3 Reasons Why I Love SEINT
Hi! I am Hanna Reeves. I am a cosmetologist who discovered SEINT. Here are 3 reasons why I love it.
1. It is a minimalist approach to make-up. Everything is in your compact. I always had the messiest make-up bag so this is great!
2. My skin tends to freak out when I am stressed. Anyone else who struggles with skin blemishes like severe acne, melasma, rosacea, etc., knows that better make-up coverage makes such a difference. It definitely removes redness and it has been the best coverage for me personally.
3. I have used lots of make-up on my face and others' faces so I have developed some tips and tricks over the years. I'll actually share a tip right now, you should feel confident when you apply and complete your make-up. This make-up does that for me and I want to help others feel the same way.
Simple. Coverage. Confidence.
Want to know how to get started with the easiest makeup routine you have ever done?
Click “Colormatch Me” to get started!