Tell the world what you’re made of

Hi, I'm Ibin and I'm so glad you're here!

2 years ago my entire life changed when I was introduced to an online health and wellness business that I could work online in my spare time. I was a wife, full-time Account Manager and mom of 3 step-mom of 8 so life was more than full and I was up to my eyeballs work. While I thought we were living the American Dream, my husband and I both knew there had to be more. We lived paycheck to paycheck and there never seemed to be enough money left over to start a savings account. We worked hard but could never get ahead.

When I was approached about joining an online health and wellness business, I had a few thoughts:
- No way I'm joining a pyramid scheme
- No way the products work
- I don't have time
- I definitely don't have the money

The problem is that I wanted more money and more time with my family and I couldn't get the thought out of my head, "what if?" What if I could actually make money? What if it isn't an illegal pyramid scheme like I rushed to believe? What if I could have more time at home with my family?

I took a leap and said yes. The rest is history.

It would take me all day to explain the ways this business has changed my life. We have started a savings account and are on our way to our dream life. Retiring on a tropical island.!!! We still work, but it's from home, when we want and where we want.

And this is where you come in.

If you're like me and don't want to be tied to a 9-5 or you're at home with your kiddos but want to help contribute, then maybe you should take a look. The info to take a look at this business costs you EXACTLY ZERO DOLLARS. Let me share what I've done and how I can help you too.

Before you fill out the application, I want you to know a few of the things you'll learn when you join me:

+ How to make an income from IG and FB
+ How to create aesthetic stories
+ Personal Development
+ Business Training
+ How to make money as a brand rep for a Global health and wellness company

Ask yourself these questions:

+ Am I goal oriented?
+ Am I coachable?
+ Am I ready to hustle to change my life?
+ Am I open minded to learning more?
+ Am I willing to learn how to turn a crazy low start up business cost into profit immediately?

If those answers are yes, let me help you take this opportunity and turn your passion and desire into an income and a life you LOVE and are EXCITED to wake up and live!


I could talk forever about what It Works has done for me, but honestly, I am excited about what it can do for YOU! I can't wait to talk with you! Apply below and let's see if this opportunity is a good fit for you! And if you've tried it before, maybe you should take another look? New commissions plan, new product line, new everything. Fill out the form and let's talk!
