Hallo, I’am dian 👐🏻
Semua link produk ada disini, jangan lupa beli sesuai kebutuhan ya !
1. Pajangan dinding mecca medina
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
2. Cermin vintage
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
3. Sandal indoor
Write 1-2 sentences describing what followers will find when they tap the link.
4. Sticker lantai
5. Botol sabun white
6. Botol bumbu kaca
7. Toples kaleng
8. Laci aksesoris
9. Rak serbaguna
10. Sprei kotak khaki
11. Tirai jendela
12. Kotak tissue kayu
13. Rak bumbu dapur
14. Tray keramik
15. Tempat sampah kapsul
16. Oven mini ravelle
17. Spatula silikon
18. Botol sabun kotak
19. Storage gagang kayu
20. Manual chopper
21. Gayung putih
22. Termos putih
23. Lemari white cream
24. Karpet bulu putih
25. Keranjang laundry
26. Trolli putih 3 susun
27. Lampu retro korean
28. Lampu gantung korean
29. Sarung bantal kotak
30. Tanaman artifical 20rbuan
31. Pisau warna pastel
32. Keset aesthetic
33. Tempat sampah pilah
34. Lemari anak
35. Rak gantung laci
36. Sprei polos hijau
37. Penyaring minyak
38. Jam alarm vintage
39. Cermin aesthetic
40. Wall dekor 20rbuan
41. Pisau set telenan
42. Kipas angin portable
43. Diffuser cute cat
44. Carote wajan anti lengket
45. Sofabed informa
46. Bantal sofa suede
47. Lemari drawer 4 susun