I’m Alex

Earth Tone Doula Birth & Postpartum Support

I’m a wife and mother of three daughters. At age 20 when I got pregnant with my first baby, I interviewed a Doula and I really didn’t understand what her role would be to me. I read countless books, attended classes and watched birthing videos. I prepared on my own. I labored at home by myself with my Husband by my side and that’s when I felt like everything I prepped for wasn’t with me anymore. I could only focus on breathing and getting through the next contraction. I made it to the hospital with my birth plan printed out ready to birth my baby. I wasn’t prepared for the overwhelming staff, the questions my nurses had for me and my baby who wasn’t waiting for the doctor. I went home with a baby I needed to care for and a body that was new to me. I should have hired that doula.
For baby #2 I hired an amazing birth team, still no doula, but had an amazing home birth plan and a two week postpartum care plan. After 13 hours of labor, and a baby who wouldn’t get into proper position, I desperately needed a doula for physical support.
Then I had baby #3 and this time I made sure I was going to be supported in every way you could be supported. I had a large support group this time and midwives I felt that met my needs. Baby three came faster then my midwives could arrive. I experienced trauma from not having their support. I needed to heal mentally and physically after the birth. I regretted not hiring a doula for myself and for my husband.
Let me be your DOULA, when you think you have it right, let me be there to support that. If you want 100% birth care but your partner can only give you 20% I’ll be your 80%. After your birth when you wish you had an extra pair of hands let me be those hands.
Looking back on all three births there was one thing missing. Support for me. Let me be your support so we can create a plan to meet all your needs and assure you the smoothest recovery into motherhood.

Birth Support


2 prenatal visits
-During these visits we will make a birth plan, we will discuss what to expect during labor, comfort measures, preferences, fears and newborn preparation.

-Unlimited text/call support

-Continuous support during your labor & birth and care after your baby is born for breastfeeding/ bonding support

1 postpartum visit
-During this visit you will receive a hot stone belly treatment and a postpartum kit. I will answer any questions that you may have


Postpartum Support


2 week Postpartum care

Whatever mom needs physically
-light housekeeping
-laundry & dishes
-meal prep
-baby care
-errand running

Whatever mom needs emotionally
-processing her birth
-making sure she’s okay
-encouraging her ability as a mother
-discussing worries & fears

Whatever mom needs to know
-breastfeeding support and trouble shooting
-newborn care
-any referrals mom might need for care

2 hot stone belly treatments
FAJA - belly wrap


Birth & Postpartum

Full Support

Every mother has a different journey. I want to give you options on how I can best support you. Whether it’s just for your birth, after baby or to be able to have me through both events.

Contact me for more information about how I can support you through your pregnancy and motherhood journey.

$1190 includes both Birth & Postpartum Support packages.