Red Raspberry Leaf
Angelica Root
Lemon Balm
St. John’s Wort
Mugwort - Base
Medicinal: Stimulates appetite and digestion, regulates menstruation, relieves joint pain. Psychotropic, mild sedative, moderate hallucinogenic, and aphrodisiac.
Magickal: Aids in astral projection, clairvoyance, consecration, divination, dreams, healing, longevity, magick, to prevent theft, psychic development and growth, strength and rest.
*Avoid if you are pregnant or nursing.
**Some people are allergic to mugwort. Use with caution.
Mullein - Base
Medicinal: treats asthma, bleeding bowels, bronchial issues.
Magickal: Induces courage, protection, good health and love divination.
Red Raspberry Leaf - Base
Medicinal: Best used as a tobacco alternative, tones and tightens tissue, soothes menstrual cramps.
Magickal: relaxes the mind, restores energy, fertility.
Damiana - Base/Supplement
Medicinal: Tones and calms nerves, antispasmodic, regulates painful menstruation, relieves headaches, anxiety, mild to moderate depression and insomnia. Alleviating asthma attacks, effective diuretic and laxative, used as an aphrodisiac and to increase sexual performance.
Magickal: Contact other planes, increases the power of spells, love, lust, psychic development and growth, sensuality and visions.
Lavender - Supplement/Flavor
Medicinal: Relieves anxiety, reduces aches and pain in the body, can also reduce gut discomfort and headaches.
Magickal: Relaxes and opens consciousness during meditation, used for protection before a spell or ritual.
Chamomile - Supplement
Medicinal: Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, antiseptic, works as an antibacterial against strep throat. Sometimes used as a cleanser for individuals who wish to detox from long periods of drug use. Mild sedative used to treat nightmares and restlessness.
Magickal: Money, sleep, love, purification, beauty, determination, dreams, gentleness, good luck, harmony, material objects, meditation, modesty and tranquility.
Rose - Flavor
Medicinal: Anti-depressant, antispasmodic, aromatic, astringent, sedative, skin tonic, uterine tonic, natural source of Vitamin C, cleanses toxins from the body, lifts mood, increases sexual desire, supports healthy liver function and soothes nerves.
Magickal: Aphrodisiac, beauty, clairvoyance, compassion, consecration, contacting other planes, divination, good luck, harmony, healing, to keep secrets, longevity, love divination, magic, memory, peace of mind, protection, psychic powers, retention, tranquility, and transformation.
Peppermint - Supplement/Flavor
Medicinal: Antispasmodic, aromatic, diaphoretic, analgesic. Relieves tension in the digestive system, nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, and ulcerative colitis. Also good for Crohn’s disease. Use for tension, anxiety and hysteria - as well as migraines and headaches. Sometimes used as an aphrodisiac.
Magickal: Animals, consecration, dreams, endings, good luck, happiness, healing, love, material objects, money, prosperity, protection, psychic development and growth, purification, release, renewal, rest, sleep, transformation, wealth.
*Avoid during pregnancy or breastfeeding*
Rosemary - Supplement
Medicinal: Anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiseptic, boosts memory, improves mood, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, protects the immune system, stimulates circulation and can be used as a detox. Protects from premature aging and heals the skin. Used as an aphrodisiac.
Magickal: Gain confidence, consecration, courage, endings, fidelity, good luck, happiness, honesty, inspiration, knowledge, longevity, love, meditation, memory, peace of mind, to prevent theft, protection, psychic development, strength, water rites, transformation, wisdom.
Hyssop - Supplement
Medicinal: Adaptogens, antispasmodic, aromatic, cordial, diuretic, nervine sedative, antiviral, treats respiratory infections, high and low blood pressure.
Magickal: Consecration, contacting other planes, material objects, money, prosperity, protection, psychic development & growth, protection and wealth.
Lemon Balm - Supplement
Medicinal: Antihistamine, antidepressant, antibacterial, antiviral, eases spasms, aromatic, stimulates digestion, treats allergies and asthma. Enables prevention of and the ability to overcome anxiety, depression, nervous disorders and nervous exhaustion.
Magickal: To brighten disposition, compassion, psychic development and growth, endings, gentleness, happiness, longevity, love and release.
St. John’s Wort - Supplement
Medicinal: exceptional immune system protection, antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial. Can treat mild/moderate depression, and stimulate sleeping patterns.
Magickal: used to banish harmful energy and protect from hexes & curses, prevents sickness, enhances courage and divination spells.