
We are so glad you’re here

Designed Well Collective empowers you to elevate, thrive and live purposefully well.

We are honored to guide you on your journey towards vitality, optimization and the freedom and fulfillment of living, being and sharing the purpose you were designed for by OFFERING:

✨Holistic Wellness + Purpose Guidance

✨Master Reiki Energy + Vibrational Healing

✨Professional Advising, Projects + Trainings

✨Education + Group Events

✨Poetry + A Collection of Lifestyle Goods Designed to Help You BE WELL

Our ROLE as your Guide is somewhere between that of a coach, advisor, educator, facilitator and consultant.

And our GOAL is to guide individuals, professionals, leaders, groups, teams and organizations with a customized approach to achieving more authenticity, equilibrium and vitality and intentional, purposeful, optimized results. We will support and empower you in clearing the weeds, getting to the root and to navigating your best, purposefully aligned way forward.

Energy Wellness Decoded


According to the American Institute of Stress, 83% of Americans feel stressed. Stress is shown to be a key contributor to disease formation.

Medical research estimates as much as 90 percent of illness and disease is stress-related, according to National Ag Safety Database, and most health professionals agree stress can be a contributing factor in making existing medical problems worse.

The CDC estimates that 60% of adults in the United States currently suffer from chronic diseases, which are among the leading causes of death in the United States. Practicing preventative wellness and stress reduction behaviors can greatly reduce one’s risk of developing disease.

Frustrated with traditional medicine and increasingly interested in natural approaches, more and more Americans have turned to alternative or complementary medicine and ancient wellness and healing options in recent years.

The U.S. Complementary & Alternative Medicine Industry is expected to expand four-fold by 2028, according to grandviewresearch.com, and methods such as Reiki Energy which applies non-invasive healing energy, and Sensory Healing, like sound and vibrational therapies, are seeing explosive growth as preventative care and stress reprieve solutions.


Designed Well Collective defines Energy Wellness as:

a combination of high vibrational, high frequency, specialized forms of multi-sensory energy modalities, therapies, practices and tools utilized to

positively affect the energetic vibration of one’s mind, emotions, physical and cellular body, energetic biofield (or “ethereal body”) and over all life force (or spirit of life) to mimic, match or resonate with the high vibrational frequencies of the techniques used,

allowing realignment with the balanced state our beings were perfectly engineered, intended and inherently so very well-designed for – homeostasis, natural healing, optimal functioning and vitality.

Designed Well Collective Energy Wellness Multi-Sensory Modalities may include:

-Reiki Energy Therapy
-Acupressure Touch Therapy
-Sound/Vibrational Therapy with singing bowls, tuning forks, music
-Scent/Aromatherapy with essential oils, palo santo, sage, candles
-Crystal Healing
-Guidance on breathwork, grounding, meditation, gratitude journaling, high vibrational diet, oracle readings, outdoor nature immersion, self and community relationships, intention and purpose manifestation


Reiki was first developed in Japan by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s, who then brought it to Hawaii.

Usui named the healing modality “Reiki” based on the Japanese words rei, meaning universal, and ki, which translates to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things.

Practitioners act as a conduit of this “universal life force energy” by using their hands with gentle touch or hovering slightly over specific points on the the body, to deliver energy to the recipient.

Reiki supports healing and wellness by promoting improvement of energy flow and balance on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Reiki has been proven to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, ease pain, improve mood, sleep and quality of life and foster self-healing, among other benefits.

The most documented reiki benefits are based on a relaxation response that invokes the body’s natural healing process.

According to a Forbes Heath interview with Natalie Dryer, Ph.D, President of the Center for Reiki Research:

-There are approximately 60+ published studies that show reiki’s benefits

-15%+ of US hospitals, and rapidly growing, offer Reiki to complement other forms of health treatments.

Reiki is non-invasive with no reported side effects.


Holistic Wellness + Purpose Guidance & Reiki Energy Healing

Holistic Wellness Guidance + Healing sessions are a customized blend of Reiki Energy therapy for clarity, healing and activation with wellness guidance for purposeful fulfillment in life, passions, and aspirations. Additional modalities which may be curated for your individual experience may include: burning of palo santo, sage, and/or candles, use of crystals, essential oils, oracle cards, acupressure, relaxing music, and/or sound therapy such as sound bowls or tuning forks.

While every individual is at a different point in their healing journey, your Energy Wellness Guide will meet you where you are. They will truly hear and see you. Better yet, they will also use both their training, years of experience, healing tools, and intuition to tune into and guide you to raising your own energy frequency, stimulating a sense of deep peace, clarity, self compassion, and self healing. You will move forward better trusting your inner knowing (intuition) and feeling empowered to step into your unique gifts and abilities and ready to take action to live your best, purpose-FULL life.

The session will begin and end with intention setting and guidance, followed by light hands on or hands floating above (your choice) Reiki Energy therapy. You will lay fully clothed on a comfortable table, surrounded by relaxing scents and high vibrational sounds while your Guide performs the ancient Japanese art of sending light and love through your chakra energy centers, stimulating energy flow, finding and clearing of energetic density or “blockages”, and promoting your innate inner peace, healing, balance, and wellbeing of body, emotions, mind, and spirit.

Reiki is based on the philosophy that an unseen ‘universal life force energy’ flows through us and is what causes us to be and feel alive. Individuals often feel as though they are in a deep relaxation or meditative state throughout the session. It is not uncommon to feel a warm glow around and through you, feel physically lighter, as if you are floating, and/or to see visions, colors, or have profound moments of ‘aha’ clarity for your life path. Some clients may feel immediate improvements, while others may more slowly integrate the energy release and shift over the coming days.

Reiki has been practiced for centuries and has been shown to lift mood and positive mindset, increase relaxation, joy, adaptability, and productivity, activate progress and ease transitions in life, work, relationships, passions, and purpose quests, and improve ailments that that may have accumulated over decades of life's stresses, struggles, losses, or traumas.



60 Minute Session $185
series of 3 $495

90 Minute Session $250
series of 3 $675

NEW Client

(1st time) 90 minute Session $185
series of 3 (1 90 minute + 2 60 minute) $515
series of 3 90 minute sessions $635

NEW Client 15 Minute Phone Consult Free

For SCHEDULING please email designedwellcollective@gmail.com.

-Sessions held in Chaska, MN studio.

-Verbal guidance-only sessions have an option to be held digitally.

-Session fees are to be PREPAID AT TIME OF BOOKING. (Link below)

-We believe individual healing supports collective healing, therefore tips are graciously not accepted. If you wish to support us further, please send a review, refer a friend, or purchase something for yourself or a loved one from the Designed Well Co online shop.

Disclaimer - Sessions are intended for wellness and relaxation purposes and to support self-healing. Services are not claimed to diagnose, cure, or treat any medical diseases.


Professional Guidance, Projects + Trainings

Customized professional, leadership and/or business guidance, special projects and/or educational training offerings to better align skills, experience, passions, intentions, results, and/or brand identity to achieve purposeful and optimized outcomes.

Leverage Erin Hein’s 18+ years of Wellness, Aesthetic, Sales and Education Business Leadership, degrees in Management/Marketing + Holistic Health and Wellness and certifications in Energy Wellness and Purpose Coaching to optimize a balanced approach to leadership, your team’s performance, your clients’ results and/or the success of your next project.


+Fitness and Nutrition
+Medical Spa
+Holistic Healthcare
+Cosmetic Surgery
+Hormonal Health
+Day Spa/Salon
+Retailing, Consultation, Sales and Service Expansion
+Customer/Patient Experience and Retention
+Branding via Vision and Purpose Development
+Balanced Leadership and Growth Strategies
+People Management, Operations, Process and Flow Improvement
+Purposeful Career Change


For INFO & SCHEDULING please email designedwellcollective@gmail.com

*PRICING for PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS & CONTRACTS vary. Free 30 minute consultation available to determine scope and fees.



💫 Authentic Sales Blueprint: P.U.R.P.O.S.E.-Driven Strategies for Success

Learn how to find greater purpose in the work you do, which will translate to a more impactful result for you and your client, as well as practical tips to infuse consultations, services and sales with intention and a genuine energy that will differentiate the experience to one that will be talked about by your clients. Take away the balanced approach to an authentic, non-“salesy” way of setting your clients and your business up for success while maximizing client retention, rebooking, referrals, results and retail and service sales.

💫 Fundamentals of Energy Wellness

Come together as a team, group or organization of any kind to gain an understanding of the world of energy wellness and tips on how to master your own energy to infuse a higher vibration, more purpose and better success, satisfaction and optimized outcomes in the work you provide and for the clients or audience you serve.

*PRICING for professional trainings and events vary. Free 30 minute consultation available to determine scope and fees.



“Erin is an amazing asset to my practice. She has helped us launch many successful sales events and because of them, sales have grown 265% over the 3 years of Erin’s support. Growing a cosmetic practice has been my goal, and I sincerely could not have done this without Erin's help. She has good forethought and vision, is patient and professional.” - Physician/Chair of Dermatology

“Erin is proactive and has established close working relationships with our estheticians, cosmetic physicians and our CEO and director of finance. She understands the day to day working dynamics of a general dermatology practice and helps to brainstorm ideas for promotions and sales. She has what I consider high emotional intelligence and it allows her to connect while doing education with staff and physicians alike. I use the word education deliberately, as she believes in [what she’s] educating, which translates to successful sales. I appreciate her candor and expertise.” - Dermatology Practice Manager

“We are very blessed to have Erin as a resource in efforts for our team to be educated and therefore our patients can have a better understanding why our products are so beneficial. Erin has always been very responsive to our needs. I just can’t say how much we enjoy Erin. She is always timely with her responses, very easy to work with, efficient and very professional!” - Plastic Surgery Practice Manager

“Erin has developed deep relationships with her customers. I truly appreciate her professionalism, work ethic and industry perspective.” - Medical Skincare Regional Manager

“Erin is an extremely valuable asset to our team. She consistently has a positive attitude, a warm heart and gentle leadership. Her ability to both connect and sell is quite impressive. Erin always goes above and beyond with any project. She is extremely organized and skilled in both verbal and written communication. Our patients and our employees love her!” - Cosmetic Surgery and MedSpa Executive Director

Vibe High Book Club

A few of our favorite reads!

Infinite Possibilities

The Seat of the Soul

Light Is the New Black

Lighter: Let Go of the Past, Connect with the Present, and Expand the Future

Healer In Heels

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe

Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies


The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life

Wake Up to the Joy of You: 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life

Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living

The Comfort Book

It's OK That You're Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn't Understand

The Memory Box: A Book About Grief

All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living

Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

Only Love Today: Reminders to Breathe More, Stress Less, and Choose Love

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living

Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life

Ayurveda (Idiot's Guides)

The Hormone Cure: Reclaim Balance, Sleep and Sex Drive; Lose Weight; Feel Focused, Vital, and Energized Naturally

Our Story

Nice to meet you! 👋

Erin Hein and Kristin Vig, Designed Well Collective Founders, have been not only best friends, but soul sisters, for over 3 decades (in fact they often get asked if they ARE sisters), and they have been on a wellness and spirituality journey together, “trying to solve the world’s problems one conversation at a time,” since they were 10 years old!

They have collectively experienced, been exposed to and, hand in hand, have survived grief, loss, parenthood, widowhood, parental divorce, addictions, mental, emotional and physical traumas, illnesses and/or diseases, feeling stuck, you name it (even beating their respective cancers) together! But along side it all, they have been on a relentless, life-long mission of finding and creating joy, healing, and preventative and optimized health and wellness for themselves and others.

Erin has held an 18+ year successful aesthetic and wellness industry leadership and education career while balancing busy family life, and Kristin ran a robust household and managed the passing of her late husband and now single motherhood, while they mutually spent over a decade diving into energy and wellness research, trainings, certifications, workshops, personally experiencing an array of healing modalities, journaling, meditating, growth, debate, setbacks, “walkie talkies,” literal blood, sweat and tears, trial and errors, “ah ha” moments, and reading every healing, wellness and growth related book they could get their hands on.

Kristin and Erin together became Reiki certified in 2019, achieved Master Reiki Practitioner and Purpose Coaching certifications in 2022 and continued on to add Sound and Frequency Healing training in early 2023.

On 11/11/2022 they established Designed Well Collective, LLC to help individuals, professionals, leaders, and organizations rise to the unique challenge our modern times are calling for - to each take responsibility in learning how to tap into our own Energy Wellness mastery, innate design of wholeness, gifted abilities, and self-healing, so TOGETHER we can individually and collectively live a better, vibrant, and purposefully well existence.

You are well-designed and designed to be well.

You are well-designed and designed to be well. Designed for a purpose and to find purpose in and through all things. Your body is your compass, your emotions your barometer… and your soul is your guide. Your challenges are your stepstones and your strengths and joys your road map.

You are whole and perfectly designed to thrive by offering your integrated, authentic truth to yourself and, therefore, the collective world. Sometimes all any of us need is a little spark, some clarity, perhaps some deep rest, and a bit of compassionate guidance to both get out of our own way and reconnect with our true self.

It is then you can feel the freedom to rewrite or reclaim your story and confidently leap into this well-designed, beautiful thing called life, that’s been waiting for you all along.

You are well-designed and designed to be well.
When you heal, we all heal.
When you rise, we all rise.
It starts with you; for you.
As a collective; for the collective.
It starts together.
It starts now.


DESIGNED def. - Intentionally planned or conceived in detail with specific purpose.

WELL def. - Good; Integrating healthy physical, mental, energetic, creative, connective, and spiritual habits and surroundings to attain better outcomes, so rather than just surviving, you're thriving.

COLLECTIVE def. – Together; A cooperative, cumulative, communal experience of 2 or more beings.

OUR VISION is to support a paradigm shift in health to include intuitive, frequency and energetic wellness as common knowledge and regular practice.

OUR MISSION is to raise the vibration of the collective by guiding individuals to self-healing and wholeness, making life purpose fulfillment and a better world possible for all.

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