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As we rode down the highway, now free and clear of traffic, I could still feel my dick pulsating from Kendra’s grip. Making love to her from behind was my favorite. The deep curvature in her spine while watching her cream all around me turned me on like nothing else and after a few moments ago, I now have a new memory accompanied by the Miami skyline. I wanted to floor it so we could get back home fast and finish what we started, but I decided to take my time instead and enjoy the moment.
I looked over at my wife, laid back in the passenger seat with a post-coitus grin as she drifted in and out of a blissful snooze. She didn’t put her bra back on after our rendezvous and I fought every temptation to reach over and slide my hand across her breasts. I knew it would make me pull over for another quickie and what I had ready for her was going to take some time. “Baby are we there yet?” she leaned up and whispered in a voice that sounded in between defeat and wanting more. “Almost,” I responded coolly and watched her press back into her recline. The night was still young at 11:30pm and I hoped that after this little snooze, she would have enough energy to tousle with me some more.
I remember the first time I ever had sex with Kendra. We were juniors at Howard back in 2012 whose athletic paths crossed frequently at practices and sporting events. After months of harmless flirting (and several times of her turning me down) she finally said yes to going out with me on a date. Neither one of us had a car on campus and were thankful that ride-sharing services were becoming popular at the time. I met her at her dorm room and ordered us a ride to Stan’s restaurant, a DC staple for great food, drinks, and a dope atmosphere. That night we had every meal in the book; appetizers, drinks, entrée’s, desserts…anything that would allow us to spend more time together. We enjoyed each other’s company so much that we didn’t want to go home and eventually had to be kicked out of the restaurant.
After getting dropped back off to campus, I walked Kendra up to her dorm and she asked if I wanted to come in. I tried to play it cool because I really liked her and did not want her to think I was just into her for sex, even though I found her to be extremely attractive. Back then she wore her hair long and straight, jet black. She had some meat on her bones, but everything was toned and smooth from her track conditioning. Of course I wanted to go in but responded that it was late, and I should probably get going. She understood but when we leaned into one another to exchange a hug and goodnight kiss, we discovered that we couldn’t be torn apart. The next thing you know I found myself skin-tight with her in a twin-size bed, stroking her all night underneath the sheets.
As a man of God, I never regretted the moment with her because I knew from the instant we sat down at Stan’s that Kendra was going to be my wife. I could feel it in my gut. We thought it would be a while before we got married, given that we wanted to finish our degrees and start building a foundation for a family, and it was hard to abstain. Eventually out of tension in wanting to honor God with our relationship and fighting not to mangle through our flashes of intimacy, we decided to elope during our senior year. Fast-forward 8 years later and we are still standing, with two “mini-me’s” and a purpose-driven life to show for it. It hasn’t been easy dealing with all the highs, lows, and in betweens of a lifetime partnership, but I would not have wanted to do it with anyone other than Kendra. The best part about it all has been the relationship we share with God; both individually and together. Because of it, we have withstood the tests of our time.
After pulling into the garage and cutting the car off, Kendra didn’t move a muscle. I unfastened my seatbelt and got out of the car to walk around and wake her up. Closing the door on my side stirred her and when I opened her door, I found her stretching her body out as if she’d just enjoyed a deep slumber. “Hey sleepyhead,” I said while rubbing her thigh, letting her know I was still jonesing for her affection. She reached out her arms in a childlike motion for me to carry her and I obliged, grabbing her out of the seat by her hips. Her arms wrapped around my neck like a child and I pressed my face into her breasts to motorboat her. Her laughter as I tickled her brought a smile to my soul and I began to plant kisses on her lips and face while tightening my grip on her ass—carrying her towards the door leading into our kitchen.
Once we got inside, I put her down and she guided me through the kitchen into our sunken living room, motioning for me to sit down on our sectional sofa. “Wait here, I’ll be right back,” she said before disappearing off. The sofa pulled me in as I laid my head back to relax and waited for my wife to return. Not realizing how tired I was myself, I dozed off. The feeling of my shoes being pulled from my feet woke me back up and I looked down to see Kendra modeling a 3-piece lingerie garter in black lace, making my dick start to stiffen up again. “Good, you’re awake,” she said and offered me one of the two glasses of wine she placed on the coffee table next to us. “Damn baby, is that a new piece?!” I asked, excited about how good she looked. “Yes, I bought it just for tonight. Just for you,” she responded with a look of love in her eyes. God, how did I deserve to be blessed with a woman as beautiful as her?
We both took a few sips of wine while she remained on the floor in front of me, lightly rubbing my feet and letting me relax. “Alexa, play ‘Making Love’ playlist from Apple Music,” I stated, bringing a smile to Kendra’s face. She was a music enthusiast and LOVED when I listened to her playlists. Rihanna’s “Kiss it Better” was first on the list, affirming my wife’s next moves.
She geared up on her knees and placed her finished wine glass back on the coffee table, then began to rub both of her hands up and down my thighs—arousing me more after almost drooling over her new lingerie. Her hands were gentle as she undid the waistband of my slacks and I helped her pull them down by lifting my hips up. My black boxer briefs had a small wet circle on the front, which made Kendra giggle softly. “Mmmmm, somebody’s ready for me huh?” She rubbed her hands up and down my shaft through my boxers, teasing me gently. She stopped over the area of my precum stain and moved her thumb in a circular motion, confirming my wetness. I felt chills begin to go through my body from my neck down into the area behind my knees. I wanted her so bad and couldn’t wait to feel her around me.
My boxers found their way around my ankles along with my slacks and she removed them both—throwing them to the side and making less room between her and I. Her breasts sat plump between my knees, occasionally brushing against the bottom of my thighs…making me hotter each time they did. “What are you willing to doooooooo?” Rihanna cried out in the background as Kendra moistened my dick, allowing spit to drool from her mouth before taking me in both hands. As she tenderly massaged me back and forth, my tip rested on the top of her warm, wet tongue. She planted soft kisses on it before fully emerging me into her mouth, causing me to let out a long and deep “fuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkk”.
I rolled my eyes back and let them close as I drifted off into a state of bliss, enjoying the feel of my hardness in her mouth. She was perfect at sucking me off; deep throating my shaft, massaging my balls with her free hand, and making sure no teeth touched me EVER. When I would occasionally open my eyes to look at her, I could see her becoming hornier and hornier as she pleased me. Her eyes were closed as she moaned, the vibrations in her voice making my dick pulsate. On the ground her feet and hips were spread apart beneath her moving back and forth as her neck did…almost as if she was riding me. Her breasts still sat between my knees plump only now with hard nipples. I tickled them every moment I could handle coming out of bliss for a second to do so, which turned her on even more. I knew when Kendra was like this, I could ask her for anything I wanted, and she would indulge me.
“Bet you won’t let me titty fuck you?” I dared with a sly grin and heated eyes. She took that as a challenge and unsnapped the front of her bra, letting her round breasts dump out. I slid closer to her while she reached up for a bottle of oil on the nightstand that I didn’t see before. I guess she was more ready for me than I thought. After drizzling the oil across each of her breast, she began rubbing it in using circular motions as I watched, rubbing my dick in her place. “You like watching me baby?” she asked, and I nodded my head as I bit my lip waiting for her to finish. When she slid my dick in between those big, oily tits—I knew pleasure like I never knew it before. She bounced up and down with her hands pressing her boobs together, creating a tight grip around my shaft. Our eyes would catch each other for a moment as we indulged together, only to be broken by extreme moments of stimulation that caused one of us to shut or roll them back.
When I started feeling like I was about to cum, I slowed her down because I knew I wanted something else before I did. Something nasty and freaky, yet—fulfilling. Before I could even process what I was doing, I moaned out “Kennnndraaaa, let me fuck your face!!!!!”. As soon as I did it I was nervous, knowing this was something I didn’t ask for often and something she didn’t always enjoy, but tonight she looked at me with her lip bitten saying, “baby, I’m all yours. Do with me as you please.” That was all I needed to shoot up from the couch, grab her head in my hands, and slowly drive my dick back into her mouth. Once I had a steady grip on the floor and felt her become comfortable below me, I grabbed her sleek ponytail and began thrusting my love in and out of her mouth.
Listening to her moans and watching her eyes water up did nothing to slow me down. I was too in love to quit. When I looked down, I noticed she was fingering her clit while I stroked her, wanting to be pleasured too. I pulled out and let her breath for a moment, picking her up and laying her on the couch. “Turn upside down for me baby,” I said, coming up with an idea on the spot that would work for us both. She flipped over on her back with her legs over the top of the couch, head facing me with both sets of lips in the air. I got on my knees and put my dick back in her mouth smoothly, parting her legs to give her what I knew she wanted. While I face-fucked her some more, I used my fingers to play with her clit and finger her, driving her wild. I kept grinding and she kept getting wetter and wetter. I could see the cream running out of her onto the couch as I kept going, feeling my own dick about to bust. “Baaaaaaaabbbeeeee, I’m b-b-boooouuttt to nuttttt”, I crooned out while feeling on edge. She gave me the thumbs up, meaning keep going—which was all she could do in the crazy position I had her in.
Shortly after, I released into her mouth letting out loud groans as sensation exploded all over my body. When I pulled my dick out of her mouth, it was still hard wanting for more. She flipped over and looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I knew she hadn’t finished yet. I sat down on the couch next to her and when she saw that I was still hard, she straddled across me and inserted me into her wetness. “Shiiitttttt!” we both cried out together. I rubbed her clit briskly while she bounced up and down on my shaft for the longest periods of time that she could. When she got tired, I would wrap one arm around her waist and grab underneath her thigh with my other hand—splashing in and out of her pussy as fast as I could.
“Damn Shawn!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!” she kept crying out, letting me know she was on the verge of ecstasy.
With one last burst of vitality, I wrapped both of my arms around the small of her back, pressed my face into her breasts, and pounded her pussy from underneath with hard and fast strokes—making me erupt again inside her as she caved in, shuddering in my arms. We both laid there in silence, panting in heat. “Romantica” by Marion Meadows floated through our ears in the background as we rested within one another, feeling more connected than ever. When she finally got some energy, Kendra lifted her head and looked me in the eyes. “I love you,” she whispered. I returned it with a kiss on the chin.