i am third.

God (i.) everyone else (ii.) me (iii.)

hello!! my name is alyssa and i am seventeen years old!

this is a blog to hopefully help other girls who have struggled with the things i have (and am still struggling with)—sexual abuse, depression, anxiety, the feeling of unworthiness...i want to help you overcome these things, and the only way to overcome it is with God’s help!

you are enough!!

1 peter 2:9 “ but you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. ”

something i really struggle with is worrying that i am too much for people, or, even worse, not enough. therefore, i do anything i can to please them, to make them stay—i do anything in my power to make them love me.

something amazing that i have found, however, is that God loves you (i will go in more depth with that topic in my next post!). he loves you, and in Him you. are. enough.

you are perfect. you are loved. you are worthy. you are strong. you are brave. you are fearless. you are chosen. you are God’s handiwork. you are beautiful. you are forgiven. you are whole—you are complete.

we can’t find those things in anyone or anything else. it is only God who can fill the emptiness inside of you (john 4:1-26)!!

all my life i have searched for the acceptance from others. i have tried loving them with all my might, being quiet, being well-behaved, not arguing...they still leave. people leave and it is scary. it is so scary...but God—God doesn’t leave and he won’t ever leave!! he loves you, unconditionally, every second of every day!! Jesus loves you!

you. are. enough.