Homeschooling Journey
Hi all 👋🏽 (Português no primeiro comentário) That's a close up of me (and it took me a long moment, realizing I have very few 😄) A bit of our homeschooling route: I've been having a lot of fun (and critical tiredness) since becoming a mother, and I started studying Pedagogy when I was pregnant. I just wanted to know more about children's education (though now I realize the best route would have been to study Parenting 😁 not go into University, but one road kept leading me to another). I really didn't know much, or nothing at all, back then. My first background was in Fashion.
Then, last year, I discovered the Forest School in England and made its international first level course - I just knew it was FOR ME because it just gave me tears (you know, of emotion when you find your passion or love in life, that's how I describe it). Just after, I navigated into the Holistic Education Movement, found from Australia, and recently, I felt finally enchanted by Waldorf, by Steiner (a philosoper austrian). Which was probably bound to happen.
In the meantime, I studied Philosophy, and very finally, at last, I'm currently on Conscious Parenting, by Dr. Shefari (personal development and children's education). I think Philosophy is honestly my first real love, but I couldn't have done it before, and now as an adult, I'm finding my way into living what I believe without having to care about family or society's pressure. So I guess I'm incorporating my own life philosophy into my homeschooling to create a generation of critical thinkers & artists.
On a personal note - I've never liked Montessori.