Functional Fitness

Pilates based movement infused with all styles of movement to help create better form and fluidity in your body

With a strong passion for movement including dance, gym workouts, circus arts, yoga, pilates, and martial arts I spent my 20’s exploring every kind of movement I could get my hands on. During that time I got my personal training certification through ISSA and later my Pilates mat and reformer certification through STOTT Pilates. Shortly into my 30’s I had a series of injuries ending with a major injury doing aerial straps. After 8 years of trying to to find ways to do basic life activities better and with less pain I found out I had a mold sensitivity. Mold was affecting the nerves and fascia in my body which was not letting me heal from my trauma and making my body more ill. I am finally getting stronger the past three years and am so excited to start teaching slowly again and to share what I have learned about physical rehabilitation and fascia movement. Please email with any questions and let me know you would like to attend.
Also, please send payment prior to class or directly after class Thanks:)

Pacific time

I am now offering free private session or group classes due to a donation received to provide my services to those interested. Please email me to set up a time that is good for you!

Private Sessions or Group Classes:
$35-50 sliding scale, pay what is most comforatable with you

Cash app $AmandaBuzzille
Venmo Amanda-Bazille
PayPal Amanda Bazille
Zoom link is below