Hey there!
Who am I?
My names Faith, I’m a small town girl trying to glorify God and make His name known in big ways!
My names Faith, I’m a small town girl trying to glorify God and make His name known in big ways!
Someone once told me “Faith your heart is on fire for God”, in that moment I smiled and to myself thanked God for His love for me. His love for me has sparked this flame in my heart. This flame that can’t ever run out because the fuel that produced it is everlasting. Fuel for Faith, is a platform that allows me to spread Gods love. It’s a space where I can easily share the good news about my Heavenly Father, and sell art to help fund me to be able to go out to the nations, in hopes to spark the flame in others. This fuel is freely given and I want it to ignite a fire in the hearts of every people group, nation, tribe and tongue.
God desires for every people group, nation, tribe and tongue to hear and receive the good news of His great love in Jesus! I want to go to the nations because I want to see my Father glorified among all people groups of the world for His greatest glory! But y’all I cant do this alone, I need your help. I need a team of financial and prayer supporters. I’m headed to Zambia Africa this summer. This missions trip is $4,800 as this covers airfare, lodging, food etc. Jesus says in Matthew 8:37 “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few.“ Yet I read this verse and without a doubt in my mind, I know that I am a worker. I want to make His name known, I want to share the good news and be a vessel for Christ and I ask that would you partner with me in doing so. Any and all donations mean the 🌍 to me, and please pray for me as I prepare for this time!
- painted canvases
- painted bibles
- jewelry
- candles
- clothing
you name it, I’ll create it.
*100% proceeds fund me to do missionary work overseas