Jewlery boutique

I little something to make you smile

Hi, my name is Amalie I am quite young to be on a make your own website.. but I want you guys to feel comfortable with what you are buying and who is selling it too you so first I will introduce myself!

Hi, this web is about jewellery, this year I have discovered my passion: art, I love watercolour and sketching! Recently I have discovered a new passion: jewellery making! I have seen many people also doing this on Pinterest! And so this week I have fixed my mind on making rings, necklace icons and I am figuring out what to do next!

It would be really helpful for you to look at this and think that you would maybe like to buy any of these? Because that would really make my day!

About me

Stuff to know..

Hi,it’s Amalie! And I am going to tell you a little more about myself! First of all i will tell you how I got into jewellery..

I had been extremely bored over the past few weeks wondering for things to do, I had started of with a piece of wire in my hands when I had the perfect idea! I was going to make jewellery so.. I made a ring first of all I loved it and decided to make more!

Recently my mum caught Covid! And so I had to stay off because of the new rules down were I live… I am now making loads of jewellery! And as you see in the picture above I have started making necklace icons!

A little something to put a smile on your face

A little fun for everyone