
Curated For Your Needs
Posture Assesment
No one has perfect posture, but your posture may be a big culprit of your pain. Let’s take a look at your body’s posture to determine optimal alignment and movement that works for you.
Movement Analysis
This evaluates your total body movement to get to the root of your issues. This holistic approach examines your body mechanics during various movements.
Manual Therapy
Hands-on technqiues are applied to help you decrease pain, increase flexibility, improve joint mobility, and relax tight muscles or tissues. Techniques include soft tissue mobilization (STM), instrument assisted STM (IASTM), joint mobilizations, lymphatic massage.
Custom Exercise Program
Now that we’ve determined how your body moves, let’s reinforce better movement patterns with personalized exercises to correct your form, improve your mobility, get you stronger, and decrease pain.
Pre-op & Post-op Care
Whether it’s an ACL repair, total hip replacement, rotator cuff repair, or any orthopedic surgery, we can prepare you before your procedure as well as rehab you afterwards via in-person or virtual sessions.
This specialized taping technique is designed to support the body while allowing blood and other bodily fluids to move freely through and around the injured muscle(s). It improve circulation, support muscles, enhances healing of injuries, and helps prevent future injuries from occuring…all while still allowing motion.
This percussion therapy device provides deep, rhythmic tissue massage to specific areas. Appropriate use can reduce pain, increase blood flow, break up scar tissue, release muscle spasms, improve range of motion, and more!
Ergonomic Assessment
Similar to Posture Assessment, it is important to realize that our workstation set-up may play a huge role in posture and pain. Let’s assess your office, computer placement, desk, or whatever your work space might be, and make things work for you.