Please allow me to introduce myself
Hello, I’m so glad you stopped by my page! My name is Erika, I’m 31 years young, married the love of my life at age 23, we have 2 beautiful boys and one baby girl in heaven.🤍🕊 We lost our baby girl to a miscarriage in Oct. 2020…it really broke us. The hardest season we had to walk through as a couple and family. We love Jesus and believe he has a greater plan.
We love our family time, making memories and enjoying the little things. Life’s short, make the most of it right? I love to worship whether it’s in song, dance or spoken word (poetry). I love letting my creative juices flow to glorify God.
I have worked for the school district for over 8 years now. I work in special education. I also own my own faith-based clothing brand, Sundaze Best Apparel
I recently got started with MONAT Global at the end of Feb. of 2021 (my hair and skin needed some major lovin’) and woooow! I wish I found this company sooner. It’s been a huge blessing.