Roe v. Wade Masterlist

Links with information on the subject as well as links for trigger states and what you need to know!

What is Roe v. Wade?

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), was a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States generally protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion.

What happened to Roe v. Wade?

“The ruling eliminating the constitutional right to an abortion after almost 50 years was met with celebration and anger across the country. President Biden called the court’s action the ‘realization of extreme ideology.’” - New York Times

Who/what will this affect?

This will affect abortion laws nationwide so they are now left up to state governments individually. The overturning of this ruling can also affect other rulings such as Griswold v. Connecticut which established the right to privacy and legalized birth control, as well as LGBTQ+ rights such as same-sex marriage.

What is a trigger state?

Trigger states are states where state-specific laws are immediately put into effect following the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Thirteen states have "trigger" laws, which were designed to ban abortion in the event that Roe is overturned. one method requires a certification by a state’s attorney general or other official before the law can go into effect. Another simply requires that Roe be overruled, or a comparable federal action be taken, for the trigger law to go into effect. As in the other approach, there must be a court judgment or a constitutional amendment. However, this approach does not require specific certification by a state official.

Where do I go to fund abortions?

Here’s a separate masterlist of places to donate!

Alabama: What to know

“A pre-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately from conception with exceptions for fetal anomalies and threats to the life of the mother.” - Molly Shah

Arizona: What to know

“A pre-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger. While this ban is over 100 years old, some Arizona legislators and prosecutors have indicated that they intend to enforce it, whereas the governor has said that the recently passed 15-week abortion ban will supercede the pre-Roe ban. It is unclear what the ultimate outcome will be regarding enforcement. Arizona Democrats have also announced their intention to push a ballot initiative for a constitutional amendment codifying Roe, but such a push will face significant hurdles.” - Molly Shah

Arkansas: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger. Arkansas also had a pre-Roe ban on abortion.” - Molly Shah

Idaho: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion 30 days after a Roe decision comes down (with some exceptions for rape, incest, and threats to the life of the mother). It is also possible the state will outlaw abortion without any exceptions in the future.” - Molly Shah

Kentucky: What to know

“A post-Roe abortion ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger (although the law is very vague in defining what that may mean and likely will be subject to challenges in court).” - Molly Shah

Louisiana: What to know

“A post-Roe abortion ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger. Louisiana Republicans recently tried to make abortion punishable as a homicide; however, that bill was withdrawn and they instead are trying to impose more penalties on providers.” - Molly Shah

Mississippi: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion except in cases of rape or if the mother’s life is in danger. It will go into effect 10 days after the Supreme Court decision comes down. Mississippi also had a pre-Roe ban on abortion.” - Molly Shah

Missouri: What to know

“A post-Roe ban would immediately outlaw abortion (with an affirmative defense created if the mother’s life was in danger) if “triggered” by the state legislature, governor, or attorney general. All three entities have committed to doing so.” - Molly Shah

North Dakota: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion 30 days after the Roe decision comes down with exceptions for rape, incest, or if the mother’s life is in danger.” - Molly Shah

Oklahoma: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger. Oklahoma also just passed a bill that bans any abortion from fertilization onwards (although the bill specifically excludes contraception methods) with an exception for the mother’s life. This ban could possibly ban or restrict in vitro fertilization procedures (IVF) in the state. This ban, unlike the other trigger bans, went into effect immediately, and, barring court action, has made Oklahoma the first state in the country to ban abortion outright since Roe. Oklahoma also had a pre-Roe ban on abortion.” - Molly Shah

South Dakota: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger.” - Molly Shah

Tennessee: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion 30 days after a Roe decision comes down, unless the mother’s life is in danger.” - Molly Shah

Texas: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion 30 days after the Roe decision comes down (but some restrictions may go into effect immediately), unless the mother’s life is in danger. Texas also had a pre-Roe ban on abortion.” - Molly Shah

Utah: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately with exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, fetal anomaly, or if the mother’s life is in danger.” - Molly Shah

West Virginia: What to know

“A pre-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger.” - Molly Shah

Wisconsin: What to know

“A pre-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger; however, it is unclear how this will be enforced. Wisconsin’s attorney general says that he will not enforce the law but cannot stop local jurisdictions from doing so.” - Molly Shah

Wyoming: What to know

“A post-Roe ban will go into effect five days after Roe is overturned, with exceptions for rape, incest, and threats to the life of the mother.” - Molly Shah

Open minded thinking, but make it aesthetically pleasing.


I’m Elizabeth, Elli, El, Lizz, Lizzie, and (as I’m most commonly known) E.K.P.Norman. I’m a photographer, writer, and artist excited to share my thoughts and work with the world.

Sexual Education

links for sexual terms and spectrums

Sexual education throughout America is severely lacking in just about all areas. What’s generally covered is basic anatomy, sexual reproduction, abstinence and sometimes STIs. This article and following links discuss the depth at which sex should be discussed.

Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy

The building blocks of sexual education start here!

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

18 Types of Birth Control

Condom, internal condom, diaphragm, the pill, IUD, implant, the shot, vaginal ring, the patch, the sponge, spermicide, cervical cap, fertility awareness, abstinence, vasectomy, tubal ligation, breastfeeding, and withdrawal. Know that you have OPTIONS!

Q&As for Sex and Pleasure


Consent is important, fun, sexy and mandatory!!

Disney’s The Story of Menstruation

Think of it as a monthly report card for your body. I mostly just like the oldies vibes of this video but gynecologists of the 21st century have confirmed that the actual menstruation story presented is rather progressively told for the time it was made and still accurate to this day. Watch some “gynecologists react” videos as well for the full scoop ;)

Feminine Hygiene and Menstrual Products

A playlist of videos to help all vulva owners <3

Virginity Q&A

Virginity, losing the V card, masturbation, and any other questions you may have <3

Pregnancy Q&A

Sex & Relationships

With Hannah Witton as your personal tutor!

Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation is about who you’re attracted to and want to have relationships with. Sexual orientations include gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, and asexual.

Gay Sex 101

Lesbian Sex 101

A playlist of helpful instructional videos for your neighborhood lesbian who grew up with heteronormativity. Helpful hint: lesbian porn is wildly inaccurate! Remember: use latex gloves and dental dams to prevent STDs and have safe lesbian sex ;)

The Bisexual Spectrum


The hard to understand idea of gender and sex and how it affects us.

Trans Sex Ed

All the questions about the bits and the parts, the dysphoria, the surgeries, coming out, and everything else, ANSWERED!

The Asexuality Spectrum

“For asexuals, sex is like… a donut. When we see a donut, we do not have the urge to eat the donut. This does not necessarily mean we hate the donut, or think the donut is disgusting— many of us even like donuts. But we never have any urge to walk over there and eat it. Demisexuals will have the urge to eat the donut only if it’s their absolute favorite kind of donut in the whole world, and greysexuals sometimes will have the urge to get the donut, and sometimes not. Celibates are on diets.”

The Female Orgasm

The female orgasm is more elusive when a man is involved. Discover the reasons why -- and how women are embracing hands-on solutions.


Masturbation is both normal and good for you! (Yes even for the ladies)

Sexual Rejection

A helpful article for when a partner is not in the mood.

“maybe a love song”

Now out everywhere there’s music

External link

“My Star Song”

Now out everywhere there’s music

External link

Films that please the heart, iris hue, and other vital organs too

This is a collection of movies, films, shorts, and more that I have discovered throughout my short life and have stuck with me since.

Mona Lisa Smile

This movie tells the story of a 1950s college art history class and especially its forwards thinking professor. This promotes the capabilities of women, discusses what it means to be open minded, and how to really think for yourself.

Watch link

Stand By Me

Based of the novella “The Body” by Steven King, this is a classic coming of age story staring Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, and Jerry O’Connel.

Watch link

Pojkarna (Girls Lost)

Challenging the understanding of gender and sexuality, “Pojkarna” follows three young Swedish girls who discover a flower that can turn them into boys.

A Grand Day Out

“A Grand Day Out” was a breakthrough in clay animation. First created by Nick Park while he was still in college, this tells the story of a Brit and his dog as they build a rocket to the moon for some cheese on their bank holiday.

Watch link

20th Century Women

In 1976, three women, from three different generations, use their knowledge and expertise to help a teenage boy become what each of them believe to be a modern “man.”

Watch link

Moonrise Kingdom

This Wes Anderson film tells the story of a pair of young lovers who flee their New England town together causing a search party to fan out and find them.

Watch link


This is quite a popular film with an amazing soundtrack. It’s a cute story of girl meets boy, boy gets girl pregnant, girl needs to figure out what the hell to do next. She does seem oddly unphased by it all.

Watch link


A film filled with a wonderful array of colors depicting the relationship between a man and his artificial intelligence girlfriend. “The Moon Song” is also a brilliant highlight from this film.

Watch link

My YouTube Channel

Cover: The Moon Song by Karen O

“No Longer A Teenager”

“The Things I Miss”