Who I am

"We rise by lifting others." - Robert Ingersoll

Hello! Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little better!

I am a fifty-something lady living in leggings and talking about health, fitness, mindset, and how to level up your energy.

A little background - I am a divorced mom of one teen boy (almost an adult). I am a retired chiropractor, I run an online activewear boutique, and I mentor other women to do the same.

Through various life events, I was driven deeply into personal development. It has become my passion to help others in this area.

With simple mindset shifts and consistent, small daily action steps, I help people transform their lives.

Why me? Because I am living it and learning from it all. It is my mission to make my mess my message - if I can help even just one person make wise choices and avoid the pitfalls of living life passively, every experience I have ever been through - painful, joyful, or otherwise - will all have been worth it.

I hope, through my content, I can inspire you, make you laugh, and help you on your life's journey. Maybe I can help you gain some confidence and make some $, too.

Coaching, programs, books, and new ways of holistic healing will be coming your way soon! I am a work in progress, and I am enjoying the journey.

I hope you love dogs as well, because my dog Ace makes an appearance regularly!