Welcome to my nightmare that'll drive you half insane, a journey straight to Hell and back hooked on Crack Cocaine.
Hi guys I'm JuleZzz and this here's my website 'FROMTHECRADLETOTHECEACKPIPE' It's my story, a story of more than 3 decades of a nightmare existence living with class A serif addiction and the heartache that came with it. Come make the journey with me and walk a mile in my shoes and if you're thinking of picking up the pipe and trying your first go of Crack i guarantee you'll soon reconsider after hearing my story. It's a story of society and its wares that are snuggled over land, oceans or through the skies into our country and distributed onto our cities streets and made available to us (on the black market of course) It's the story of a seventeen year old girl from Liverpool who coulda,shoulda,woulda been somebody with the lyrical talents she was bestowed with had she not stumbled off the path of righteousness into over 3 decades of class A drug addiction.
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