Are you ready to work smarter, not harder & get paid YOUR WORTH?

Hey I’m Celia

I spent years as a working mom juggling side hustles, feeling burnt out and frustrated. I longed for a life where I didn’t wake up to an alarm, could work from anywhere, be fully present with my family, and enjoy spontaneous adventures without financial stress.

I was drained from low-commission network marketing and relentless 12-hour days. I wanted more than just surviving—I wanted true financial freedom and a life I loved.

  1. Discovering a new path

    Discovering a new path

    Everything changed when I partnered with a 50-year-old company with a rich 500 year vision, and embraced high-ticket affiliate marketing. Now I am earning hundreds to thousands per sale. This breakthrough has transformed my life and my daughters’ lives.

    By joining a multi-million dollar platform that manages sales calls and training for me, I learned the art of leadership, sales, attraction marketing and so much more. I built a thriving business on my own terms, without pressuring friends and family.

    Today, I get to happily empower women to earn $10k months online from anywhere, breaking free from the cycle of trading time for money.

  2. Curious to learn more ?

    Curious to learn more ?

    Click the links below and message me. Let’s discuss your dreams and turn them into reality. This journey has been life-changing for me and my family, and you deserve to experience this kind of success too.

  3. Watch ‘The Freedom Formula’ FREE Masterclass for ambitious business owners, coaches or stay at home mums whom are seeking a freedom lifestyle, fair compensation and, a legacy impact.

  4. Join Our Multi-million Dollar Training Platform for just $49 USD with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

    You’ll embark on a captivating, yet commitment-free, journey known as “The Discovery Process” to learn all about how this business could change your life.