About me

Uncharted Horizons: Billy Gajan Waran's Trailblazing Journey

Embarking on my journey into the working world at an early age, I took on the responsibility of a paperboy at 10, delivering the esteemed Toronto Star to eager readers. By 12, my entrepreneurial spirit blossomed as I secured my first cleaning contract, managing finances and leading a small team to clean a corporate building. From ages 12 to 18, I immersed myself in various entrepreneurial endeavors typical of a kid - selling candy and pop, offering services such as phone sales (primarily Blackberry devices at the time), and fixing computers. These experiences taught me the value of earning, saving, and being self-employed, as well as learning to sell, customer retention, and problem-solving. They've truly paved my way forward and equipped me with invaluable skills for navigating both personal and professional realms.

At a mere 17, I found myself at a crossroads in bustling Calgary. Born into a family of education and prosperity, I chose an unconventional path, diving into dealings and trade. This marked the genesis of a journey defined by pivotal choices.

Financial constraints became the catalyst for an academic odyssey. Marketing, currency trading, and penny stocks became more than subjects; they were the pillars of an inexorable quest for personal growth, transcending necessity.

Relocating to serene Grande Prairie marked a turning point. This sanctuary, untouched by the hustle, echoed the poignant notes of a journey to redemption.

The first 24 months in Grande Prairie forged a crucible of self-improvement. My relentless dedication reignited the flame of ambition, culminating in the restart of businesses. This period underscored not just a fractured family background but practical skills acquired in diverse industries.

From the embers of past missteps emerged a new persona – an entrepreneur, problem solver, and innovator. My journey showcased skills honed in diverse industries, reflecting an indomitable spirit cultivated in the face of familial fractures.

Delving into automotive excellence, my journey revealed familial collaboration, automotive expertise, and ventures with my father. From autobody and automotive work to vehicle wholesaling, aircraft sales, brokerage, charter, dealership, leasing, export, marketing, software development, automation, robots, VTOL, and more, this craftsman's expertise knew no bounds.

Security became the next frontier. My contributions shone through a family-owned security company, laying the foundation for my own guard and cybersecurity enterprise. Exposure to camera installation, monitoring, sensor technologies, and security protocols became a cornerstone for future ventures.

Venturing into finance, my exploration into currency trading, marketing, and penny stocks evolved into a mastery of financial markets, neuro-marketing, and digital currencies. This fusion of skills and cutting-edge technologies defined my financial strategies.

My journey extended into real estate and finance, navigating personal and commercial ventures with a visionary understanding of market dynamics.

Evolving into a global visionary, I immersed myself in diverse industries, emerging as a pioneer in an ever-changing landscape fueled by innovation.

In conclusion, my journey epitomizes an unyielding pursuit of success, innovation, and adaptability. It's not just a collection of events but a testament to boundless possibilities within the human spirit. An earnest invitation to readers to embrace the enigma of the unknown, forge their own path, and redefine their lives in pursuit of a fulfilling and extraordinary existence. My fractured family background, skills acquired in diverse industries, triumph over adversity, and mastery of contemporary financial landscapes form the crux of a life story that transcends conventional boundaries. Each skillset stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability defining my journey, reflecting not only personal evolution but a commitment to embracing the ever-changing tapestry of life.

💼 Professional Journey: Embarking on my entrepreneurial journey in 2015, I founded Alberta Marketing Services and GNETROI, pioneering digital advertising and exploring the intricacies of financial markets. These ventures marked the beginning of my path toward innovation and growth.

In 2020, I launched ChivLabs Inc., driving innovation in digital marketing, software development, infrastructure solutions, automation/autonomous solutions, and cybersecurity. Leveraging my industry expertise, I founded Jetzset for aviation and Carmanana for automotive solutions. Waran Metals focused on metal recycling, aligning with sustainability goals.

🔍 Key Expertise:
- Digital Marketing Strategy & Analytics 📊
- Digital Asset Management & Media Buying 💻
- Software Development & Engineering 🛠️
- Cybersecurity Solutions & Risk Management 🔒
- Venture Capital Investments & Strategic Financing 💰
- Automotive Industry Dynamics & Sales Strategies 🚗
- Aviation Operations & Aircraft Brokerage ✈️
- Metal Recycling Technologies & Material Engineering ♻️
- Automation Systems Integration & Robotics Engineering 🤖
- Bioengineering Innovations & Biotechnology Advancements 🧬
- Clean Energy Technologies & Renewable Energy Solutions 🌱

☀️ Commitment to Sustainability: Deeply committed to sustainability, I integrate eco-friendly practices and advanced technologies across ventures.

💡 Collaborative Ventures: Partnering with 786 Capital, we integrate automotive and aviation expertise with VK Universe's innovative solutions, driving solar integration, automation/autonomous solutions, and sustainable food initiatives. Together, we pioneer impactful ventures across diverse sectors, forging innovation and lasting impact.