Writing Benefits + Tips

@dawnpoems x here collab: Writing

Meet Jennifer Rockwell.

She is a writer known as @dawnpoems on TikTok & Instagram whose shared her life with us through words gathered from experiences and a beautiful range of emotions. Through this, she has inspired many to write and has built a beautiful community through connection.

Below she shares with us 5 benefits of writing & tips on how to get started.

5 benefits of writing:

1) Writing helps you understand your own emotions.

Sometimes you don't even know what it is you are feeling until you write about it! Writing is an incredible way to process your feelings and emotions and see them clearly written down in front of you.

2) Writing is a great way to keep track of self growth/progress/healing.

Writing (especially journaling) helps you reflect on where you were a year ago and clearly see how far you’ve come. It is an amazing tool to gain perspective on the things you are facing in the current moment and realize how much you have already overcome.

3) It's very therapeutic.

You don't have to be ‘good’ at writing for it to be very relaxing and healing and bring you back into your body. I see it almost as a form of meditation, it can be very soothing.

4) Writing can help you connect with others.

Sharing your writing (especially very vulnerable pieces) can be scary and daunting at first, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. It is such a special feeling to connect with someone on the other side of the world who can relate to the deeply personal things you wrote about. It can make you feel less alone and remind you how connected we all are as human beings.

5) It's fun!

Writing is so fun. Crafting words is fun. Reading back over things you wrote in the past is fun. It's a great way to get creative and spend less time on social media (something I am trying to work on!)

5 tips on starting:

1) Write.

It sounds silly, but the most important first step in becoming a writer is to write. Often we get so overwhelmed with the fear of not being good enough we never even start. Pick up a pen or a laptop, whatever feels natural to you, and just start writing.

2) Don't judge yourself!

Write freely without the thought that anyone will ever read it. Write without stopping to criticize or analyze. Just let everything pour out without overthinking it.

3) Writing prompts.

Feeling stuck and lacking inspiration? Google writing prompts. A writing prompt is a simple sentence to get you started. For example “when the night is cold…” or “five things I learnt through my heartbreak”. You don't need to keep the prompt in your final piece, but it's a helpful way to get started and break through writer's block.

4) Read!

Not only does reading help to keep you inspired, it really does improve your writing. It's a great way to build on your vocabulary and be exposed to many different styles of writing.

5) “Write in hot blood, edit in cold”

This was the best piece of advice I was ever given by a mentor. Write when the emotions are intense and let everything fall on to the page without editing or worrying about grammar or structure or even making sense. When those moments of inspiration hit, go with it. Come back later and edit, edit, edit. I will sometimes craft one piece for weeks (even months!) before I'm happy with it.

* Bonus tip: have fun! *

At the end of the day, writing is supposed to be enjoyable and a beautiful way for you to express yourself and your emotions. Don't take it too seriously and just enjoy the process. Your words matter, you matter, and your writing is a gift to this world. So get out there and write!

Find Jennifer on IG and TikTok at the links below


Jennifer’s words shared on TikTok


Follow Jennifer’s journey through Instagram

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Benefits Of Gratitude Journaling:

— Can help lower your stress levels;
It can help you feel calmer

— Gain new perspective. You can gain clarity on what you want to have more of in your life, and what you can do without

— Learn more about yourself and become more self-aware. This is for your eyes only, so you can write anything you feel without worrying about judgment from others