My colouring tutorial ( Red flavour )
Screenshot the QR code! 💞
App "24fps":
1. Take screen shot of the qr code infront of you
2. Go to app , Then Import the video you want to edit
3. Press on three colored circles
4. Click on "+" Button, Then press on import polarr qr or lut
5. choose the screen shot that you took!
6. Press on red flavour
7. Save!
App "prequel":
1. Press "+" down below
2. Go to "adjust"
3. Exposure to -25
4. Glow to 10
5. Blur (optional)
6. Save!
App "colourtone":
1. Put the video that we edit
2. Swipe to end, Then click on "Jasmine Hand"
3. Press on angel
4. Save!
App "ultralight":
1. Choose your video that we just saved from colourtone
2. Go to "edit" down below
3. Then press on triangle
4. Make the charificity to 10-
5. Sharpen 10-
6. Go to two circles together down
7. Choose the red one
8. Make it to 3+ or more , I prefer 3+ only
9. Save!
Done! That is my colouring (Red flavour tutorial) For iphone