To get something you’ve never had, you need to do something you’ve never done

2023 is the best time to choose Affiliate Marketing

The greatest service you could ever do. Is service to yourself.

I did so by investing into a vehicle that ends the cycle of poverty with me.

Why Affiliate Marketing?


Because I don’t dream of a life of labour.

I don’t see myself working 40+ hours each week until 65.


Because as technology progresses, the world evolves.

Digital marketing will be one of the top 3 highest paying jobs in 2023.


What does this mean?

We no longer need to rely on the traditional 9-5 in order to retire.

We no longer have to wait until 65 to start living.

We grew up witnessing our parents & those around us sacrifice time & LIFE to settle for temporary security that will be tested at retirement.

Time & energy has always been the currency. We no longer need to trade these for half arsed gains.

Start LEADING your life.


You have money problems?

Look at your upbringing. How was money handled in your family? Did you grow up in scarcity? Did money come & go fast?

We talk about being stuck in a financial hole. Yet we continue to perpetuate the inter-generational cycle of poverty.

“It’s not your fault if you are not born rich. But it’s 100% your fault if you die poor”

Affiliate Marketing is taking over.

This online space is now making it possible for regular people settling for mediocre lives to pivot & create a life to be proud of.

Why continue a life of empty sacrifice when you know it doesn’t work?

Have you ever heard anyone say that working the traditional 9-5 has funded their dream lifestyle? Allowed them to live a life of true freedom? Comfortably support their family?

Our playing it small will continue to rob us of the best that could happen because we’re always thinking of the worst case scenarios.

WHAT IF everything did work out though?

Like it has for many Pasifika & Maori people in this space.


I am chasing after financial freedom so that I can be free to do whatever the hell I want to do with my time.

Things that add value to my life.

Things that leave me in a sense of awe.

Things that light me up.

Our life expectancy is around 78y/o. Retirement is 65y/o. So about 13 years left to finally start enjoying life.

NO! The time is NOW.

What are you willing to do & what are you willing to sacrifice for you & your family to live a life of true freedom?

Join me or watch me.

2023 will be yours if you make it.
However, it’ll look exactly like 2022 if you don’t move different.

Link below📲💸

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Purpose VS Passion

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”


I’m Foa, I’m 24.

I gave myself the permission to dream big. Invested into a strategy that will allow my dreams to come into fruition before 65.

Shifting my energy away from fighting the old and channeling it into building the new.
Wanting more means stepping into the version that allows myself to deserve more.

I’m use to playing things safe. I didn’t realise I was subconsciously feeding into this.

>> finished all my highschool years on scholarships
>> offered 5 scholarships post highschool
>> graduated with LLB
>> currently serving in the community in
a great role

I’m my ancestors wildest dreams BUT my family’s still living cheque to cheque.

The most idolised pacific goal but it doesn’t offer abundance.

It means being in the same place at the same time the next year, being in the same financial position, same problems, same weight, same baggage the following year, and every other year after that.

I have seen this space provide regular people with financial security and freedom. I welcome you to declare this for yourself, your family.

YOU can receive this too. YOU can accomplish this and so much more.

Change is inevitable, growth is optional. The choice is yours…

What’s it gonna be?

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