Ellen Mum Carer & Fitness

I want to help women/men/carers see you can get an effective workout in just 10 minutes

It’s my passion to help women/men/carers feel healthier in their own skin. I am a single mum of two, full time carer to my mum, half Cypriot and have lived in the UK all my life.

I show my progress with my daily workouts and with commitment, how much anything can be achieved in whatever length of time.

I am still a work in progress but I’m far away from the ‘weak little lady’ I was.

Tell me about you. Do you have goals? Is there anything you struggle with the most? Let me help you, help you ☺️

Enjoy our fitness journey together and maybe even inspire others 💪🏼

My wellness family

Who are we?

I didn’t realise this fitness world existed until I was introduced to it and just how much I actually needed it.

In a matter of weeks, it has made me more confident, so much more stronger physically and mentally and given me a structured routine (and so many like-minded friends).

Unlike many advertised workouts, this is definitely not a quick fix method. You do need commitment, consistency and the right mindset if you want to achieve healthy habits.

In the group, you get a ‘Netflix’ style choice of over 2000 workouts. (My jaw dropped as well, I never knew until now just how many you can do and not one is the same).

I can help you choose a programme based on your goals that will motivate you and help you achieve them.

You also get a choice of two nutrition plans included that you are welcome to follow or not. They are so easy to follow and can be used for your entire family. Who wants to cook multiple different meals everyday?

You will get as much or as little support from my wellness family as you like, even be involved in the daily morning workouts together.

This life will fit YOU, not you it.

Let me know more about you


Nutrition Plans

Several small meals a day or 3 larger sized meals

There are a choice of two nutrition plans included that you are welcome to follow or not.

A portion controlled program that takes the guesswork and emotions out of eating perfectly sized. No more calorie counting either and a completely flexible approach to weight loss or just maintaining a healthy balanced weight that lets you eat larger volumes of food to feel satisfied.

They are so easy to follow and can be used for your entire family.

Who wants to cook multiple different meals everyday?

You will learn delicious new recipe’s for you and your family to share so you will never feel hungry or need that 'midnight' snack.

Aspire to Inspire

I am building this business based on sharing my own journey

How amazing is it to know you can actually build a business based on your own path? You can show anyone you can be the best version of themselves.

You can join us and do it too. You don’t need to be a professional fitness instructor, athlete or award winning sportsperson to be a success. Or even have qualifications. You just need to be committed, have a vision, goal and faith (I was also worried).

If you want to know more, or know someone that would love this then let me know and we can work together 💪🏼.

Join us


External and Internal transformation

Not all changes are visible

Be proud of the goals you are committed to and what you have achieved. Physical changes are the easiest thing to see but the internal no one would know.

Since being part and starting my wellness family I have achieved way more than I thought I could in a short space of time.

🌟greater strength than I have felt for years (but I’m not aiming for Arnold Schwarzenegger, although there’s nothing wrong with him) both mentally and physically
🌟more confidence
🌟gaining more weight steadily and controllable
🌟eating proper sized, healthy meals although I’m not against the very occasional junk food
🌟I sleep better and deeper
🌟by working out, I have influenced my children to want to workout (in their own way) too

Tell me what your victories are 😃