Abbey Killian

hi hi hi!

Bullet journal!

My 2020!

Admire someone's beauty without questioning your own...

The minute you decide you want to better yourself is the minute the entire universe shifts in your favor...your declarations, command, intensions, visions, & prayers begin the creation of a new reality. All you have to do today is decide & never look back...

"Smile someone is thinking of you!"

1. I chose to stop apologizing for being me
2. I release negative self talk
3. I love the person I'm becoming
4. I believe in myself & my abilities
5. I deserve all good things
6. I can do it
7. I accept myself unconditionally
8. I acknowledge my self worth
9. I am radiant
10. I am enough
REMINDER: how other people react to your choice is not your responsibility

Be the person you want in your's okay to not do it all...every day may not be good, but there is good in every day...we all grow rain, no flowers...never ruin a good day by thinking about a bad yesterday, let it go...happiness is am inside in love with yourself...visualize your highest self & start showing her... your life is as good as your mindset...chose joy...

anxious over being anxious...getting depressed over my depression...obsessing over obsession...doubting my doubts...crying because I'm crying...analyzing my over-analyzing...getting sick of being sick...tired of being tired...hating myself for hating myself...

Give yourself the same care & attention that you give to others & watch yourself bloom...

Two notes to self: give yourself another chance & self care self care self care

Swimming in different waters...mental health comes first. Make sure to love yourself today.

Some good good reminders!!! You are worth so much!!!!

The current mood of quarentine...

Super hard to do, but what we should be doing amidst COVID!