnetic fields of resonance, or Van Allen Radiation Belts, which circle the globe at 2,000 and 11,000 miles altitude. For ourselves as a species, changes in evolution are inevitably changes in consciousness.
According to the theory of the noosphere, changes in the evolution of the biosphere (life on Earth) are programmed into the DNA and registered as frequency structures held in place by the psi bank, the fourth-dimensional planetary memory field.
The psi bank also reflects the bipolar magnetism of the Earth and the fourfold shifting of the Earth in one rotation around the sun.

It is the reflection of the bipolar magnetism that creates a double tzolkin plate, stretching from North to South pole. The fourfold shift (two equinoxes and two solstices) of the earth in its rotation around  the sun creates four different  plates. The four large psi plates are each divided into a northern and southern psi plate; each one is a mirror that reflects a seasonal quality. This means that the four shifts in the earth's axis that occur during one orbit are what accounts for winter, spring, summer and fall in the areas north and south of the tropical zones 23 ½ degrees North and South of the equator.
The designation of the psi bank makes the conceptualization of the noosphere easier. Contemplate that the entirety of the systems of thought and knowledge are all contained within the psi bank regulator of the noosphere. This psi bank regulator, located between these two electromagnetic fields, is not only a storage unit for all thought, but also contains all knowledge of the evolutionary timing programs.


It is the One.

There are things scheduled to come to pass that you need to be aware of. These things will infiltrate your regularly scheduled activities and become predominant in your minds.

It will be a major mind-shift, as your thoughts become pre-occupied with larger and life-altering changes on a regular basis.

You are not accustomed to proceeding through your days this way, and it will be an adjustment.

You are about to experience the intensity of global alteration in your lifetime. This is not something you are witnessing from a distance.
This is something you are participating in, as well as creating
Because of your level of participation, it will occupy your conscious mind.

The switch then, of which is spoken here, is from a part-time hobby of focus on Ascension – to full-time engagement.

Not only will you be told the truth of what is going on and its impact on your daily life, but, along with a remembering of your purpose and your truth, you’ll also immediately grasp your role.

Your life is about to feel a great deal more engaged than it does now. One day you’ll look back on this time and say, “This is when the fun started.”

For you are each here with a mission, and your life has been taking place in preparation for that mission. Without conscious awareness of specifics, you’ve placed yourselves in the precise locations with the correct people in order for you to be successful. A part of you always knew the truth, and a part of you operated from that knowing.

You have talents and experience both, to carry out a successful transference for and with the occupants of planet earth.

The change will be of massive proportions. Earth’s occupants are not used to considering how their actions impact the population on a larger scale. This is the sort of thinking that will be thrust upon them.

Once truth emerges, it will be evident that everything has been a lie and all of society has been co-opted to generate submission, obedience, slavery, and in a word – FEAR. These are not attributes of a healthy society but a sick one.

Earth’s society has been manipulated to become and remain sick and complacent. The institutions that have been set-up “supposedly” for your benefit, such as medical and educational, in fact do just the opposite. They are geared towards dependence rather than independence, illness rather than vitality, and compliance rather than intelligence.

What you will learn, and quickly now, is that you were born with the capacity for brilliance and joy. These things have been beaten to dullness through repetition, competition, slavery and debt.

As the depth of Earth’s capture sinks in, and your purpose is once again activated, your life will drastically change. Your mind will never be bored or dulled. Instead, you will utilize that unused portion of your brain to contemplate possible solutions and invent new alternatives.

In every area these are needed – food, commerce, transportation, medicine, mental health, finances, construction, faith, education, child-care, etc. This is a partial list that merely scratches the surface of what will be changing.

Your entire society will transform while you are living in it, and the process will take decades to be complete.

You are the New Humans, and you’re here to begin the process now. It will not be burdensome, but joyful. The capacity you hold is unknown to you, and once you access it, you will experience ease and satisfaction in the use of your abilities. You have come to change the world and the time to begin is upon you.

You are in for such a treat. It will be worth every step taken.

That is all.

Thank you

Universal Templar Mechanics - —

15 Dimensional Time Matrix

Universal Manifestation Templates (Morphogenetic Fields) are called TIME MATRICES. There are uncountable Time Matrices within the Energy Matrix, which are collectively referred as The Time Matrix.

All Time Matrices within the Cosmic Energy Matrix follow a specific mathematical-geometrical program through which space- time and matter can be experienced by consciousness upon the Time Matrix structure.

Time Matrices are arranged upon a pattern of 15 different, but interwoven, Partiki Phasing rhythms (rhythms of expansion and contraction of energy).

Each of the 15 rhythms of Partiki Phasing creates one Dimension
Within the Time Matrix
the 15-dimensions are further arranged into sets of 3 Dimensions, forming 5 3-dimensional reality fields called a Harmonic Universe (HU), and each HU represents a level of matter densification specific to its intrinsic rates of Partiki Phasing.

One Time Matrix is thus a 15-dimensional Scalar Grid with 5 separate reality fields (Harmonic Universes) corresponding, each one, to one of the 5 different densities of matter manifestation.
There are 5 simultaneous manifesting Euiago Cycles (Time Cycle) in every Time Matrix, through which consciousness passes in order to experience linear evolution through space, time and matter,

Each Euiago Cycle contains within it 6 smaller cycles of time called Time Continua.

Harmonic Universe 1
• Telluric Shield
• Nada Hova Body
• Incarnate ID
• D1 - Sub-Consciousness
• D2 - Emotional
• D3 - Rational

Harmonic Universe 2
• Doradic Shield
• Alpha Hova Body
• Soul Self
• D4 - Astral
• D5 - Archetype
• D6 - Angelical Mind

Harmonic Universe 3
• Teuric Shield
• Betcha Hova
• OverSoul Self
• D7 - Ketheric
• D8 - Monadic
• D9 - Keriatic

Harmonic Universe 4
• Maharic Shield
• Mahara
• Avatar or Christ Self
• D10 - Cristiac
• D11 - Budhiac
• D12 - Nirvanic

Harmonic Universe 5
• Rishic Shield
• Raja
• D12-D15 - Universal Conscious (Primal Light Fields)


The Law of Resonance

Our life force will react to adjust on every stimulus or force that it is being exposed to within the body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the force of stimulus is stronger than the inner life force present, the bodies are forced to adjust in a way where a consequence of that force is perceived or experienced. If the force of stimulus is dissonant the consequence of that force can range from mildly unpleasant to excruciatingly painful. Depending on the inner spiritual core development, will be the relative reaction or response that the imp⁵act of these forces will have upon your body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the mind is weak, unfocused and undisciplined, these forces will pack a punch to your emotional body, weakening your life force. Nothing is more powerful than the development of your inner spiritual source and its life force energy. As this motivates one to develop their spiritual body through ego discipline, this increases inner energetic strength, which repels these external and extra-dimensional forces from knocking you around. This is what it means to have a strong spiritual and inner core. The impact of these forces upon your energetic body and how they resonate with the frequency of your being is called, the ‘Law of Resonance’.”

~Lisa Renee

Our life force will react to adjust on every stimulus or force that it is being exposed to within the body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the force of stimulus is stronger than the inner life force present, the bodies are forced to adjust in a way where a consequence of that force is perceived or experienced. If the force of stimulus is dissonant the consequence of that force can range from mildly unpleasant to excruciatingly painful. Depending on the inner spiritual core development, will be the relative reaction or response that the impact of these forces will have upon your body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the mind is weak, unfocused and undisciplined, these forces will pack a punch to your emotional body, weakening your life force. Nothing is more powerful than the development of your inner spiritual source and its life force energy. As this motivates one to develop their spiritual body through ego discipline, this increases inner energetic strength, which repels these external and extra-dimensional forces from knocking you around. This is what it means to have a strong spiritual and inner core.

The impact of these forces upon your energetic body and how they resonate with the frequency of your being is called, the “Law of Resonance“.

Law of Vibration

Through the laws of physics, science confirms energy and matter interplay in massive EMF electro-dynamic fields that are measurable in terms of wave forms, frequency, wavelengths and amplitude. The same electromagnetic fields and substances that move throughout the Cosmos, move through our own bodies. Everything in the Cosmos vibrates at its own frequency, which makes it clear that every substance and body also vibrates at its own specific frequency. It is important to realize that every substance, body and being vibrates to its own frequency and that vibration will be amplified tremendously when stimulated by a similar or compatible resonant frequency. Resonating to the forces of “life”, forces of goodness, forces of gratitude, forces of love, will amplify these resonances and strengthen your body dramatically. Resonating through ego to the forces of fear, rage, frustration and resistance (to what “is”), will also amplify those disturbances in your body greatly.

The Science of the Law of Resonance

The lowest resonant frequency of any vibrating object ( which includes a human electromagnetic energy body) is called its fundamental frequency. Most vibrating objects have more than one resonant frequency as example, those used in musical instruments typically vibrate at harmonics of the fundamental frequency. A harmonic is defined as an whole number (integer) multiple that is a part of the lowest resonant frequency or fundamental frequency. As an example, vibrating strings, will vibrate at all harmonics that are a part of the fundamental frequency. The fundamental frequency is also called the first harmonic of the instrument or object. The fundamental frequency for most 3D human beings on the earth is the combined lowest frequency of the three energy centers that vibrate within the wave spectrum of the 1st Chakra (1D), 2nd Chakra (2D) and 3rd Chakra (3D). The variation of that fundamental frequency will be determined through which energy center that human being is primarily operating and resonant as the overall field of consciousness energy. (The overall field of consciousness energy would be the entire human energy field or the human aura.) A multidimensional human being, a person who has been exposed to higher energy centers ( such as through spiritual ascension) and been able to embody that quality of their higher vibration and frequency, may exist, therefore vibrate at a higher fundamental frequency. The human energy field and physical body acts similar to vibrating strings on an instrument which will resonate to an internal or external stimulus exactly like a Tuning Fork. The stimulus being introduced can be anything, a person, place or thing which carries a fundamental frequency and of which is a part of a composite field of energy. Everything has an energetic signature and all energy is intelligent and has a vibrating motion and quality of frequency. [1]

Tuning Fork Example of Resonance

In this demonstration of the Law of Resonance: One tuning fork (insert Person A) forces another tuning fork ( insert Person B) into vibrational motion at the same shared natural frequency. The two forks ( Person A and Person B) are connected by the surrounding air particles and interconnected into the quantum field of local energy space. As the quantum field (and air particles) surrounding the first fork (Person A) begin vibrating, the pressure waves that it creates begin to impinge at a periodic and regular rate (a sample frequency) of 256 Hz upon the second tuning fork (Person B). The energy carried by this sound wave through the quantum field is tuned into the frequency of the second tuning fork (Person B). Since the incoming sound waves from the first fork (Person A) share the same natural frequency as the second tuning fork, the tuning fork easily begins vibrating at its natural frequency. This is an example of resonance – when one object (Person A) is vibrating at the same natural frequency when introduced to a second object (person B) this stimulus forces that second object into vibrational motion that matches the shared fundamental frequency. The two objects vibrating at the same fundamental frequency will potentially amplify that frequency into greater harmonic resonance. The result of resonance is always a large vibration. Regardless of the vibrating system, if resonance occurs, a large vibration results. This is the same principle behind the energies that create the collective consciousness or the group field dynamics. The amount of group bodies resonating at the same fundamental frequency will determine the vibrational quality and amplification of the overall collective field of frequency. Each natural frequency that an body, object or instrument produces has its own characteristic vibrational mode or standing wave pattern. These unique standing wave patterns are only created within the body, object or instrument at specific frequencies of vibration; these frequencies are known as harmonic frequencies, or merely harmonics.Harmonic resonance is an extraordinarily varied phenomenon seen in countless forms throughout the universe within all bodies and objects. Harmonic resonance spans an vast range of spatial scales, from the tiniest quantum material, to wave-like vibrations of the particles of matter, to orbital resonances that emerge from the stars. All bodies (objects) tend to oscillate at some characteristic frequency, and at its higher harmonics, the frequencies escalate in order to that which are whole number (integer) multiples of its fundamental frequency.

In conclusion, resonance occurs when two or more interconnected objects share the same vibrational frequency. When one of the objects is vibrating, it forces the second object into vibrational motion. The result is a large vibration. And if a sound wave within the audible range of human hearing is produced, a loud sound is heard.

An apparatus consisting of three sets of two inverted pendula is used to demonstrate the concept of resonance and forced vibration. Each pendulum in the set of two has the same length and as such the same vibrational frequency. When one of the pendulum is set into vibrational motion, it forces the other pendulum having the same length to vibrate with it. This is resonance.

Innerstanding Vibration


There is no such thing as one world. There are parallel universes that construct the multiverse. Each and every one of you will experience a different version of reality based on their beliefs, feelings, vibrations and though-forms. This will determine the shift to a parallel world to match his/her frequency. The person who believes the world is doomed and disasters will come, he will attract them in his reality by shifting in this version of the universe. The one that has love, positive feelings, optimism and believes in a new upgraded earth will play that script. That’s why we always say to you, change yourself to change your world. It’s not metaphorical, it’s literal. Those that have decided to ascend, will ascend but those who are fearful, refuse to grow and evolve will stay in the old version of earth. Pay attention to your thoughts, don’t think about things that you don’t want to experience. Vibrate higher and know that your ideal world can manifest into your existence.

We are hearing you asking, “Why have we shifted into a world where we experience infectious viruses, corrupted authorities, injustice and wars?”
The answer is simple. It’s because you have suppressed, unhealed and unresolved parts in you that collectively create this version of reality.
How do you expect the war to end when you are at war with yourself?
Are you at peace with yourself or are you in a state of constant inner conflict?
Do you betray yourself by not doing what you love?
Do you hurt yourself or other people?
Do you tolerate an abusive relationship?
As an empath and introvert have you wished to be left alone and not deal with society and people? (Social distancing)
Did you got tired of the frenetic rhythm of your life or occupation and wanted a break to reconnect with yourself and family? (Quarantine)
Are you wearing inner masks pretending to be someone you are not, to hide your true feelings? (Outer masks)

Don’t you understand that you are the micrograph of your society? That the part is the all and the all is the part? Your world is your mirror! Your conscious mind might refuse and resist this truth, but your subconscious mind has the registry of your creation. The data are still in your energetic field and blueprint, radiating outwards to land you in the parallel universe of your vibration.

Even those of you that work for the light have traumas and wounds that you don’t want to admit and resolve, a collective shadow that you escape facing. These unhealed parts are reflected into your world. So again, the answer lies within you. Heal yourself to shift to a world that resonates with you and is aligned with your true self. You need to look at your inner world with honesty and understand why you attract this you-niverse in order to change your fear-based vibration. This is how you will unlock the level of your ascension and your shift to a world that matches your new frequency! Visualize and feel in your heart a society of love and peace and make this world your you-niverse! 😇

Sending you unlimited love! We are omnipresent and protect you always! 💜👼🌍

Elohim - Vehicle of Light ⭐️

The Universe consists of energy that pass through us. Each movement inside and outside us is a passage of energy. The energy goes where it is called. We cannot prevent it. We are subject to the forces that surround us. Either we are related to an energy that is a little higher or we are taken by an energy that is lower. We are not a unity, we are not one. Our energy needs to be contained in a closed circuit, in which it can be transformed. This would allow it to enter into contact with energies of the same quality to form a new circuit, a new current. So long as a current of higher energy is not established in me, I have no freedom. There is an energy that comes from a higher part of the mind. We are not open to it. It is a conscious Force. The attention is part of this force that must be developed. Without this force I am taken and my movements are automatic. The head may understand but not the body. Yet it is the body that must feel this force. Then it will obey, tensions will fall away, and the movements can be free. I will not be taken and the movement will not be automatic.



Water has memory. Water Memory is the ability of water to retain memory of substances previously dissolved in it, as well as hold the memory of DNA imprints, and higher consciousness effects. The medium of DNA transmission and its communication is made through exposing DNA structures to water. Electromagnetic transmission of DNA’s genetic information is carried through water, which imprints the base template. Thus, the high water and electrolytic content within the human body fluids, acts as a highly conductive memory body for all electrical currents, and especially extremely low frequencies (ELF). This makes the human body perfectly capable of DNA transmission through electromagnetic signaling, which allows the Consciousness and body to communicate with many different frequency signals. Information in a DNA strand is transmitted, via water as its carrier, by electromagnetic emissions that form oscillating DNA signals. DNA sequences can then be captured through their signal, as a specific electromagnetic signal records portions or fragments of the entire DNA pattern, just like taking a snapshot to memorialize it in time. The electromagnetic signal of the DNA pattern acts as the key, which opens encryption to the larger DNA pattern, including unlocking dormant DNA, which also allows for replication of that DNA. Each piece of DNA recombines within the same cell to other pieces for reconstructing the whole DNA sequence. The DNA replication process technology is known and has been used to experiment with cloning, soul transfer, splicing human DNA with animals, and even in creating Supersoldiers. Replicating DNA through Artificial intelligence technology on future earth and on other planets, has met with extremely destructive impacts. What current science does not know, is that without the unique soul DNA Signal that is key coded into communicating with the planetary DNA, the artificial bodies created through replicated human DNA, will continually fail. This is observed with Biological Drones or Extraterrestrial Biological Entities created to be slave workers. The failure reveals itself through rapid cellular death, diseases, dysfunctions and how easily those bodies, are inhabited by lower spirits or extradimensional entities. Life is only created in the presence of Life, life does not arise from nonliving material, and life force cannot be simulated by Artificial intelligence to animate any thing. Cell cloning results in inferior biology that cannot evolve, ascend or gain consciousness energy, it is an entropic structure doomed to parasitism


Plasmas are electromagnetic systems made from groupings of particles, which exhibit an overall zero net charge in its collective result. Plasma can also be described as an ionized gas existing within an electrically neutral medium, or in groups of unbound positive and negative particles. Plasmas are extremely conductive, and they carry electrical currents and generate magnetic fields. Plasma, the fourth state of matter, is a type of gaseous substance that consists of ions and free electrons. However, gases and plasmas are distinct states of matter. Plasmas display vastly different properties and complexities, which far exceed those found in gases or other states of matter. A distinguishing quality of Plasma is that it has collective behavior, which changes its impact in a field, based upon the whole. Plasma is difficult to study because it is extremely hot and does not have a definite shape or a definite volume unless it is enclosed in a container. A Plasma can be created by heating gas or subjecting matter to a strong force or Electromagnetic Signals. Heating Plasma decreases or increases the number of electrons, which create positive or negatively charged particles called Ions. When the Plasma is cooled, the positive ions and electrons combine to form atoms, which produces an ordinary gas. Plasmas are extremely hot and as they cool, they will lose their charge and transform their state. The human body is made up of atoms and ions. Thus, the human body is capable of a biological ionization process that generates Plasma when exposed to certain forces. During the Ascension cycle, the human body potentially undergoes the alchemical process that generates the internal Plasma light. This is what builds the etheric Lightbody structure for the higher consciousness bodies to function. To generate internal Plasma light and build our Lightbody, we need an abundance of energy. To receive an abundance of energy, we must devote our personal energy and direct our Consciousness, to powering up our spiritual development. We conserve our energy in the material world, so that we can direct more energy towards expanding our consciousness. This is how we learn to build and exchange energy with the God Source fields. As we meditate and patiently build our internal energy so that we can achieve inner balance, we stop energy leaks and wasting energy. We increase our direct connection to the God Source which helps us to direct personal energy to spark the plasmic light. The Silicate Matrix DNA template is the original human crystalline Blueprint that is activated in the human body, when contact or connection is made with plasmic light.

Quantum Mechanics

Ascension is the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness or intelligent energy throughout time and space, in the past, present and future timelines. To more deeply explore and comprehend what the Ascension Cycle and its impact means to the planet and humanity, one would need to have a deeper understanding of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Theory and Ascension Theory are deeply enmeshed and interrelated; both are heavily disputed and ridiculed in current mainstream sciences.
Quantum Mechanics is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena or “quantum” energy at the atomic and Subatomic levels, providing a mathematical description of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions between energy and matter. In physics, a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. Quantum is used to describe the fundamental framework for understanding how the Universe works at the smallest scales of energy units. At the center of Quantum Mechanics is the Planck-Einstein relation.[1] Planck-Einstein's energy–frequency relation relates the energy of a photon, the Quantum of Light, to its electromagnetic wave and Rate of Frequency. Essentially, this formula quantifies the energy property of matter and its direct interrelationship with frequency and wavelength. This provides the framework for constructing quantum mechanical models at Subatomic levels, which mathematically quantify the existence of multiple dimensions in time. [2]
Transferring and Converting Energy
In physics, energy is a property of objects that is transferable in certain fundamental interactions. Energy in objects can be converted in form and transferred, but ultimately not created or destroyed. When we apply quantum understanding, we start to apply the mathematical laws based on potential energy transference made through multiple dimensions in time. To clarify this point, accessing one’s Consciousness impacts the transference and/or conversion of light energy throughout multiple Timelines. Therefore the properties of energy, in its variety of forms, whether visible or non-visible, directly impact the scale of different qualities of Consciousness (spiritual bodies) and light energy transference throughout multiple dimensions. Each dimension and its timeline is composed of Subatomic Particles of light moving at different frequencies and wavelengths. For example, the Chakras work like magnetic devices in these multiple dimensions and they automatically attract the densest electromagnetic energy in their spectrum of light energy from that dimension. This means that all light energy properties have potential interactions that control the movement of energy, from place to place, thus adjusting qualities of energy-frequency in matter for the past, present and future. As we make the choice to participate with our light energy transference in whatever location in time, this directly impacts our consciousness evolution in every dimension. Our choices from moment to moment contain the energetic probability to either heal or harm our Lightbody. This illustrates the energetic-frequency impact upon all living things based upon the choices of personal and collective consciousness which exist within multiple dimensions and multiple timelines, simultaneously. By recognizing that our Soul and layers of Spiritual Bodies are states of Consciousness and light energy-frequency, and not religious dogma, we begin to see the scientific probability of the Soul. Our Soul exists in another dimension of time and space, until we choose to bring it here and embody its spectrum of light.

Morphogenetic Field

is a form-holding Blueprint that stores information for how that "form" of consciousness will manifest. Morphogenetic Fields are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound which serve as the blueprints on which matter and conscious identity will then manifest. This occurs at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level and is a part of the mechanics of all creation.
All matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies and human bodies, are manifested through these morphogenetic (form-holding) imprints. The architecture of that manifestation template is the 12 Tree Grid. These exist as a quantity of crystalline (that's why it's also called a crystal body), energetic substance that is composed of specific patterns of frequency. The universe is one massive field of consciousness embracing and containing all other forms where all experiences of reality and manifestation takes place. Layers upon layers of morphogenetic fields exist at every level form has manifested at each dimensional plane in the Universal Tree of Life.
… our personal blueprint (i.e. morphogenetic field) is known as our personal morphogenetic field, and it expands to exist at a planetary level, the Galactic level, The Universal Level and Multi-verse levels. All of the levels of the manifestation templates, the Personal, Planetary, Galactic and Universal 12 Tree Grids are nested together interconnected as what manifest within our holographic reality.

Manifestation Template
... a morphogenetic field, if you remember, is a manifestation template and it holds the instruction set of all of the electro-tonal energy substances that compose the unique arrangement of what you are here to do. The morphogenetic imprint holds the design again for the form building in sort of an electronic encoding, and these forms that come into manifestation that are us and evolve. These are all patterns that are drawn from your personal morphogenetic field or blueprint 12 Tree Grid. Now, everything in creation has an instruction set, a blueprint, or a morphogenetic field. So, that’s what that morphogenetic field is, is an instruction set, and again it directs the energy in the Scalar Wave points to form in certain ways, so that our consciousness when we are stationed at that level of reality of perception, we start to perceive our holographic reality within that frequency band that our consciousness is actually stationed in.
Planet and Human DNA are One
Morphogenetic fields are a layered part of the “consciousness” architecture of the planet, which include the entire DNA and collective energy of humanities mental and emotional body. Those collective mental and emotional energies are responsible for what the entire planet manifests as its experiences and mirrors it to the whole. This is the microcosm relationship to the macrocosm, they are one and the same. This reinforces and influences, belief systems, ego identity roles and every psycho-social and cultural system existing on the planet today.
So when it is discussed that the planetary “architecture” and DNA has been hijacked by alien forces, it means also that the mental archetypes and emotional symbols that many humans have been using as a belief system to identify with as an ego identity, are actually dissonant to the metaphysical nature and harmful to the life force and inner spirit.

Chakras & Stargates

Planet Earth has a Krystal Body anatomy that holds many energetic constructs, which form into Chakras, Axiatonal Lines, Ley Lines and the many energy vortices that make up the layers of the entire Planetary Auric Body. The fact this planet was originally created from the Diamond Sun architecture, reveals the true creator of this planet and the progenitor of the human species. This remains the truth no matter what extraterrestrial race has planted its flag on the earth surface, claiming the earth as their territory. Starseed gridworkers may sense and work with many of these Holographic constructs in the earth grid, which form the basis of understanding the energetic architecture of the earth consciousness body, and how this structure creates the many realities and time fields. The many dimensional layers in the earth’s auric body are the container for entire collective consciousness on planet. These structures hold the content of all of the consciousness that manifest into the many different kingdoms and species that exist on the earth. They hold the point of origination for all of the collective consciousness energy that was originally seeded onto the planet, and entered the material realm from the Grail point. The Grail Point is located within the planet’s second dimensional Stargates, with its primary access being within Temple Mount.The Planetary Chakra system, also called Stargates, acts to step down the higher energies transmitting from the Source field into the Sun, which is then directed into the many Stargates. The Stargates transmit an energetic spectrum of frequencies, moving from the higher to lower dimensions, in order to reach the matter fields and circulate them throughout the planetary grid network. Stargates create spirals of these energies, which are designed on a frequency scale to circulate the God Source energy into reciprocal exchanges with multiple dimensions of creation. The frequency scale of the spirals of energy feed into the manifested realms of space and time, returning back into the center point of the feedback loop, thus, returning to unite with the God Source field. The Planetary Stargate that receives the transmission of the Source field for distribution into the rest of the planetary grid system, is the Grail Point or Grual Point. As many of us may be sensing, the transmission of the intergalactic plasma waves from the Source field into the Grail point and the Planetary Stargates, is greatly accelerating now.This intensifies higher sensory experiences of multidimensional bleed through, lifting the veil between dimensions, thus, more people are sensing an array of dark and light entities, sensing people that have passed their physical body, but are still existing in other dimensions on the earth plane. Moving forward, more people will have experiences with passed on relatives, people existing in other dimensions, seeing a variety of spiritual entities, orbs, elementals, etc. The intensity of the current shift amplifies an array of multidimensional experiences, and we are the experiencers in the changing of the guard to help the masses know that this is a natural result of Planetary Ascension. We must normalize multidimensional experiences as a healthy perception of reality in a humane society.The planet’s lowest density dimensional frequency bands and their energy vortices are gradually Grail point. As the energetic contents that had existed in the lower three dimensions changes its location and frequency level, it is reconfigured or it is processing through the Grail point. The Grail point in our personal body resonates with the sexual organs and sacral areas, and it holds the unprocessed content of our Pain Body. Therefore we must address this pain body, in all ways to find unconditional love, healing and forgiveness for the contents of the pain that was recorded there. This is similar to saying this cycle constitutes the separation of the wheat from the chaff, as the debris or lower energetic constructs in our pain body and unconscious mind are being dissolved, then harmonized, and what remains is shifting with us into the next Harmonic Universe.