Heather Dunham
Actor, Voiceover, Model, Artist
Heather's character is complex, with a mixture of antagonist and protagonist. Her character is seeking love, acceptance and feeling understood. She is a strong and sure problem solver, having to take on the role of "adult" at times. She does not want to be around anything that can make her feel inferior or small, and fears abandonment. She reveals only what she feels will be accepted and her lack of full vulnerability keeps her from the very thing she seeks. Heather's character must learn to look inwards and find comfort within herself, to let love begin there. By understanding this she will be able to find inner peace and allow relationships to connect at the right and perfect timing.
Sometimes, our role models contribute true meaningful value to our lives. Other times, the people around us show us where we need to grow. Growing up, it was often characters or music artists going through the things Heather was that made her feel like someone understood her. Heather's audience doesn't have a strong role model so they can be easily influenced, leading them to learn the hard way. They may of had to grow up quickly, without truly experiencing every stage of life. Heather hopes that her audience can discover more of themselves and feel a sense of companionship when they see her work. By accepting the good and bad about ourselves, we can love and appreciate who we are without seeking external validation and be brave enough to bet on ourselves more often.
Heather attributes 3 main teachings from her parents that she credits to her success. The first, is reading comprehension. She was taught that if you can read, you can teach yourself anything. The second, was to learn from the mistakes of others. Observe how others act, the choices they make, and where it gets them so you don’t have to make that mistake yourself. The third lesson was to follow through on your obligations. If you say you’re going to do something, do it; no quitting half way through. If you learn you no longer want to do something, you don’t have to next time but finish what you start. Integrity has become an integral part of Heather’s morale.