
Tell the world what you’re made of
Fabulosity Rockstar begun as a PR agency and evolved and changed into Fab + Rocks Magazine it become the benchmark of its success. It was created to platform projects then clients and new black entrepreneurs than started with Fabulosity and went on to building their own successful creatives businesses. I’m proud of what Fab Rocks Magazine has become . It’s made no revenue it’s purely a service for all black owned businesses to align network and become their own version of Fabulosity !
I created a platform for other creatives to grow evolve and become part of the fab rocks family . We push boundaries by being purely driven by reactive engagement that benefits the creatives . This platform is driven on the quality of the future creatives it gives opportunities to connect to other creatives . It’s a network driven by members of the black community in music fashion etc . Other black business owners and Entrepreneurs that have aligned with Fab Rocks either in business using our services or platform . It’s not about the number of followers it’s the growth of a network. That has become recognised by key influencers that want to become part of this new way we can promote and build opportunities together .
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Just letting you know that Fabulosity Wellness trust are now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 6,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself!
These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us. It’s completely FREE and only takes a moment.
You can find our easyfundraising page at https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/fabulositywellnesstrust/?utm_campaign=raise-more&utm_medium=email&utm_content=gs-e1
Thank you so much!

Tell the world what you’re made of
Fab + Rocks is short for Fabulosity Rockstar …”Fabulosity” a state of being fabulous a word created by Baby Phat CEO Kimora Lee Simmons
My Ethos is that we can all be fabulous , and achieve rockstar goals in any creative industry. Fabrocks Magazine is a platform for UK Music ,Fashion Arts . Celebrating creatives , platform ing new initiatives within black culture and the music and fashion industry. Empowering black women in creatives industries to become “Rockstars “ in their chosen industry.
Fab + Rocks has become known for its diversity and passion for emerging talent in all creative aspects . Giving opportunities for the next generation .
As above I want to celebrate others and support brands creatives and initiatives to empower the next generation of talent in all aspects of the industry. I begun as a hiphop journalist and PR and music manager from the age of 16 I pioneered UK music, I built my own network within the music and fashion industry with many black mentors and entrepreneurs that believed in me . Without the platforms and opportunities I was given I wouldn’t be able to to have created Fab Rocks . I wanted to give the same opportunity to others to do the same .