escape education

Who we are

Welcome to our mini website for escape education! I hope this helps delve a wee bit deeper into who we are and what we do! Scroll left or down to find our more! 👍


escape education was set up in March 2022 as an extension of my internal Forest school work and intervention provision at a local primary school. After requests from outside of the school I felt the need to support more children across West Cumbria with high quality outdoor SEMH activities.

We set off with the simple aim; to work alongside parents, schools, organisations and groups to create a programme which meets the needs of the children and the environment we live near. It's been an incredible journey so far seeing us fully booked until July 2024!

We are an activity provider offering a bespoke service, not an alternative provision offering an alternative curriculum. At escape education we seek to support our clients mental health and well being through nature immersion, discovery and learning about nature along the way. Naturally our clients are learning new skills, investigating our UK wildlife and exploring their new interests along the way. We have achieved all this by using a blend of non intrusive therapy models, mentoring techniques and forest school pedagogy which we feel offers a bespoke "Eco-escape" programme to our clients.

🌳 Where is escape education based?

We currently operate at a number of exclusive sites which we have installed in collaboration with the land owners. We have worked tirelessly to ensure a solid woodland management agreement is in place and the sites are not only safe to use but abundant in nature.

Our flagship basecamp is at West Lakes Science Park near Whitehaven in partnership with BEC. We have the ability to offer individuals and small groups huge woodland experiences in jaw dropping scenery thanks to the conservation and efforts of the BEC team.

🍂 At escape education we are...

● Fully insured!

● DBS + Outdoor first aid qualified

● Working in schools and with the LEA across West Cumbria

●Staff attend regular supervision to safeguard ourselves for the intervention work we deliver

● Partnering with BEC at West Lakes Science Park since 2021

● Over 20 years of experience supporting children and young people

● Since beginning our work we have delivered at least a 5th of our weekly timetable either free of charge or subsidised. Kindness makes kindness!


Please use the contact buttons below to get in touch with us.


What we offer

Forest school

2-3 hour sessions over a minimum of 6 weeks immersing children in natural settings re-engaging with hands on activities reflective of the seasons and following the attendees interests. Our sessions include...

Den building, Arts and crafts, foraging, nature walks, cooking, tree planting, Bug hunting, knife whittling, fire lighting, play - play and more play, physical literacy, problem solving, circus skills, music, photography, Pond dipping, rivers and coastal work and much more!

We say a minimum of 2 children, maximum 30! We prefer maximum group sizes of 15 which we feel provides a better experience for all those involved.

121 work is best discovered in our eco escape offering. See segment 👇 below 😉

We provide all of the resources for the sessions including shelters and canopies allowing us to work through all the seasons. There are no hidden costs!

"Eco-escape" our 121 bespoke provision

Our bespoke eco-escape package allows us to provide children, young people and adults 121 work targeted to meet their specific needs but at the same time provide the rich benefits of spending quality time outside using the forest school pedagogy as our foundation.

Depending on the needs of our clients we use a plethora of resources and 20+ years experience to help support our clients to improve their social and emotional well being. This is delivered through a 90 - 120 minute session using a variety of tools through a mentoring package but drawing elements from our therapeutic and holistic practices too!

We support a number of clients who have a variety of needs and would benefit from some immersive SEMH activity provision. Our are trained in therapeutic interventions including mindfulness, drawing and talking, sandplay and mentoring.

Everyone needs support, it's what helps us grow! The clients we support using this provision come from a variety of circumstances which include..

Covid recovery
Change in circumstances (medical or geographic)
Low self-esteem
Missing in education
Risk of offending
Diagnosis of ASD / ADHD
Secondary transition
Transition back to school
Autism burnout
Developing Friendships and relationships

This work is currently undertaken at a variety of sites across West Cumbria and is perfectly set up to be used at any location, ideally near to nature but due to popularity it requires booking in advance.

*Off site delivery is possible but must be discussed on booking.

*12 sessions minimum booking. 12 sessions over 2 half terms.

*Testimonials available on request


Words have power!

Thank goodness!

We have used Escape Education for a programme to support a pupil with complex needs associated with autism. This pupil found it very difficult to access a mainstream setting and we felt that a structured outdoor programme of support and learnjng would be beneficial to their development and progress. We approached John to see if he could help and thank goodness he said yes!
John’s sessions have been expertly and carefully planned to provide a bespoke programme of support and our pupil absolutely loved them, making great progress both emotionally and socially along the way. John’s feedback to us at school on the content of and engagement with the sessions was excellent. Coming on the same day that the sessions took place it meant that as leaders back in school we knew exactly what was happening and were also immediately aware if there were any concerns to follow up on.
We would definitely recommend Escape Education and have already booked up a programme for the Autumn Term so that another pupil with complex needs can also access this support.
Sue Frost
Ashfield Junior School

Positive attitude

After my son , Jensen  had some really difficult times, and moments in the first two years of secondary school at West Lakes Academy, when we got told he had the opportunity to go to escape education once a week for a couple of hours it was definitely something we were willing to try as it would get him outdoors and out of the room. He was spending so much time in

From Jensen turning up, the first one or two times and not wanting to get involved and not even wanting to walk through the door to even try to attending escape education there was a clear change in Jensen ‘s approach and attitude towards attending escape education from the 3rd session! John himself is incredibly knowledgeable about the outdoors and the techniques he is teaching the children it came to Jensen actually getting excited about going to escape education and learning new things. Sometimes our son would talk to us about what he learned, and sometimes he wouldn’t, but he was always happy with himself, and what he had achieved.

The weekly updates from John were definitely helpful and some of the most amazing emails, I have read for a very long time. The most powerful moment for me was when Jensen did blind archery and open up about me, living with vision loss, then for Jensen to complete the final navigation walk to St Bees in such a happy positive attitude really showed me that he has got a great future. Thanks to john and escape education. 

Darren Blanks

The smallest things make the largest impact

John allows a child who is in crisis to connect with nature in whatever way they need that day, from a hammock, cooking, to being able to engage in activities. Children feel free, supported and able to be themselves however they are feeling. A child who I took to attend these sessions said - John will cheer me up when I'm sad, John will cheer me up without knowing I needed to be. John won't break a promise of what we will do in the next session or forget. The smallest of things make the largest of impact!

Miss Hodgson
Westfield primary school

Thank you

Thank you so much for having Imogen and giving her the opportunity to learn new skills. I can assure you she has loved every session and I've seen her change in so many ways, she’s no longer scared of creepy crawls like she used to and loves anything to do with the outside world! She is already planning on where she’s going to plant her forget me not seeds and the little butterfly gift has taken prized position in her room.. she said It’s one of the most beautiful gifts she has ever received and I know she will treasure it always. I hope you enjoyed the sessions half as much as she did and the very best of luck for the future, once again thank you from the bottom of our hearts to you John

Imogen's Mam

"Love every minute"

“We have been working with Escape Education for a couple of years now and the feedback from the children has been fantastic - whether it is taking part in forest school sessions, more in-depth eco-escape sessions or drawing and talking sessions, the children love every minute and the impact that it has on them is clear for all to see.

We would like to thank Escape Education for coming into our school regularly and making such a difference to the children you work with. It is without doubt the highlight of their school week. The positivity that John and Sarah bring with them is infectious and we are very proud of our working partnership and hope to continue it long into the future!

 Mrs Robson
Derwent Vale primary school

Confidence and self belief!

My daughter has been attending the BURN group at Escape Education. She thoroughly enjoys every session, actively participating in the range of activities and embracing new challenges. The group provides a safe environment for her to talk about things she would typically keep to herself, and allows her to develop trusting relationships with others… This is all while having fun, spending time in the outdoors and having opportunities and adventure she would be unlikely to experience otherwise. She feels a sense of ‘freedom’ while she is there. John and his team’s input has been invaluable, increasing my daughter’s confidence and self belief. She genuinely looks forward from one BURN group to the next.

Ms Kane

Long journeys are ok!

My son has attended sessions with Escape Education for over a year, initially in group sessions and more recently as a 1:1 bespoke provision. John has really taken the time to understand my son’s needs and get to know him, and as a result has developed a trusting relationship which few others have managed. He loves coming to the sessions, foraging for things in the woods, crafting with his finds and bringing his creations home to show us! We are constantly amazed by the things that he makes at Forest School and the new skills he has learnt. The setting is amazing and the opportunities for different activities are many and varied. The relaxed atmosphere has enabled my son to open up about some of his worries and early life trauma during sand tray work. John has the patience and understanding to bring out the best in my son and engage him in a way that allows him to follow his passions and try to overcome some of the challenges he faces.

Mrs Maher

It's really helped!

I know that our pupil has really enjoyed his sessions at escape education and they have helped him greatly! Many thanks for all your work with him and we will definitely be using the service again!

Mrs Thornthwaite
St Joseph's

Nature is key

I started working with Escape Education when I was at primary school and have continued attending 121 and small group sessions. I love the forest school activities and how being outdoors and surrounded by nature helps me to relax, be calm and have fun. I have made new friends, learned new skills and my confidence has grown. I love art and being creative. Being outside surrounded by nature helps me to experiment with new ideas, colours and textures. While I'm doing my work it gives me chance to think about any problems or worries I have and work a way through them.

Gracie - attendee

Emotional regulation

What a fantastic way for our student to connect with nature! It’s been really amazing to see his confidence and enjoyment grow through his weekly sessions, John has supported our student in a calm and respectful manner and allowed him to use the Forrest as a place for positive emotional regulation.

John's ability to adapt on the day to support his student’s needs is truly amazing, any child starting Escape Education, will have a positive learning experience catered to them.

Abbie Caine
Nudge Education - Welfare Practitioner

121 work is vital in a neurodiverse landscape

The most important criteria for me was that the teacher understood neurodiversity and the benefits of 1:1 support for the child. John excels in this area, he ‘gets’ my son and consequently my son has developed a bond with John, in fact he has stated that he hopes John ‘never goes away’.
My son’s ability to learn is dependent on a calm and non-judgmental attitude towards him, respect for his interests and awareness of the need to proceed slowly with each activity, whether it be a familiar one or not. John senses when he may be close to his limits and responds accordingly, he works to provide him with a rich learning environment whilst ensuring it is an enjoyable experience. I can honestly say that John is the first teacher who has had major success in gaining my son’s trust. This couldn’t be done without the 1:1 environment as he requires this dedication to his special needs. The session is filled with fun and learning, from identifying objects in the natural world to harvesting them and making meals over the campfire. John’s knowledge is I believe unparalleled, both of nature and children.

Miss Fox


Escape education at westlakes science park cumbria. Is absolutely amazing. My Autistic 14 year old son received a place back in February. Until July. He has came on leaps and bounds. Full of more confidence and social skills. Every session was tailored to his needs and capability. And my son went on to excel above and surprised himself what he thought he didn't think he could do. John was very patient and knew what he could achieve.

Drawing and talking, Game changer!

My daughters confidence and ability to deal with difficult situations has improved so much since starting the sessions. The mixture of drawing, cooking and talking whilst being outside has been amazing. The facilities are fantastic and we know she is safe and looked after She looks forward to going every week and we can see the progress she is making after each session. We couldn't recommend this enough, it has made such a difference.

Mrs Hewitson


It wouldn't be possible without...

We know that we are only where we are thanks to the kindness and generosity of a few folk who need to be noted.

BEC - Site providers at Westlakes science park

Carbon Farmers - Twig powered stoves

Holding hearts therapy - Supervision provider

Over the past 3 years I've worked closely with the wonderful team at BEC who own and operate West Lakes Science Park. This partnership has allowed us to provide children and young people with access to abundant nature within an accessible and very beautiful woodland. We have now established 3 sites at the park and work closely with the GMT and BEC to support the wildlife and woodlands.

Basecamp 1 - A large area for escape education to host large group work within a quiet corner of the park. Mud kitchens, Ivy thick floors and engulfed trees, banks, swings, scramble nets, den building areas, hammock zone and much more!

The hide - A mini site for small groups and 121 work which has access to jungle-esque rhododendron caves and tunnels, a bog, bluebell meadows in spring and mushroom heaven in Autumn.

The Haven- Our new indoor area upstairs at Ingwell Hall at West Lakes Science Park. This ensures our 121 and small group work will never be cancelled or re-arranged whatever the weather or time of year!
🌧 or ☀️