Peanut butter banana oatmeal

A great way to start your weekend

More food, than we can possibly imagine, is lost or wasted from its production to its retailing and consumption. Every year, around one third of the food meant for human use is wasted for different reasons, and 41% of this wastage occurs at the consumer stage 😣 People throw away mainly fresh food that they failed to eat or cook in time, a scenario familiar to most of us. We’ve seen products in our kitchens spoil before we get to eating them, or we simply didn’t like their color, feel or texture anymore so “why not just buy a new one” 😒 Quite often that’s the case with bananas – they get dark pretty fast and I haven’t met a single person that enjoys eating an old smushy banana 😅 However, these are the bananas that make the best banana oatmeal ever! If you want to try it out all you will need is 10 minutes and:

• One dark banana (the older, the sweeter)
• 50 g of oats
• 10 g of chia seeds
• 200 ml oat milk or almond milk
• 5-10 g of chocolate chips
• 20-25 g of peanut butter
• Cinnamon

In a pot smash the banana, add the oats, chia seeds, milk and cinnamon. Cook on medium heat and stir frequently until you can see that the oats and chia seeds have soaked up liquid, then, turn off the stove but let the oats soak a bit longer. After a few minutes transfer your oatmeal to a bowl and add the chocolate chips (if you don’t want it to melt completely, let your oatmeal cool down a bit longer before adding the chocolate). Lastly, add the peanut butter on top and your oatmeal is ready 🥰

And if you want to know more tips on wasting less food, go check out the article from Tasty below 🤓

34 Ways to Waste Less Food

Vitamin smoothie

A delicious and refreshing way to boost your immune system

Български превод ще намерите по-долу.

Smoothies are not only tasty and refreshing - they also contain lots of vitamins, especially when you prepare them fresh by yourself. Another great thing about homemade smoothies is that they have zero added sugar or chemicals. So if you feel like a delicious smoothie full of vitamin C and B6, I have a recipe for you!

• 250 ml of carrot juice
• Freshly squeezed lemon
• One banana
• One kiwi
• 50 g of blueberries
• 3-4 g of ginger

Just toss everything in the blender, mix and enjoy!

A tip: if you are taking fish oil or omega-3 supplements, you can consume them in the same time with your smoothie. This will help you absorb the vitamin A from the carrot juice better.

Смутитата са не само вкусни и освежаващи - те са добър източник на множество витамини, особено когато са прясно приготвени от нас самите. Освен това, домашно приготвените смутита нямат никаква добавена захар или консерванти. Така че ако ви се пийва вкусно смути, пълно с витамин C и B6, имам рецепта за вас.

• 250 мл натурален сок от морков
• Един прясно изстискан лимон
• Един банан
• Едно киви
• 50 гр боровинки
• 3-4 гр джинджифил

Разбийте всички продукти в блендер до достигане на гладка смес и смутито ви е готово. Добър апетит!

Съвет от мен: ако пиете рибено масло или Омега-3 мастни киселини, можете да ги приемате заедно с това смути - така ще усвоите повече витамин А от сока от морков.

Read more about different vitamins here