Happy First Mensiversary
To The One I Love The Most, My Sun β₯
Hi baby boo! This is your sunflower speaking π»
I just made this cute little things for our mensive, hope you like it πΈπ
Hi baby boo! This is your sunflower speaking π»
I just made this cute little things for our mensive, hope you like it πΈπ
π» wait for me to be your lover
π» being the cutest baby boo!
π» saying good morning and cheer up my day
π» saying good night with the sweetest 'love you' even sometimes you're sleepy and full of typo kkk
π» eat well and taking care of your health, but sometimes you being badbad tho πΎ
π» being my happiness, I'm so happy to have youu
π» being the best boyfie in this world
π» loving me π
π» everything, I just wanna thank you for every single thing β₯
I love you so much my sun βπ
I wanna say a lot of things to you.. about how lucky I am to have you, how proud I am of you, how happy I am beside you, and how much I love you..
But no matter how much I say it, I always mean it more than that.. I love you my sun, I love you beyond words, beyond melodies, beyond any love songs, I just love you so muchβ₯
Thank you for being such a lovely boyfie for me. I'll try to be better, we'll try.. cause it's all about usβ₯
I don't know what's waiting for us after this, but whatever it is.. let's hold on each other tighter, I hope it's all happiness for usβ₯
Happy First Mensiversary Sayang π
Meet me on the 7th days of the next month β₯
-Gabbie π»
I just add up to this link for our 2nd mensive hehe, hope you wont mind it bby π
I still love you the same π
Terimakasih ya sayang..
Makasih udah jadi kebahagiaan aku bahkan sebelum 7 Desember hehe
Sekarang ga terasa udah 7 Februari, udah dua bulan kita nemenin satu sama lain β₯οΈ
Aku selalu bersyukur punya kamu, aku bangga punya kamu, aku bahagia punya kamu β₯οΈ
There are lot of things in you that I thank for.. No, actually just everything, every single thing.. For always stay by my side, for every words that's so adorable, for your big hug, for lil pat on my head, for lil kiss on my nose, for your existence, for being here with me, and just for being you β₯οΈ
Thank you babe, keep being you, being yourself, the one who stole my heart since last December β₯οΈ
I'm sorry for every mistakes that I made.. sorry that I can't be a perfect boyfriend for you eventho I want you to get all the perfect things in this world..
Maafin gab masih banyak kurangnya, maaf juga kalau kata kata gab pernah nyakitin atau bikin pimiu kesel, maaf kadang ga ngabarin, maaf buat kesalahan yang engga gab sadari juga (qβ’ΜοΈΏβ’Μq)
But I'll try to be a better person so that I can be a better boyfie for you α(οΌ Β°β½Β°οΌ )α
Ingetin aku kalau ada salah ya sayang β₯οΈ
I wish all the best ofc for our relationship, I wish our love always full of happiness β₯οΈ
Salah satu hal yang aku syukuri, kita jarang berantem hehe ^^ seringnya ketawa walopun hal receh, ngobrol banyak hal, saling kenal lebih dalam lagi, nonton pilem seruuuuu ^^
Semoga selalu seperti ini ya sayang, gab sayang pimiu.. mau selalu bahagia bareng pimiu β₯οΈ
Pokonya semoga kita makin sayang satu sama lain, makin lusyuu, makin banyak hal bahagia buat kita, makin banyak hal baru yang harus kita coba, makin banyak kenangan yang bisa kita simpan β₯οΈ
Ketemu gab lagi ya di tanggal 7 bulan depan β₯οΈ
Love you so much my sun π
milkshake ini balik lagi di tanggal 7 bulan ini heheπΈ
...dengan konsep yang sama, semoga kamu tetep sukaπΏπ
Halo sayangku, kita ketemu lagi sama tanggal 7 πΈπ
Hhm... aku bingung gimana cara ngungkapin dengan jelas apa yang aku rasain sekarang (cielah) intinya aku seneng, aku bahagia, rasa sayang aku ke kamu tetep sama seperti hari pertama dan bahkan sampai sekarang malah nambah, makin sayangπ
I just.. love you so muchπ
Thanks bby for giving me so much happiness, I'll never stop thanking you for every single thing you do for us. I'll never stop being grateful for having you by my sideβ‘οΈ
Duar tiba-tiba kuis hahaha
Sebenernya aku pengen ngasih sesuatu yang beda dari bulan-bulan sebelumnya, tapi berhubung diri ini sangat konsisten (ekhem.. iya ini alasan padahal emang ga kreatip aja) jadi aku tetep ngasih link milkshake ini hehe
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dari pilihan gandaria di bawah ini.
1. Apakah kamu sayang Gab?
a. Sayang
b. Banget
2. Apa nama minuman yang pernah kamu rekomendasiin?
a. Olatte
b. Mogu mogu
3. Apa menu mekdi yang pernah kamu rekomendasiin?
a. Dinosaur dark choco
b. Dinosaur choco balls
4. Rasa minuman favorit kamu?
a. Matcha
b. Greentea
5. Series yang pernah kita tonton bareng?
a. I told sunset about you
b. Sweet Home
6. Siapa paling lucu?
a. Kitten
b. Puppy
7. Hari ini kamu?
a. Bandel
b. Gudboyii
8. Mana yang lebih nurut?
a. Xander
b. Gabrielo
9. Pertama kali cemburu karena apa? π€
a. Metawin
b. Opas-iamkajorn
10. Pertama kali Gab bilang "love youπ" respon Pimiu gimana?
a. Kaget, keselek
b. Salting, deg degan
11. Love shot?
a. Pew
b. Pew
12. Pernah ngamen/nyanyiin lagu apa aja buat Gab?
a. Matamu
b. Still Together eng ver
13. Lagu yang pernah Pimiu pake untuk video?
a. I like you so much, you'll know it
b. Strawberries and cigarettes
14. Gab alergi apa?
a. Udang
b. Jauh dari PimiuπΏ
15. Love you?
a. To the fullestπ
b. Beyond wordsπ
Udah segitu dulu kuisnya hihi pimiu pasti sangat kesulitan menjawabnyaπ kapan-kapan gab bikin lagi ya~
Sayang udah jawab semua pertanyaan barusan kan? Setiap nilai ada hadiahnya loh
3/15 : smile pict
5/15 : cutie pout pict
7/15 : lil hug hug
10/15 : lil kijj kijj
15/15 : BIG HUG, kijj kijj, lil pat pat, cuddle, etc π
yep, pilihan a dan b semuanya benar
Selamat sayang untuk nilai sempurna, karena kau begitu sempurna di mataku kau begitu indah~
We've been together for three months, hhm it's a short time for some people, but these past three months you really make my day better and brighter, is it because you're the sun? πΈπΈ
Every single day with you is precious, I like it that most of the time we spend it on supporting each other, encouraging each other, laughing because of retjeh jokes, talk about random thingy, sometimes watching movie and other precious stuffsπΈ I know that sometimes there are days when things are not going well, sometimes our body, mind, and feelings are not in a good condition, but we still understand each other and hold each other's hands, thank you for thatβ‘οΈ
I'm also sorry that I still have a lot of shortcomings, sometimes I made mistakes and have flaws.. sorry that I can't be the perfect boyfriend for you, my words or attitude might upset you, sorry for that baby booβ‘οΈ
I'll always try to be better for you and for us^^
Happy third mensive sayang, stay with me for a long time ya.. I love you so much, come here again and see you on April 7th π
Hi boyfie! Ketemu lagi sama nong milkshake hihiπΈ Semoga kamu ga bosan dan tetap suka ya, aku bikinnya ini terus :(
Really babe, we're just having fun and now we've been together for four monthsπΈ yeah it can be such a short time for some people, but for me this past four months really amazing, like each day just getting brighter and beautiful β₯οΈ and that's because of you, my sun, my happiness β₯οΈ
I feel like I keep repeating the same thing each month but I'll do it anyway hahaha
Thank you my bby for always stay by my side, thanks for being my happiness since day one until now we're on the 4th month, thanks for introducing me to the cutest family and such cute children kkk wepan, brigan, opas, dedew, tutuw, natcha, they're all sooooo cute, just like their papap πΈ
Thank you for every time you spend with me, thanks to us for always trying to be a better person for each other, thanks for loving me, I really love us β₯οΈ
And thanks for everything that helped us to meet each other and become each other's happiness, I'll always remember that dayπ
I'm sorry that even until now I still have many shortcomings, sorry for every words or anything I do that upset you, even sometimes I didn't realize that I made mistakesπ Gab is sorry naaa~~
I don't know if I really did become better or not, but I always try to be a better person for you, tell me if I made a mistake so we can fix it together, don't keep it to yourself okay? We'll try to do that babe, to be more open to each other, my sun can do that right?
I'm sorry that I can't be a perfect boyfriend for youπΏ
Psstt.. that's why I'm such a lucky guy to have you as my boyfriend, perfect bbyπ
I wish us happiness π
That's the most important thing!!!!
I wish our days always full of happiness, we can stay together for a long time, keep being each other's support system, and love each other even more every day β₯οΈ
I love you so much bby, soooooo much and I'll never gonna stop saying it, never gonna get tired of it, and I.REALLY.LOVE.US
I'm sooo lucky to have you, you're so cute, lovely, full of love, cool, smart, funny, aaaaaaa you're a full package β₯οΈ
Happy 4th mensive sayang, come back here on our 5th mensive! I love you beyond words, beyond melodies, beyond any love songs π
- Gab
MY BBYππ Welcome back with this nong milkshake^^ today we've been together for 5 months yeaayy! I hope you'll like this one too! .. and not get bored of it :(
Ayangayangayangayangayang~ ~
Ayang bosen ga sih aku buatnya ini mulu :( udah lima kali mensip, tetep buatnya pake bantuan nong milkshakeπΏ udah gitu kata-katanya ya hampir sama tiap bulanπ
Aku pengen buat yang beda gitu untuk bulan ini, tapi emang dasar otak ga krehatip, jadinya bingung ngasih apa :(
TETAPI!!!! Hiyyaaa^^
Tiba-tiba lewat di tl aku tutorial membuat padlet yeayy^^
Jadinya aku mau bikinin padlet aja buat ayang, isinya cuma bacotan aku aja sihπ bacotan gab dan beberapa screenshots dari jama pidikiti ampe pacalan tanggal 7 Desember 2020^^
Ayo ayang kita plesbekkkkkkk~
Open this π»I'll just keep repeating the same thing each monthπ€§ but my bbyyyy thank you for loving me, stay by my side, being my happiness, thank you for every single thing you did for me! You're the cutest, best bby and I'm suppa duppa lucky to have you as my boyfriend!
I'm sorry that I'm not a perfect boyfriend for you :( I'm sorry for every mistakes that I made and maybe I made you upset without even knowing :( sorry my bbyyyy you know I love you so much right? I'll keep trying to be better and better person!
I really love you soooooooo much my sunπ sooooo mucchhhhπ I know you love me tooπ hahaha
Let's stay together for many more days, many more months, many more.. years? Hehe is it too much?
But let's just stay together for a long time! Let's make more sweet memories for us!
My precious bby, I love youβ₯οΈ
Come back here on June 7th π
Uwaow it's our 6th mensive bby! We've come quite far aren't we, proud of us^^
You already know I would give you this kind of gift again hehehe hope you wont get bored of it bby, love youuπ
Wow udah setengah tahun kita caparan *tepuk kaki* ga terasa ya sayangπΉ
Selama enam bulan ini bareng kamu, aku seneeeeeeeeeng banget, aku seneng kita ngabisin hari bareng, aku seneng nerima semua sapaan selamat pagi dan selamat tidur dari kamu, aku seneng denger cerita tentang hari kamu maupun mimpi kamu yang jaraaaang banget kamu inget πΉπΉ
Intinya aku seneng punya kamu, aku bahagia, aku banggaπ Makasih ya sayang udah bertahan sama aku bahkan dari sebelum kita caparan hehe. Aku sayang banget sama kamuπ
Maafin aku juga karena selama 6 bulan bareng kamu aku masih banyak salah dan kekurangan. Maafin aku ya ganteng, bahkan kadang aku gatau salahku apa hehe tetep kasih tau aku ya kalau aku ada salah, atau kamu kesel akan sesuatu, jangan dipendem dan opertingtong atau kesel sendiri. Kecuali kamu emang butuh waktu sendiri dulu karena badmood dan lain sebagainya, aku pasti kasih ruang buat kamu. Maafin aku gaakan bisa jadi yang sempurna, tapi aku mau kok jadi lebih baik buat kamu. Kita bareng-bareng jadi orang yang lebih baik, okay sayang?
Happy 6th Mensive sayang π
Semoga kedepannya hari-hari kita penuh kebahagiaan, makin banyak hal baru dan menarik yang harus kita cobain bareng, makin sayang satu sama lain, makin dewasa dalam menyikapi masalah, makin terbuka dan ga mendem, pokonya segala yang terbaik buat hubungan kita yaaa~
Aku sayang kamu.
Ketemu lagi sama Gab dan Nong Milkshake di tanggal 7 bulan depan yeayy, sayang pimiu banyak banyak banyaaaaakkk, sayang banget, sayang terussss π
Beautiful isn't? 7th mensiversary on 07-07. The date is beautiful, today is beautiful, I just saw a flower outside and it's beautiful.. just like us β‘οΈ
The first thing I wanna say to you.. of course 'Thank You'
Thank you babe, for always stay by my side since day one until now we're on our 7th mensive, all ear to my stories or even unnecessary things that I tell you, thank you for the warmest hugs, the sweetest kisses, the softest caresses, sometimes you pinch my cheeks but that's okay baby. I can't stop thank you for every things that you did for me or even for us. Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you for being here, thank you for being you, thank God you exist β₯οΈ
I love you sweetheart β₯οΈ So. Damn. Much. And I'm pretty sure you know that already, I've said it so many times and I really mean all of it.
You're someone that so... Weird. I mean, I can't describe you well, I don't know how to brag about you, I don't know how can I love you this much, I don't know that you would become someone who mean a lot for me, I don't know why you are so cute, I can't explain how much I love you, and sometimes I didn't even know that I made mistakes.... he-he? ^^
So.. I am sorry. For every mistakes that I made, forgive me for not being good enough, for not understand your feelings, for every words that might hurt you, for every single thing I do that upset you. I'm sorry sweetheart. I've always said this but babe, I'll try to be a better person for you, for myself, and for us. I'll always try β₯οΈ
Let's be a better version of ourselves, together β₯οΈ
There's a couple billion people in the world and a million other places we could be, but you're here with me. Take a moment just to take it in, 'cause every high and every low led to this. I'm just so glad you exist β₯οΈ
I wish us happiness, I want us to stay with each other for a long time. 7 months isn't enough, right? :D It's not always sweet and sugar, sometimes we do have a little problem but that's it. Most of the time we're just busy having fun and adoring each other. But still, tell me if there's something bothering you, okay? Don't keep it to yourself, let's fix it together β₯οΈ
I love you so much, my sun, my world, my universe, my best bby, my sweetheart, my better half, MY EVERYTHING! I love you β₯οΈ
Let's have a kiss on August 7th β₯οΈ
Hello my cutest baby pumpkin! Nong milkshake back again this month for our eighth mensiversary. I'm sure you'll like it anyway so, here's for you babe.
Yep, it's me again. For the 8th time with the same little gift for you, thank God you always love everything I make or give you. You're so sweet.
Babe, thank you for always stay by my side. Maybe I said it a little bit too much, but really.. thank you. Maybe that's really us, just like the sun and sunflower, we live to each other.
Thank you for all your love and everything you did out of love for me and for us. Thank you for being the brightest sun for this sunflower. I love you π
Well, here I am. Still falling for you just like we're on our first date. You're that amazing, babe, that amazing. And that's why, I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for an amazing person like you. I'm sorry if I ever said something annoying, hurtful, or made you upset.
Maybe I keep making mistakes, so don't hesitate to remind me, sweetheart. We gonna be great together, we should be better version of ourselves, together.
Maybe you're tired of this one too, but I.. will always try to be a better boyfriend for you. I know I can't be the perfect one so it feels really great that you love me whole, for who I am. I love you π
And you need to know you're the only one, alright. And you need to know that you keep me up all night, all night.
Oh, my heart hurts so good. I love you, babe, so bad.. so bad.
I really love us, everything about us. I love our sweet kisses, our warm hugs, our random talk, our good morning encouragements, our sweet dream wishes, our funny and even lame jokes, and that's because I love the right person. You got everything I need and you complete me, definitely my missing pieces.
Stay with me ya? We'll hold into each other for the longest we can, eight month isn't enough, right? For now, let's just continue having fun together until it's our 9th mensiversary.
I really love you, so much. Happy 8th mensiversary, sweetheart. Give me a kiss on 7th day of September, okay?
Yep! You're right babe, this time is YELLOW π just like the sun and sunflower. I hope you still like me and nong milsek and not get bored of us.... I love you.
Happy ninth mensiversary, my sun. Hhm... What should I write this time *thinking.. thinking*
Actually I got no idea, babe, I'll just say the same things, I guess? Is it okay? But I don't know if I got idea in the halfway and say something new for the next page hehehe am I being too honest?
But you know what? It's like my heart, it still feels the same each month, each day, each moment, I love you the same since day 1.
And I'm planning to keep doing that.
You wearing my love like a pajamas, cute and comfortable. Thank you, sweetheart, for always stay by my side. Thank you for everything you did for me and for us. Thank you for all the love you give me. Thank you for being my happiness. Thank your for being the perfect lover. Thank you for being you.
You know I'll always thank you for every single thing you do, even the tiny one that I might not realize. I just know and I believe that you're always do the good things for me, so thank you for that bby. π
I'll tell the world, I'll sing a song. It's a better place since you came along π
You're my person, the one who brings happiness to my life. You're perfect, babe. I'm sorry if I can't be a perfect boyfriend for you. I'm sure sometimes I make you mad, or annoy you, or maybe I hurt you. Sorry babeee...
You know I always said that I'll try to be better, so am I did be better babe? I just wanna be the best for you and for us, so tell me if I did something wrong or if you have any problems. We'll work it out, communication is a key, right?
Let's be a better person together, sweetheart π
Page ini cuma buat aku ngamen yang..hehehe π
Ko adalah tempat nyaman sa memilih
Hati trakan sempat mo balik tuk mencari
Ke lain tra mungkin sio sayang
Cukup jaga rasa biar tambah cinta
Ko adalah tempat nyaman sa memilih
Hati trakan sempat mo balik tuk mencari
Ko anugrah Tuhan titip tuk sa jaga
Lamakan setia cukup ko percaya
Dan cukup ko percaya π
Sayang kalau gak paham, nanti minta translate ke aku hahahaha
Selamat tanggal 7 yang ke-9 ya sayangku, ketemu lagi sama aku dan nong milsek bulan depan. Aku sayang kamu π
Wow it's our 10 mensiversary! Gab and Nong Milsek come again this month for my cutest sweetheartπ I hope you like it babeeeeeeee
Hello sweetheart! Here are 10 reasons why I love you. I remember you ever gave me 10 reasons why you love me, so here are mine π
1. You make me smile, you make me laugh, you're my happiness
2. You care about me, you make me feel matter
3. You're understanding
4. You're sooooooo cute, like extra cute, you're the cutest baby
5. You don't hesitate to apologize if you feel wrong
6. You're funny and our humour match well
7. We can talk about lot of things, even the most random thingy
8. You want to spend your time with me
9. You love me
10. You are you.
And the 10th reason is the most important one. I love you, for who you are, the one I know since last year. Thanks for being you, my better half π
Babe this actually just a random love song list from me, listen to these song when you need some music while doing your stuff!
Happy tenth mensive, my better half. Thanks for being mjne and stay by my side. Thanks for every single thing you did for us. Thanks for being you, the best person in my heart.
I'm sorry that I can't be a perfect boyfriend for you, sorry for every mistake that I made, sorry for not being good enough. Sorry babe...
Let's stay with each other for a long time, nothing lasts forever but let's hold into each other for a little more.
I love you in every definition of the words, see you on November 7th!
Hello there the love of my life, thanks you're still here with me and Nong Milsek are so happy to meet you again ππ Hope you like this one too, it's still the same so I'm perfectly okay if you get bored of it.... BUT I KNOW YOU WONT HUA HA HA HA
I ever told you that it's hard to describe you, like.. my head and heart full of you but I got no words to describe you. You're just all that favorite lyrics from love songs, you're all the butterflies in my stomach, you're all that beautiful melody on my weekend, you're the coffee on my weekdays, you're the most beautiful one I'll stare all day in the garden full of flowers, you're the one who always give the warmest hug in this cold world, you're that amazing person who always look at me with eyes full of love and give the best smile that I wanna kiss all day. You're just my everything, I can't describe you without sounds so fucking in love. Sorry I'm cursing, but I just FUCKING LOVE YOU.
Thank you for always stay by side babe β€οΈ Thank you for holding my hand and not let me go, for understand me at those time when I'm being stupid, thanks for everything.
I'm sorry that all these months I'm still not good enough for you, I know I made mistakes and make you upset, I even told you how I get bored of everything in my life and you're part of my life too.. I'm sorry babe, I'm glad we keep hold on each other, guess I'm really just an average lover, just a human, full of flaws, yet still hoping for you to stay beside me.. pfft funny isn't?
But babe, please stay. I'm not the best but I'll try to better. Let's be a better person together and keep being each other's happiness. β€οΈ
I'm so happy we're still together and loving each other! Happy mensiversary my sweetest pumpkin, I love you with all of my heart, I love you in every seconds we spend together, I love you in every lyrics of our lullabies, I love you in every movies that we watched together, I love you in every kisses that we share, I love you in every hugs we gave each other, I love you in every good morning messages and good night letter, I love you in every time our eyes meets, I love you sweetheart, I really love you, too much. β€οΈ
Kiss me on December 7th.
Deeply in love with you,
I hope you like it babe.
Maaf ya kalau pas anniversary malah biasa aja gini, soalnya aku...kamu tau kan? Tapi aku tetep pengen ngasih sesuatu ke kamu, setidaknya Nong Milsek yang selalu hadir tiap bulan ehe. Walaupun begitu, aku harap kamu senang dan ga bosan nerima hadiah kecil ini dari aku.
Cepat ya udah 7 Desember lagi?
Udah setahun bareng sama aku, gimana rasanya yang? Banyak senangnya, banyak keselnya juga ya? Hehe
Aku seneng tahun lalu mantepin hati untuk bilang ke kamu kalau aku udah siap. Siap ninggalin masa lalu aku, begitupun masa lalu kamu yang waktu itu sempat.. ya... Begitulah. Walaupun aku merelakan pertemanan dengan seseorang demi hubungan ini, gak apa-apa. Gak boleh egois kan mau semuanya? Yang penting sekarang baik dia maupun kita sudah bahagia.
Dulu jujur dilema banget, harus gimana, tapi perasaanku ke kamu lebih kuat jiahkk. Jadi aku ngerasa gabisa ngelepas kamu, dan menurutku.. kita ya.. salah(?) tapi tidak sepenuhnya salah. Bagaimanapun kita memulainya, menurutku dimulai di jalan yang bersih kok, sudah terbuka semuanya. Dan buktinya kita bisa bareng lagi di 7 Desember tahun ini.
Aku yakin apapun yang kita lalui selama setahun ke belakang, semua punya makna untuk hubungan kita, dan aku harap semuanya itu mengarahkan kita ke hubungan yang lebih baik. Aku pribadi merasa hubungan kita cukup sehat, selama kamu dan aku memang ga memendam apa-apa demi menjaga hubungan baik-baik saja. Semoga tetap kaya gini ya? Atau kalau bisa lebih baik lagi.
Makasih ya sayang untuk setiap hari-hari yang kamu lalui bareng aku, makasih untuk semua sikap pengertian maupun penekanan ego, makasih udah sayang sama aku, makasih udah selalu nyemangatin, makasih udah selalu nemenin, makasih untuk setiap hal kecil, setiap hal detail yang kamu lakuin buat aku. Makasih udah milih aku 7 Desember tahun lalu. Makasih untuk ucapan selamat pagi yang nyemangatin, makasih untuk ucapan selamat malam yang menenangkan, makasih untuk pelukan yang sangat hangat, makasih untuk kecupan selamat tidur bahkan ciuman kecil di sela-sela kesibukan, makasih udah ngenalin aku ke keluarga H. Suppasit, makasih udah ngenalin ke Natcha, makasih udah nyiapin berbagai jenis hadiah setiap bulannya, makasih untuk bionya ehe, makasih untuk layoutnya juga, makasih untuk semua bucinannya si tl maupun dm, makasih udah berusaha tenang dan menyemangati saat aku down, makasih buat tingkah lucu kamu yang sering buat aku terhibur, makasih candaannya, makasih untuk tiap 'malam panas' ehehe, makasih udah percaya sama aku, makasih juga udah jaga kepercayaan aku, makasih udah cemburu tanda cinta ahay, makasih udah nemenin nonton atau sekedar denger lagu atau nonton youtube, makasih udah ramah ke teman-teman aku, makasih udah nerima aku dan bertahan sama aku sampai saat ini, makasih untuk semua hal yang tidak bisa aku sebutkan disini, makasih untuk semuanya sayang. β€οΈ
Maafin gab ya karena PASTI dalam setahun kebelakang ini, PASTI gab ada salah. Ada yang aku sadari, ada yang tidak, maafin aku ya. Kalau mau bilang aku manusia biasa yang gak sempurna bla bla bla terdengar seperti membela diri. Jadi ya...semoga hati kamu melembut, semoga bisa merelakan berbagai kekesalan atau kemarahan yang aku buat, tentunya terlebih dulu kasih tau ke aku, luapin ke aku, dan kalau ternyata itupun kurang, semoga hatimu merelakan saja ya sayang. Maafin aku masih banyak banget kurangnya, terutama akhir-akhir ini.. jujur aku ada di titik terendah aku, aku seolah rest beberapa hari dari RP, tapi aslinya di rel life aku gak bisa rest kaya gitu, ga ada celah buat aku, dunia selalu berputar entah apapun itu yang sedang menimpa kita, dunia akan terus berputar dan kadang terasa terlalu cepat... Aku yang belum pulih ini harus tetap nahan semua luka dan berlari mengikuti putaran dunia ini. Duh, jadi curhat...
Intinya maafin aku ya? Kalau ada kesalahan aku yang belum aku sadari atau ga kamu ungkapin, ungkapin aja, luapin aja semuanya. Biar aku tahu kedepannya harus gimana, apa yang perlu aku rubah, dll. Semoga kita bisa menjadi orang yang lebih baik lagi, saling memperbaiki.
Selamat tanggal 7 yang ke-12 sayang. Terimakasih untuk 365 hari yang begitu berharga. Aku bahagia dan bangga punya kamu. Aku bersyukur ada kamu di hidup aku. Tadinya ada banyak kata cinta dalam pikiran aku, tapi tiba-tiba blank *merasa kesal*
Semoga selama setahun ini bareng aku, banyak bahagianya ya? Kamu hebat, aku bangga. Pacarku terbaik, ga ada duanya, apalagi tiganya.
Terimakasih sudah hadir di hidup aku.
Aku sayang kamu.
Sampai jumpa di 7 Januari!
Your boyfriend,
Hello there, sweetheart. Here's Nong Milsek come again to tell you how much Gab loves you! I hope you like it. π
Nice to meet you.
Thanks for always stay by my side babe, I'm glad you're here, I'm glad you stay, I'm glad you're mine.
We really make it to 7 January again, such a special day for us, special day for my baby's π too.
Sooooo many things happened, right? We didn't fight that often but sometimes we got mad at each other, that's normal. I'm glad we're such understanding couple hahaha
We fight, we forgive. That's perfect.
Babe, thanks for being you. I'm such a lucky guy to be yours.
Here I am again, wanna say sorry to you for being such a bad boyfriend these days. I know that I treat you bad because of my personal problem, I know I shouldn't do that, you did nothing wrong, I should just stay still and not make other people sad or mad because of me. I'm sorry babe, sometimes I can't control that. Please don't think that I ignore you or sum.
I'm sorry for all of my mistakes, we've been together for 13 months but I still have a lot of flaws. I'm sorry for everything I did that makes you sad, mad, annoyed, etc.
I hope I can be a better boyfriend for you.
Happy mensiversary, babe.
I love you with all of my heart.
I love you beyond words, beyond melodies, beyond any love songs.
I love you to the tip of the universe.
Hhm.... What else? The way I say I love you... π€
I just love you so muchhhh π
Kiss me on February 7th.
With sunflowers,
Nong Milsek come here again π
Happy 14th mensive babe, I hope you wont get bored of this milsek and the same gift I keep giving to you each month. I love you to the tip of the universe. β€οΈ
Hi, precious sweetheart.
We're here again, meet Nong Milsek after 1 month. It's the 14th month we're being together, how is it?
I hope it's full of happiness. I've told you this many times I guess, that I'm sooooo lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for coming to my life and stay here until today, tomorrow, and many days to come.
Happy 14th mensiversary, babe. I love you to the tip of the universe. β€οΈ
I'm sorry for being such a ...hm... 'bad' (?) boyfriend these days. Actually I've shared few of things that happening in my life and it's stressed me out. I'm sorry that because of my personal problem, I treat you worse than before. I didn't ask you to understand, it's fully my problems, I just sorry..
I'm know that sometimes I don't answer or do anything as you want, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I have no clue about anything you want. I'm sorry for every mistakes I made, I'm sorry for being me actually.
Sorry babe..
Thank you for everything you do for me and for us, thank you for stay here by my side, thank you for being you.
I wont stop thank you and feel grateful for everything we have together.
Hhm... Feel like hundreds things running around in my mind but nothing can relly come out :D I don't know what to say anymore... Just, I love you. β€οΈ
Happy mensiversary, see you on March 7th.
Nong Milsek come back again πΌ
I hope you like it babe.
Thank you for always stay by my side until we are here on our 15th months.
I'll always feel grateful for having you in my life.
Thank you for all the good memories too.
Thank you for every single thing you did for me and for us.
I'm sorry for every mistakes that I did
Sorry for not being good enough as a boyfriend
Sorry for everything I couldn't do
I'll try to be better for you and for us.
Happy 15th months babe.
Thank you for loving me since the day one.
I hope our days always full of love, laugh, and happiness.
I love you to the tip of the universe.
Kiss me on April 7th.
Nong Milsek comeback for the 16th time hehe I hope you don't get bored of this.
Hi babe, it's your AMAZING boyfriend here. Hahahha kidding
It's just your ordinary boyfriend here, bringing Nong Milsek for the 16th times as a simple gift to you.
Lots of things happened, right? All the times we've been going through together isn't just black and white anymore. We've go though a lot of things, together.
That's why I adore our relationship, and I respect it. It was great spending my times with you, it is, and it always.
You know I love you, right?
Yep, I'm that lucky guy who won your heart. π
Thank you for all the things you did for me and for us, thank you to that event where we met for the first time, thank you for the event games that makes you talk to me in personal for an answer 55, thank you for notice me because I'm your bias, thank you to all the people and situation that set us together. Thank you to that time we stay with each other when all the things are messed up with your ex. Thank you for the times that bring us together.
I'll never stop thankful for everything that brings me to you.
And I'll never stop thankful to you, babe. β€οΈ
I would never be a perfect boyfriend for you, but I'll try to be better.
.. am I doing great? No, isn't?
In my defense, it's okay for our relationship not being all flowers and candy all the time because everything (good and bad) makes us a better person and help us grow up, together. Hehe
As long as we still love each other, in a beautiful way, it's all okay. We can fight, we can get annoyed, we can complain, everything for us to be better. In the end of the day, we stay. Nothing really makes our love feel less. It's all good, isn't it?
But still, I want to say sorry for all the mistakes that I did. Sorryyy babeeee.
Happy 16 months, babe.
I'll keep repeating the same things, but, really thanks for stay together with me. I want our relationship to be better and for us to better person.
I love you beyond words, beyond melodies, beyond any love songs. I love you to the tip of the universe. β€οΈ
Kiss me on May 7th.
Nong Milsek come again!!!! I'm sorry Nong Milsek didn't come last month on our 17th mensiversary... BUT IT BACK π
I hope you like it babe β€οΈ
Hi babe!
It's been 18 months, wow! Honestly, I didn't knew that we'll come this far. Thank you for being mine since the day 1 and keep being the one I love. Thank you for every single thing you did for me and for us.
Thank you for letting me get in into your perfectly imperfect world. Thank you babe β€οΈ
Through all these 18 months I believe I've done one, two, or thousand things that makes you upset, sad, annoyed, etc. Please forgive me on that one..
Sometimes we just can't click about something and argue a little bit, it's normal, isn't?
I'm not perfect but I'll try to be better.
Pft, I keep saying this but never been better, we're I? Hehehe Forgive me on that one too :(
Let me know if I did mistakes. I hope we can be better person together.
Happy 18 months β€οΈ
I love you beyond words, beyond melodies, beyond any love songs.
Let's stay together for a long time and being each other's happiness.
Kiss me on July 7th.
Your boyfried,