
Photos By Jake and Lane

You will find birds, lot's of birds. Abstract pieces, underwater pictures... And photographs of grave yards... Got a loved one whose passed.? Don't visit their graveside nearly enough, or even, for that matter....well here you can request a certain graveyard a loved one's grave side for example and I just hop on over to the actual site physically allowing me to do a 360 video for your own use.. Thus, you can view, place virtual flowers, meta verse the hell or heavens out of the 360 video.. and have that as a way to connect... Pay respects or what have you...

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Purchase a Coloring book today

Time to take the you back to you with a bit of coloring.

Having a dull day? I think it'd be bright if you grabbed a coloring book for that all important person, yourself, or a niece a nephew or even a teacher hand it to them and say chill... Coloring just has that ignore everyone and tune out vibe . I mean, my work hasn't looked rushed since I learned how to color in between the lines... Get it? Because ... Ah well don't stress Color

    7 figure Affiliate Vimeo vid

    Not made of millions yet. Although I partnered with someone who is... Just smart

    Sign me up tis my motto.a passive income like I'd won the lotto except it's all made from commissions finally for once I went with my intuitions.. an article I read just the other day.. All bout intuitions think there was three types. its got me sleeping better with more restful nights.. so pull up a chair and implement this...I look forward to partnering and becoming thrice.

    7 Figure Affiliate