The true secret of happiness live in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.


Travel is the activity of going from one place to another place. When a person makes the same trip every day to work or school, this type of travelling is usually called "commuting." Some people travel to other cities as part of their job.

Like Batanes in the Philippines has a little bit of everything for different types of travelers: the mountains, the sea, the rolling hills, and the food. But above all, Batanes offers a unique type of refuge — peace and quiet, and the taste of a back-to-basics lifestyle.


Food we need on a daily basis because it is important that we eat three times a day it also gives energy to our body and it is especially important to eat vegetables and fruits so that we can be healthier. We also know that it is one of the basic needs of people.


Sport is commonly defined as an athletic activity that involves a degree of competition, such as netball or basketball. Some games and many kinds of racing are called sports. A professional at a sport is called an athlete. Many people play sports with their friends. They need coaches to teach or train teams or individuals how to do better. Sports can be played indoors or outdoors and by individuals or teams.


Shopping for new love is especially exciting. So are doing new things, meeting new people, seeing new places and learning new ideas. Shopping is gratifying because some of the studies about shopping and happiness suggest that simply wanting an item without ever purchasing it can make you feel good. But we all know from experience that finally purchasing that item is so satisfying.

Here is the example where you can shop clothes especially sleepwear, there is a lot of sizes here. Check them out, happy shopping!


Watching we all know that if you watch something on television or an event such as a sports match and what its importance can teach kids important values and life lessons. documentaries can help develop critical thinking about society and the world.


An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through the Internet or any other computer network available. ... The design of online games can range from simple text-based environments to the incorporation of complex graphics and virtual worlds. Example is mobile legends.